UFO Sightings (1963 – 1967)
1963 McMinnville, Oregon, USA: At 7:30pm, Mrs. Paul Trent was outside feeding her rabbits near a garage when she noticed an unusual flying object flying towards her from the Northwest. Yelling for her husband to bring his camera, Mrs. Trent stood nearby as her husband shot two pictures of the incoming object. Because of the object’s speed and quick acceleration, he was only able to take the two pictures. The object seemed to travel west towards a neighbors farmhouse, then quickly vanished from their site.

1963 Peralta, New Mexico, USA: Paul Villa was in an area south of Albuquerque near the town of Peralta when he found a landed silver circular craft about 70ft in diameter. Nine human-like beings came out of the ship through a sealed door. They spoke to Villa in English and Spanish and could communicate telepathically. The visitors told Villa they had several discs that could pick up pictures and sounds from any place and relay their data back to the ship instantly. After a long conversation the ship took off, taking care not to harm the small creatures on the ground below, per Villa’s request.

1965 Santa Ana, California, USA: While racing home to Santa Ana, Mr. Rex Heflin took several photographs of this hat-shaped saucer. Because of the presence of the telephone poles in the background, it has been estimated that this craft is more than 30ft in diameter. Mr. Heflin has donated these photographs to independent UFO researchers for no monetary compensation. Seven years and 7000 miles away, in Cluj, Romania, Mr. Amiel Barnea photographed a similar (or possibly the same) hat-shaped UFO. Six years after that occurrence, Belotie, Yugoslavia was the sight of another similar witnessing. Ann Druffel, UFO researcher and author, is believed to be the owner and in possession of the original photographs.

1965 Bernalillo, New Mexico, USA: On Easter Sunday Apolinar Villa was guided telepathically to this spot where he spotted this craft hovering silently in the air and photographed it.

1965 Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA: At 1:45am on August 2, 1965, young Alan Smith, then 14 years old, snapped two color photographs of a blinking, colored, luminous, discoid flying object that passed directly over his house there in Tulsa. It had alternating blue, orange, and white lights shining from its underside.

1965 Santa Ana, California, USA: While racing home to Santa Ana, Mr. Rex Heflin took several photographs of this hat-shaped saucer. Because of the presence of the telephone poles in the background, it has been estimated that this craft is more than 30ft in diameter. Mr. Heflin has donated these photographs to independent UFO researchers for no monetary compensation. Seven years and 7000 miles away, in Cluj, Romania, Mr. Amiel Barnea photographed a similar (or possibly the same) hat-shaped UFO. Six years after that occurrence, Belotie, Yugoslavia was the sight of another similar witnessing.

1966 Lake Tiorati, New York: The west side of the Hudson River, three fishermen noticed an unusual circular metallic flying object. One of the men grabbed a box camera and managed to snap four pictures before it flew away over Stockbridge Mountain.

1967 Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA: January 12, a fisherman sitting in his boat on the west side of Old River saw this object and only had time to take one picture before it shot off at a 45 degree angle at a great rate of speed. No sound was heard during the experience.

1967 Picacho Peak, New Mexico, USA: At about 2:00pm on March 12th, 1967, a New Mexico State University student was hiking in a desert area near Picacho Peak, New Mexico, when he spotted a big round silvery object hovering in the air just above a rocky hill about 500 yards away. He prepared his 4″ X 5″ Press Camera, set it at F8 and 1/100 shutter speed, and snapped one good black and white picture of the object. It appeared stationary or was moving very little at the time of the photograph. He looked down to change the plates of his camera, needing only 3 seconds, but when he looked back to take another shot, the object was gone. He recalled smelling an electrical odor in the air too!

1967 Waterbury, CT, USA: On May 26th, somewhere around 9:30pm this object passed over Interstate Highway 84. Investigators said several car engines stopped and the cars had to coast off to the side of the highway. This UFO is said to be a thousand feet across, and made no sound while the lights flashed on and off in a pattern. (Note): At this time I don’t have the photographer’s name for credit.

1967 Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA: At 7:15pm on July 3, Joseph L. Ferriere went to east Woonsocket to investigate reports of a strange object flying around in the area, he spotted a large cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky. After taking four pictures of the object he noticed a smaller disc-shaped object coming out from the larger object and took a picture of the disc-shaped object also.
Also see:
UFO Sightings (1910-1958)
UFO Sightings (1968-1980)
Category: Alien & UFO Sightings