A Thought About Parallel Universes.
Fort Knox Sits on the 37th Parallel
Continuing Cattle Mutilations
What is a Ghost Made of?
America has Spoken!
Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS
Vote Trump for UFO Disclosure.
Black Knight Satellite
Deputy Fired Over UFOs? Not Any More!
Marley Woods Missouri, Investigation.
Lightning Creates Electricity and Hydrogen. Does ET Use the Hydrogen? Maybe Both?
Canadian Cattle Mutilation
Majority of UFO Sightings Can Be Explained.
Could Aliens Be Earthlings Visiting from our Future?
Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence.
Possible Colorado Cattle Mutilation February 2024.
Declaration of A State of War with Ancient Aliens TV Show.
Mysterious Cattle Mutilations.
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Why You Can’t Catch a Bigfoot.
UFO/UAP Detector: Best Tool for UFO Investigations.
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance
Is Fast Food Trying to be, Too Fast?
Finding Unknown Aluminum Alloy Metal Underground is “NOT” Common!
Anomalous Metal Alloy Found at 1947 Roswell Crash Debris Site!
More Debris Found on 06/29/23 at Roswell’s 1947 Crash Site!
Press Release: Piece of Metal Found at the 1947 Roswell Debris Site on 06/03/23, is Aluminum Alloy!
New Cattle Mutilation Case on the 37 Parallel, Aguilar, Colorado!
More Metal Found at the Famed Roswell Debris Site, as Recent as June 3rd, 2023!
Anomaly caught on camera while on vacation in the Mediterranean Sea.
Animal Mutilations, What Are They?
New Cattle Mutilation in Harney County, Oregon!
Update on my Hydrogen and 37th Parallel Theories.
Are Mythical Creatures Living on our Planet?
Numbers in a Pattern. Do You See Them?
Has my 37th Parallel Theory become, Media Accepted?
The word, “Paranormal.” Stop trying to Redefine it!
The Sacred Sites of Ireland.
UFOlogy; To Agree or not to Agree. Is that the Question?
Life Finds a Way!
People who are Intuitive.
I’m Chuck Zukowski, and I’m Radioactive!
Leprechauns, Menehunes and Tommyknockers.
The Great Roswell Cover-up! Part Two.
The Great Roswell Cover-up! Part One.
Searching for UFO’s at night while on a Cruise Ship.
EMF and the Paranormal
Alien Abduction Investigations
Could Aliens be Visiting us from an Ammonia Based Planet?
Are UFO’s Safe for our Environment?
COVID and Aliens
The Ghosts of Christmas Past.
Alien/Hydrogen Hypothesis: The Game Changer!
Cell Phone Cameras, DSLR Cameras and UFO’s.
Alien Visitation Through-out History.
Hydrogen! Do Aliens Like It?
EMF, My Paranormal Cross-Over Theory.
Report on UFOs discloses unexplained sightings
Director of National Intelligence UAP Report. A win for UFO Investigators?
United States Focusing on Unidentified Aerial Threat!
Alien Confirmation. Will it Happen?
What’s Flying Over Hawaii?
Just a Thought about Bigfoot.
UFO Disclosure Coming?
Are Aliens Attracted to Ghosts? or Vice Versa
2014 Unexplained Files: Paranormal Highway of America (Still popular)
We’re Always Moving!
UFOnut.com Hacked
At Least 25 Cows Found Dead, near Colorado Springs, Co.
EMF (Electro-magnetic-field) Measured in Paranormal Investigations.
Utah Monolith and The 37th Parallel Book
October Animal Mutilation Spree?
Ovilus or Spirit Box, a Ghost Hunter’s Tool or Toy?
Eastland Disaster
COVID-19 Conspiracy?
Podcasts, Are they Worth It?
UFOnut is now a Trademark
Head of MUFON Arrested!
Escape from Area 51 – The Story
Coronavirus and UFO Disclosure
Podcasts, Storming the Internet.
Saint Clair, Missouri. Balls of Light Investigation.
Sunnyside Cemetery, Investigation, Victor, Co.
Chupacabra in Colorado?
Celebrity UFO investigator discusses interest in Area 51
Alien Highway, no 2nd Season.
Alien Highway on Discovery UK!
Arizona Anomalies
SoCal Clusters
UFO Terror
Missouri Mayhem
Murder on the Prairie
Escape from Area 51
UFO Recovery
Legend for the Skinwalker – Premieres 06/12/19 10ET/PT
Alien Highway – New Show on Travel Channel
Chuck Zukowski
Mysterious Cow Death! 11/13/18
Family turns to UFO Investigator amid rash of animal death
July 2018, Colorado Cow Mutilation.
The UFO Proverbial Line
Strange Animal Deaths in Colorado!
Up in the Sky! It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s… a drone.
Are all UFO’s Extraterrestrial? No…
“The 37th Parallel” Book, Released Info on Bigelow First, before the New York Times Did!
