Why You Can’t Catch a Bigfoot.
One advantage to living in Colorado is having the opportunity to run Bigfoot investigations now and then. Since my 24 years of calling Colorado my home, I’ve had many opportunities to follow-up on Bigfoot sightings. Through my Bigfoot investigations, most of the time with my friend Bigfoot Investigator, Joe Fex, I’ve seen extremely large footprints in the snow and footprints made in pine needles. I didn’t have the correct casting material to cast the snow footprints and the footprints in the pine needles were made on hard terrain not deep enough for casting. Either way it was enough evidence for me to see something large is running around Colorado.

Were the footprints I’ve seen actually be from a Bigfoot? Well, the snow prints had over a 4-foot stride and the impressions made on the pine needles were around a 9-foot stride. I also had a forest service rescue tracker with me when we found the 9-foot stride prints. I’m not an experienced tracker but the guy with me was. Still is.
So, how can Bigfoot keep on alluding us? Well, I have some theories.
I think Bigfoot has the capability to see not only ultra-violet light but infra-red light as well. This would give them the ability to see night vision cameras as well as game camera flashes. Here’s why I believe this.
Bigfoot eyes are very similar to human eyes. Study shows chimpanzees eyes are very similar to ours. They share the same contrasting color patterns seen in human eyes. So Bigfoot could be a cousin to homo-sapiens. With that being said, in 2018 the University of Georgia College of Public Health research proved that the human eye can see ultraviolet light.
publichealth.uga.edu: (link at end of blog)
In a study recently published in PLOS One, co-authors Billy R. Hammond and Lisa Renzi-Hammond show that 100 percent of the participants, all young adults, were able to detect an isolated UV peak at 315 nm.
In 2014 Washington University in St. Louis stated that the human eye can see infrared light.
www.sciencedaily.com: (link at end of blog)
An international team of researchers co-led by scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has found that under certain conditions, the retina can sense infrared light after all.
Theory Sight:
If the human eye can see ultra-violet and infrared light, then the possibility a close relative like Bigfoot, can also see within these light spectrums. About 12,000 years ago humans changed from hunter gatherers to agriculture. They also moved into communities and worked together slowly relying on technology to help them survive. There was no need for our brains to acknowledge the capability that our eyes could see ultra-violet and infrared light like some animals today do to survive. Vampire bats can see infrared light and many mammals like dogs, cats, pigs and cows can see ultraviolet light.
These are all mammals like us, so over the years since we don’t have to rely on ultra-violet and infrared light to survive, our brains just kinda don’t acknowledge them anymore.
But Bigfoot is still a hunter-gatherer and their brains may still rely on those specific light spectrums. If so, then Bigfoot can not only see night vision technology being pointed at them but also flashes from game cameras too!
The normal hearing frequency range of a healthy young person is around 10 to 20,000Hz. As we get older, we start losing our hearing especially when it comes to constant loud noises due to our technology. Our cousin the monkeys may not have as good hearing as we do, but they rely on what they have to stay safe by communicating and being able to hear predators approaching.
In 2021 studies showed that about 10% of Millennials and 17% of Generation Z people have some level of hearing loss.
ameritas.com: (link at end of blog)
Hearing loss usually is considered a problem that people get when they’re older. But an alarming trend is occurring – more and more younger adults have hearing problems.
People can experience hearing loss for many reasons. Two common types that affect the majority of people are presbycusis and noise-induced hearing loss. However, the latter is most common for millennials and Gen Z.
Basically, loud environments like listening to loud music with earbuds/headphones, is the main reason for hearing loss.
Theory Hearing:
If Bigfoot hearing is better than ours due to lack of technology like our loud vehicles, earphones, music, you know, all that fun stuff, then relying on surviving in the wild one can easily assume that Bigfoot mammals will have the capability to hear our technology coming towards them. In other words, they can hear us in the woods even when we’re trying to be quiet. Now their ears could be very similar to ours and not monkeys, but their hearing may be great all through their lives compared to our hearing which peaks around the late teens, then slowly takes a dump.
There is a current debate when comparing humans’ sense of smell to apes, some say we’re better smelling scents with our noses, yet some say apes are better, but there’s no denying the fact that what humans eat will affect our body odor, which means, we will smell and not with our noses.
Different foods we eat will affect the way our body smells, and that can be true of Bigfoot; Maybe that’s why there’s a horrific smell in the air reported when a Bigfoot is nearby. Who knows what they eat, but most Bigfoot investigators will tell you Bigfoot is an omnivore which eats both plants and animals.
