Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Live it, learn it, love it.
This year is the 75th anniversary of the 1947 UFO Incident near Roswell. When people familiar with the UFO enigma hear the word Roswell, the first thing that usually comes to their mind is, the July 1947 incident. Of course, I’m talking about the proposed extraterrestrial craft which crashed in Lincoln County, New Mexico. Over […]
As an investigator I do a lot of internet research pertaining to my investigations, but I also enjoy researching UFO related web sites too! I do have a ton of books I also use as reference material from writers who’ve done pain-staking research, like Richard Dolan, but there are a lot of good websites out […]
Hydrogen is our simplest element because each atom of hydrogen has only one proton. Hydrogen is also the most abundant element in the universe. Stars like our sun consist mostly of hydrogen. The sun is essentially a giant ball of hydrogen and helium gases. Hydrogen also occurs naturally on Earth in compound form with other […]
I believe the presence of ghosts can attract aliens.I believe the presence of aliens can attract ghosts.I believe the presence of aliens could attract Bigfoot. I’ve talked about this for a few years now on Podcasts, so it’s about time to write about it. I’ve investigated cases where aliens and spirits are both involved. I’ve […]
Recently while visiting Denver’s Museum of Nature and Science, I was confronted by a resident patriot (Worker).
Since I’ve posted five cattle mutilation investigations on this website, I’ve had numerous emails suggesting the deaths were predator kills.
This is my fifth cattle mutilation investigation for 2009.