December UFO/Paranormal Events Throughout History
Alien Feast
Spirits Walk Among Us
Air Force Denies Close Encounters of the Roswell Kind
Argentina and Possible Arizona, Cattle Mutilations
1889 Gunslinger Dave Mather, Taken by Aliens?
August 21st, Not only the Eclipse, but a UFO Anniversary as Well
Roswell Crash Still Offering New Hints 70 Years on;
It’s UFO! (not UAP)
Roswell, It Happens Here!
President Trump and UFO Disclosure
Article to Media: 2016 Cattle Mutilations
Cattle Mutilations are “still” occurring across the country!
The 37th Parallel
Roswell Light Communication – 07/03/16
The Drake Equation, and How it’s Being Used.
Time Travel; Symmetrical Universe
Cattle Mutilations; It’s always been about the blood!
Alexander Hamilton and the 1897 UFO/Cattle Mutilation Incident
Fox 31 Denver Covers My Recent Cattle Mutilation Investigation
Colorado Cattle Mutilation 12/13/15
Probability of Life Outside this Planet
Alien Valley; The Movie.
Blood Moon….. You saw me standing alone…
Falcon Herald (newspaper): UFO and Livestock Mutilation Rumors Alive
Underwater ‘Stonehenge’ Monolith Found Off the Coast of Sicily, sits on the 37th Parallel !
“NBC KOAA News” Local UFO investigator inspiration for new book and movie.
37th Parallel “Pulsar Communication” Part 1
37th Parallel “Pulsar Communication” Part 2
Colorado Calf Mutilation 04/18/15
2015 STAR WARS CELEBRATION: Anaheim, California
New Line Studios Picks Up Author “Ben Mezrich’s” Sci-Fi Book Proposal on Chuck Zukowski’s ’37th Parallel’ (Exclusive)
Baghdad Battery, First Source of Voltage Storage
ET Calling?
Paranormal Highway of America (Part 2); Science Channel’s “The Unexplained Files” TV Episode
Odd Happenings in Southern Colorado
Star of India, San Diego; A Ghost Ship?
UFO’s Seen Over Breckenridge, Colorado; October 4th, 2014.
Update on Multiple Cow Mutilations in Walsenburg, Colorado.
Multiple Animal Mutilations! Eight Cows Dead in Walsenburg, Colorado.
Paranormal Highway of America (Part 1); The Unexplained Files episode.
The Unexplained Files: 37th Parallel (Preview)
Mystery of the Dying Elk: The Unexplained Files
PRESS RELEASE: Chuck Zukowski Represents the Science Channel, for a 2014 San Diego Comic Con panel.
Animal Mutilations! Who do you call? Well.. you can contact me!
Brian Ladd Dream Predictions; Psychic or Scam Artist?
Human Race Genetically Designed to Live then Die?
US First Amendment Challanged by Political Correctness
UFO’s and Cattle Mutilations in the News, 11/04/2013
July 29th, 2013 Cattle Mutilation in Colorado
Science Channel’s “The Unexplained Files” Show, Episode Three
More 2013 Cattle Mutilations Occurring in Colorado and Missouri !
Mutilations: Aliens? The Pueblo Chieftain, Pueblo, Colorado
P.M. Paranormal Mysteries
UFOnut.com – Episode 012: UFO WatchTower
Colorado Rancher Gets Hit Again! Another Mutilation in Trinidad on 05/13/13.
Black Forest Fire, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Another Colorado Animal Mutilation 05/04/13
Out There
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Two Cattle Mutilations, Trinidad Colorado, September 2012 !
Russian Meteor Strike or UFO Explosion?
UFOnut.com – Episode 011: Torres Cattle Mutilation
Occam’s Razor
Phoenix Gold Mine, Ghost Investigation 2011
December 21st 2012, Video Blog
Aliens Among Us ?
Underground Drilling Causing Earthquakes?
30 Odd Minutes Guest Appearance
A Country Divided
Animal Mutilations ! Not Bovine Excisions..
Trinidad, Colorado Animal Mutilation (cow) 09/04/2012
Florissant-St Charles Mo. UFO
Nazca Rock Carving
ET Disclosure, Democrats or Republicans? Vote !
UFOnut at the 2012, 72nd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, South Dakota
Waldo Canyon Fire, June 25th, 2012, Colorado Springs Colorado
UFO’s Seen During Eclipses !
Sheep and Dog Mutilation in 2011 / Another Cow Mutilation in 2012
2012 Denver Starfest 04/21/2012
“Openminds” Releases New Video on my 2011 Termination from the Sheriff’s Dept.
This is Dramatic !
Chuck Zukowski live on UN-X News Radio with Margie Kay, 03/30/2012
Mexico Earthquake 3/20/2012 During Equinox. Magnetite Related?
Advancing Technology, Skype Lecturing…
UFO’s Above the Law ( A Book Review )
Cattle Mutilation in Kansas City, Mo. January 5th, 2012
For 2012, Let’s Not Forget Those Who Truly Need Our Help
Happy Holidays from UFOnut.com
A Simple Method Searching for ET, Who is Searching for US (Pt 2)
“Mutilated Cow Creepy, Suspicious” (Article from the Valley Citizen)
A Simple Method Searching for ET, Who is Searching for US (Pt 1)
Debbie & Chuck on OpenMinds Radio with Alejandro Rojas
Press Release! 37 Degree Latitude Theory!