Note: Some Bigfoot investigators think Bigfoot’s horrific smell is intentional. Some believe they use the skunks two sacs that create the skunk spray to help mask their natural scent. They basically use the sacs as perfume bottles.
Smell Theory:
No doubt someone if it be a human or a Bigfoot is in tune with their surroundings. Just like we’ve been accustomed to certain smells in places we visit, Bigfoot too is accustomed to smells in their natural environment. So if they smell something that is “out of place” like us, then that’s a big red flag. So not only can they see and hear us, they can smell us too!
Being Intuitive or Blindsight:
Unlike ESP (extrasensory perception) which is having the ability like telepathy or clairvoyance, being intuitive is having the ability to know or understand certain things that other people may miss or dismiss and having “Blindsight”, is the ability to sense something without actually having visual confirmation.
Now we humans do have these unique features at our disposal. There are a few theories why, one ranging from an evolutionary theory which means our ancient ancestors had this capability to be able to survive, to another very interesting theory which is, we’re all Alien Hybrids. If you’ve read any of Zecharia Sitchin’s books pertaining to the writings from ancient Sumerians, then you would know what I’m talking about. But back to giving you a couple of examples of our very unusual talent.
- Woman’s Intuition: An insight, an ability to perceive that is so instant, so immediate, it bypasses reason. A “gut feeling”. This happens all the time, and I trust it. In the past when I was running some investigations with my sister Debbie, there were a few times she would look at me with that “deer in the headlight look” and say, “We need to leave now!” It was a safety issue and I never questioned her, while we were in some pretty scary and dangerous places.
- Twin syndrome: The ability to feel each other’s pain or illness, the ability to have the same emotional sensations even when separated miles apart, and in some cases, “Twin Telepathy”, they can actually read each other’s minds.
- Sensing someone is staring at you: This has probably happened to all of us at one time or another, you’re sitting in your car or standing at some location, and you get the feeling you’re being watched. You can’t physically see who is watching you, but you sense it. You can’t see them within your peripheral vision, but when you turn completely around, you catch them staring at you. How does this happen? Science likes to refer to this as, “gaze detection” where someone is just a few degrees to your left or right and your eyes can still detect them, but that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m referring to actually feeling their presence, knowing someone or something is there watching you. I have a theory about this which I’ve previously written a blog about.
We’re all electrical circuits and we all emit our own separate energy or Aura; each person is different. You may be able to sense another person’s energy if it be similar to yours or much different. If a person is evil, they may emit a very negative energy compared to yours, remember we’re all protons and electrons. There are free flowing electrons (electricity) carrying nerve signals to our brains, maybe depending on a thought process an excess number of electrons which could be more of a negative voltage could be giving off what some people refer to as, “negative or “bad” energy”. Either way, I think is boils down to science and maybe we can feel that energy especially if someone or something is strongly focused on you.
Maybe those people we refer to as our “soul mates” may have very similar energies. That’s why we feel comfortable with them.
Sensing Theory:
Bigfoot is so in tuned to their environment and their senses are more heightened than humans, like “Hyperesthesia”, but increased sensitivity of all senses. Increased sight, sound and smell, including increased, intuitive and blindsight. In other words;
“They can sense humans are nearby.”
These theories I’ve mentioned is why I believe Bigfoot is always one step ahead of us. It’s not because they’re magical or dimensional, it’s because their survival skills, their physical abilities of; Sight, Hearing, Smell and Intuition is far more fine-tuned and advanced than ours. Maybe it’s due to their evolutionary biology, or maybe due to being part alien, hell I don’t know, I just know one easily outsmarted me in Golden, Colorado a few years back. Not that I think I’m that great of an investigator, I just think we need to realize Bigfoot is just not some mammal with big feet, but a highly intelligent mammal with extremely heightened senses, you know, with big feet.
One day we’ll get the evidence we need to prove to the naysayers that Bigfoot does exist, but it won’t be on our terms, it will be on theirs. So, until that happens, next time you’re in the woods and your senses tell you something doesn’t feel right, there just might be a Bigfoot lurking behind the trees, stealthily watching you.
University of Georgia UV Light Study.
Human eye can see ‘invisible’ infrared light.
Why Millennials and Generation Z Employees Have Hearing Loss.
Category: The Z-Files