New Cattle Mutilation Case on the 37 Parallel, Aguilar, Colorado!
Disclaimer: Graphic picture within this blog.
This morning I was contacted by a rancher, Mike Duran, out of Westin Colorado, and was told the local news paper had an article about a mutilated cow today. Mike and I have been keeping in touch for years after I investigated his mutilation case, and we trade information about new cases that happen around the area. He informed me, The Chronicle News, a periodical out of Trinidad, Colorado, had an article with the headline:
Mutilated cattle found west of Aguilar, cause of death unknown.
The article is not on their social media site, so Mike sent me a copy of it. The rancher, Jim Healey who is known for selling “wagyu beef” a very specialized Japanese cattle breed, had found one of his young half angus half wagyu cows dead on June 8th. The article stated the animal’s tongue had been removed and there were surgical type large holes in the animal. I contacted the reporter who released the article and learned this type of event was kinda new to him and he wasn’t really aware of how many animals had been lost to mutilations in the past around his general area. He took down my information if he hears of anything new.
I did some researching this morning and found the rancher’s phone number. After playing tag for a bit, I was able to contact him about 6:00pm.
Rancher Healey and I had a long discussion about this particular mute case and I learned this was his second. His first case was around the mid to late 1970’s, around the same time there was a wave a mutilation cases across the United States. I also learned something really interesting; When he was young just out of the Military, he was working near Alamosa Colorado during the 1967, Snippy the Horse event.
He remembers that too, especially now.
This current mutilation involved a young three year old mother who had a young calf of her own. He found the dead animal near its crying calf on June 8th. Based on the movement of his herd, he knew the animal was alive the day before. Matter of fact, the rest of the herd moved away from the dead animal only leaving it alone with its crying baby.
A calf is generally weaned from its mother around 8 – 10 months, this calf was still quite young therefore wouldn’t leave mother’s side. This is really interesting.
Why is the mother targeted but not the calf? This is the second time I’ve experienced this type of case.
Speaking with rancher Healey, what was really odd besides the missing tongue, was a very large hole between the neck and the chest. The hide was cut, but there was no intrusion into the chest.

Looking at the picture you should see large amounts of blood on the grass from that type of wound, there is a small stain to the lower right, but that was due to moving the animal for the picture.
A local veterinarian did a necropsy on the animal and I’ve left messages to speak with her. Part of her report is mentioned in the Chronicle:
- The tongue had been removed from way back within the throat.
- A piece of hide had been removed which appeared surgical in nature.
- No signs of natural cause of death.
- No signs of predator or human attack.
- It appeared to have died suddenly.
- No signs of struggle with another animal were found.
Matter of fact after interviewing the rancher, he found no signs the animal actually struggled to stay alive. He did tell me this:
Once he moved the cow, he could clearly see the animal was lying in a large round ground depression.
I have talked about this multiple times. Sometimes the carcass is lying in a crop-like circle ground depression. When I’ve taken soil samples in the past, it appears the soil is less water soluble near the animal than out side the circle.
Is there some type of high energy responsible for altering the soil and causing the ground depression? Well…
I did ask if the rancher had seen any strange lights in the area around the mutilation site, but he told me his herd was in a neighbor’s field away from his ranch house. Ranchers move their free-grazing animals from pasture to pasture to keep the grass from getting too high. He did tell me his neighbor’s little house was only about 200 feet from the mutilation and now the neighbor is a little concerned. Also the neighbor’s dog who is usually very friendly is acting a little strange and keeping to its self.
When I asked the rancher about helicopters flying over the mute site, he did say about a week after the mutilation, a helicopter did fly over his house towards the direction of the mutilation site. “It’s not normal to see helicopters fly there”, he said; “But it could be just a coincidence.”
With a few of my mute cases, the ranchers have seen unmarked helicopters flying and hovering over the mutilation sites. I believe the people responsible for the helicopters are basically running their own investigations.
They are not responsible for the mutialtions!
As of today, June 19th, the Las Animas County Sheriff’s department has not investigated this death, so there is no case report. The local game warden was informed about the case but hasn’t visited the site either. So at this time the information is coming from the rancher via my phone interview, what the veteranarian had told him, and information from The Chronicle News.
I’d like to thank The Chronicle News and reporter Benjamin Mandile for getting the information about this case out to the public and for taking the time to speak with me. If it wasn’t for news agencies like this who take these type of cases serious, then we would never find out about them.
I would also like to thank rancher Jim Healey for not only going public with his mute case but for also taking the time to speak with me. And if you’re into “wagyu” beef, then this is the guy to contact.
btw: After speaking in length with Mike Duran who told me about this story, I learned he had lost an animal end of May. He was on vacation at the time and when he returned, he found the carcass. It’s unclear if his animal was a mutilation case, but it should still be noted and it was also on the 37th Parallel.
I’ll release more information on this case as I learn more.
Chuck Zukowski
The Chronicle News, Trinidad, Colorado
Category: Cattle Mutilations, The Z-Files