Midwest UFO Conference 8/29/11, Kansas City, Missouri
Cattle Mutilation, Trinidad, Colorado 08/08/2011
Cowboys & Aliens: The Real Story
Gathering of Healer’s, UFO Watchtower, Hooper, Colorado
2002 Roswell Dig Artifact Analysis! Latest Update!
Roswell UFO Archeology Dig 2006
Roswell UFO Archeology Dig 2002
2011 Roswell Festival Lecture Cancelled
UFOnut.com – Episode 009: Sanchez Cattle Mutilation 2011
Cattle Mutilation Occurs in Rancher’s Livestock, May 15th 2011…
Pirates of the Caribbean… and the Mythology Which Surrounded Them.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Lies.
Stanley Hotel: Ghost Investigation, April 2nd 2011
UFO’s Seen in Colorado? (they’re back…)
The Roswell Rock
Japan’s Earthquake/Tsunami “Blog Update”
Japan’s Earthquake & Tsunami…2012 Precursor?
Chuck Zukowski guest on the Paranormal Bad Boys show, PARAXVISION.COM, Tuesday March 8th 2011
Reserve Deputy Terminated for Contradicting Department on Horse Mutilation!
Time Travel, Teleportation and Warping Space
Stephenville Texas, 2008 UFO Sighting Revisited
I’m now an Ophiuchus? Hey, what’s your sign?
Animal Mutilation School
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Come Fly With Me!
San Luis Cattle Mutilation 11/09/10
UFO MATRIX Issue 2 “Return to the Roswell Debris Site”
Outlaw and Lawmen Jail Museum, Ghost Investigation, Cripple Creek, Colorado
UTE Valley Rock Face “Revisted”
UFOnut.com – Episode 007: Ute Valley Rock Face
“The Fourth Kind” Feature – Mockumentary
Possible Cattle Mutilation Near Area 51 Nevada, September 5th, 2010
UFOnut.com – Episode 006: Rush Horse Mutilation
Horses Mutilated in Rush Colorado! 08/11/2010
UFOnut.com – Episode 005: Roswell 2010
Syfy “Fact or Faked” “Solved Sanchez 2006 Mutilation Case!” Bloating! (If the animal was a Chamois)
Roswell Festival 2010
OpenMinds Magazine and my Colorado Cattle Mutilation Investigations
Rocky Mountain Mysteries, the Duran Cattle Mutilation Case
IRON MAN “Human or Alien Technology?”
To Think Like an Alien, You Must Be an Alien
Open Minds Article on Roswell Featuring Zukowski and Ziegelmeyer
Ghost Investigation: Hand Hotel, Fairplay Co.
UFO investigator working Paranormal “Ghost” investigations? Why?
My Interview on “Theatre of the Mind”
2010 UFO Congress; A Success!
Stanley Hotel Ghost Investigation Video Clip
Stanley Hotel Ghost Investigation (02/08/10)
Cattle Mutilation/Predator Kill Comparison Pictures
UFOnut.com – Episode 004: Aaron Cattle Mutilation
Aaron Cattle Mutilation Investigation 12/12/09
Duran Cattle Mutilation March 15, 2009
Sanchez Cattle Mutilation on YouTube
Response to Sanchez/Miller Mutilation Blog Comments 11/26/09
Sanchez Cattle Mutilation 11/17/09
2012 The Movie: Movie Fact or Movie Fiction
The Fourth Kind “Movie Fact or Movie Hoax”
Guest Post: Response to James Carrion’s Post
Halloween, Scarier Than UFO Investigations?
Balloon Boy a Learning Experience
Miller Cattle Mutilation 03/18/09
Stan Romanek’s word “Fallow” versus “Follow”
UFOnut.com – Episode 003, Part 2: Stan Romanek Interview
UFOnut.com – Episode 003, Part 1: Stan Romanek Interview
UFO Debunkers
Garren Cattle Mutilation (viewer discretion)
Lights in the Sky
“Area 51” An Excellent Adventure!
The Media-Millenium Brainwash of 2000
What is a UFO?
James Carrion, Stan Romanek
Juju Chang, Jim DuBreuil
Alien Abductions; Sleep Paralysis?
ABC Primetime “Outsiders”
UFOnut.com – Episode 002: Return to the Roswell Debris Site
UFO investigator finds mystery at Ute Valley Park
Welcome to UFOnut.com
UFOnut.com – Episode 001: UFOnut Introduction
Roswell, New Mexico, Crash of July, 1947 [Updated 2006]
UFOnut Reference Material
UFO Sightings (1910 – 1958)
UFO Sightings (1963 – 1967)
UFO Sightings (1968 – 1980)
Debbie Ziegelmeyer’s Dig Diary
Chuck Zukowski’s Dig Diary
Roswell Debris Field Dig