More Debris Found on 06/29/23 at Roswell’s 1947 Crash Site!

First, let me briefly explain the 1947 Roswell Crash site which is known as the “Skip or Debris” site.
In a remote location Northwest of Roswell in Lincoln County near the city of Corona New Mexico, an incident (a crash/explosion) occurred in a remote area on Wednesday night, July 2nd, 1947. That night there was a horrific thunderstorm which W.W. Mac Brazel and his son Vernon experienced while staying at a nearby one room ranch house. Mac was the Ranch Forman in charge of taking care of the sheep there, and his son Vernon was visiting him.
The next morning on Thursday July 3rd, Mac and his son Vern went out to check on the sheep. They came upon large amounts of strange metallic debris within a 200–300-yard area scattered across the pasture.
It looked as if something had exploded in the sky and littered the area. This location is referred to as, “The Skip or Debris Site”.
Let me define, “skipping”.
Picture skipping a Frisbee off of a sidewalk. The location on the ground where the Frisbee skipped off the sidewalk would best represent what happened in 1947. A craft appearing to be in a crash scenario, hit the ground, ripping apart with the main body of the craft skipping off the ground and crashing at another location.
I believe I’ve located the site or one of the sites where the main body of the craft ultimately crashed some 17 miles away from the Skip Site. A new theory being discussed is that the main body of the craft broke into 2 main pieces after hitting the desert and were thrown off into a V-like direction. I have an eyewitness testimony where one location is, and another credible investigator has an eyewitness testimony where another is.
Kinda makes sense, something hitting the ground that hard leaving large amounts of debris could break up into multiple large pieces.
Two separate locations with two creditable eye witnesses.
As for the Skip/Debis site, we’ve found enough evidence at that location to prove something did impact that area, exploded and left debris. Now I can’t say it was an extraterrestrial craft, but I can say, something did explode and leave debris there.
After finding a couple of pieces of debris on June 3, 2023, I set-up another trip back to the debris site to look for more debris. Why, because I have that one piece found on June 3rd that I had tested which is an Aluminum Alloy, but I wanted a second piece to test which would include damaging the debris piece. I didn’t want to damage the only piece I have.

After speaking with Frank Kimbler an associate Professor of Earth Sciences at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell, we decided to go back to the debris site on Thursday, because both of us were lecturing in Roswell the following day, Friday the 30th. So, after tossing my previous metal detector for a much better one, a Fisher Labs, Gold Bug Pro, we headed back to the site. On Thursday, June 29th, Frank and two other guests, Toby Martinez a UAP Reporter with the Roswell Daily Record, and Maximo Veron, a film producer and Roswell Daily Record Film Festival Director, hopped in my truck for an adventure.

Oh, earlier that week, the Roswell Daily Record had released an article talking about the debris we found on June 3rd, so I was definitely excited to go back to the site and hopefully find another piece.

Meeting early at the hotel I was staying at for the Roswell Incident Festival, we parted around 6:30am and headed to the Skip Site. It takes about 3 hours to get there and some of the driving includes being in 4-wheel drive mode. The terrain there was no problem for my RAM 2500 4×4 Midnight Edition.

Gratuitous mention of RAM trucks hoping for sponsorship. ha ha
Within 20 minutes of metal detecting after we got to the site, I found my first piece of possible debris. As it turns out, metal detectors designed to look for gold nuggets work really well when looking for UFO nuggets!
After about four hours at the Skip site metal detecting, this is what I found.

Meanwhile while I was having a great day in the desert, Frank Kimbler with his Fisher metal detector was striking gold too!
Here are my three pieces, starting with the first.

Debris47_062923_cm09, folded and bent like the one found on June 3rd.

Debris47_062923_cm09, measuring around 9 centimeters.

Closeup of Debris47_062923_cm09.

Closeup of Debris47_062923_cm09.
Second piece I found.

Debris47_062923_cm10, measuring around 10 centimeters.

Shows extreme trauma has if whatever it was a part of, had exploded.

Closeup of Debris47_062923_cm10.

Closeup of Debris47_062923_cm10.
Third piece I found.

Debris47_062923_cm16, measuring around 16 centimeters.

Debris47_062923_cm16 closeup also shows severe metal trauma.

Debris47_062923_cm16 closeup.

Debris47_062923_cm16 closeup showing damage.
The pieces of debris resemble the piece from the June 3rd, expedition, so I’m guessing when I have these analyzed, they’ll be Aluminum Alloys too!
This next picture is what Frank Kimbler found while I was striking gold.
Note: And yes the penny is just for size comparison and was not found at the debris site.

The following paragraph Frank is explaining the results from our June 3rd find.
Frank Kimbler:
It’s not just any old aluminum. It’s very close to a 6070 alloy but has more magnesium. It makes this stuff essentially an unknown alloy. Not used in thin foil form, only plate, sheet and large construction items like the Starship Enterprise, or the Nimitz aircraft carrier. Have no idea why that alloy is out there in that form. I got the same test results 10 years ago and few people listened, it’s a strange alloy in a remote place.
So what’s next?
I’ll be working closely with Frank, my new compadre and as weird as this is going to sound, it appears Frank and I both lived in the small town of Safford Arizona when we were kids. Considering there was only one elementary school there, we probably played together on the playground.
Now later in our lives, we’re no longer playing in an elementary school playground, but maybe a UFO crash playground?
Next is more testing and definitely more research in the alloy field. The pieces we found so far don’t exactly match any known Alloy, just resembles one that was introduced in 1962.

Was Col. Philip Corso right in his book, “The Day After Roswell”? Was he responsible for taking Alien Technology acquired from the 1947 Roswell Incident and have companies under military contract try to reverse engineer it? Could the aluminum alloy that closely resembles the pieces we found be a product of that?
Obviously, nothing is set in stone except for the fact, there’s enough evidence pointing to the famed Roswell debris/skip site, that something extraordinary happened there.
Was it Aliens? Hard to say, but it appears something did explode there and left evidence, and I doubt it was a high altitude balloon chain.
Chuck Zukowski
Category: Roswell, The Z-Files