Hollywood Disclosure Alliance

On November 2, 2023, Dan Harary a veteran Hollywood publicist and Stephen Bassett, founder of the Washington, DC-based Paradigm Research Group, officially launched, “The Hollywood Disclosure Alliance”.
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance:
By bringing UAP/ET researchers, authors, and experiencers together with content creators working across every aspect of the global entertainment spectrum, HDA is positioned to become “The Go-To Organization” to close a long-standing gap created by a government-imposed truth embargo.
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance Vision:
The efforts of the HDA, which has been established to serve as a “Content Connector,” will help to empower the general public through accuracy in storytelling. Our group will provide content creators with long-denied facts and knowledge regarding the presence of extraterrestrial life, so relevant stories can be told through all forms of media. The HDA is prepared to act NOW, well in advance of the impending, world-altering Disclosure by leaders of the U.S. Government and military.
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance:
HDA is a movement powered by the true alliance between entertainment industry producers and renowned UAP/ET researchers. The sharing of this information takes place through regular, in-person meetings and discussions, as well as via digital meetings, for its members, who are located in Southern California, across the United States, and around the world.
HDA will be a hub – a valuable link between the world of media and the UAP/ET research community – serving the content creators who will bring the most historic revelation to the forefront by the creation of original programming that will present information about the ET presence on Earth. HDA hopes to help facilitate true change by inspiring and educating millions of people across the globe to make their feelings known about this unprecedented matter.
By bringing together two, previously incongruous entities – the entertainment industry and the UAP/ET research community, HDA will provide game-changing solutions by helping to provide factually accurate storytelling, with multi-media projects that will soon become available to the general public. From feature films to documentaries to TV programs and specials; from podcasts to PSAs to social media campaigns; and from in-person meetings, lectures and seminars, to summits and large-scale conventions, HDA is dedicated to supporting a positive and galvanizing message coinciding with the revelation of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Disclosure will present a whole new “universe” of media opportunities!
The Executive Board of the Alliance team is:
Chairman: Dan Harary
Executive Director: Stephen Bassett
VP, Development: Jeff Stein
CFO: Paul Hynek
Secretary: Anjuli Harary
Board of Directors Associated with Hollywood:
– Serena DC: Emmy-nominated Filmmaker / Producer / Director / Talk Show Host & Actress
– Les Garland: Co-Founder, MTV / Co-Founder, Quantum Media Founder & CEO, AfterPlay Entertainment
– Dan Harary: Founder, Asbury PR Agency & Author, “After They Came”
– Anjuli Harary: Founder & Creative Director, Different Drum Media
– Sean Jablonski: Writer / Producer / Director
– Thomas Jane: Actor / Producer
– Kevin Kutchaver: Visual Effects Artist / Indie Writer / Director
– Steve Longi: Film Producer
– Jeff Stein: Director / Producer
– Shawn West: Agent to the UFO Stars
Board of Directors Associated with UAP/UFO / ET:
– Earl Grey Anderson: Director, MUFON Southern California Chapter
– Stephen Bassett: Executive Director, Paradigm Research Group
– Dr. Joseph Buchman, PhD: Educator / Transparency Advocate / Candidate for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District Seat in the U.S. House
– Judy Chadderdon: Researcher / Disclosure Advocate
– Caroline Cory: Award-winning Filmmaker/ Best-selling Author / Founder, Omnium Media
– Paul Hynek: Entrepreneur / Professor / Futurist & Son of Project Blue Book Science Advisor J. Allen Hynek
– Ron Janix: Co-Owner / Producer / Host, Contact In The Desert
– Gordon Pekrul: Co-Owner, Contact in the Desert
– Robert Salas: U.S. Air Force (Ret.) / Aerospace Engineer / Teacher
– Daniel Sheehan: Disclosure Advocate & Researcher / Political Activist / Distinguished Attorney
Some of the Founding Members associated with Hollywood
(22 members so far.):
– Dee Wallace: Actress / Healer / Author
– Jack Roth: Producer / Screenwriter / Non-fiction Author / Partner, j3FILMS
– Peter Broughan: Producer & Writer
– Craig Campobasso: Filmmaker / Emmy-nominated Casting Director
Some of the Founding Members associated with UAP / ET
(40 members so far.):
– Me, Chuck Zukowski: UFO Field Investigator
– Richard Dolan: UFO Researcher / Author
– Nick Pope: U.K. Ministry of Defense (Ret.)
– Peter Robbins: Investigative Writer / Author / Lecturer
With an alliance like this one, getting more information out to the public has now amplified. Hollywood individuals from actors, directors, producers and writers are now rubbing elbows with UFO enthusiasts like, field investigators and researchers. Old and new information will be coming directly from the investigators and researchers and not second hand.
With the help of organizations like this one, the road to disclosure will be getting closer. We in the UFOlogy field have seen and experienced phenomenons most people think as fantasy. The reality is:
“Intelligent Life Exists Outside of our Planet!”
As a field investigator my job is to find the evidence needed to prove ET existence. Just recently on this website I posted “actual proof” that something did crash of unusual origin, at the famed 1947 Roswell Debris site in the New Mexico desert.
Fact! – Frank Kimbler and I found metallic debris at the 1947 Mac Brazel’s debris site, using metal detectors throughout the years.

Fact! This year we had tiny pieces of the metal debris tested at two separate labs, one in Denver and one in Albuquerque and both labs stated the metal was:

So, Fact! – In 1947 it appears Mac Brazel did find scattered metallic debris of unusual origin that is “currently” a non-registered alloy!
So, Fact! – In 1947 Major Jesse Marcel along with Captain Sheridan Cavitt did retrieve “current non-registered metal alloy debris” from the debris site and delivered it to RAAF Base in Roswell.
Is everyone paying attention? Nonregistered aluminum alloy!
Why? Why is present day non-registered aluminum alloy being found under different depths of dirt in the New Mexico desert at the location where Mac Brazel claimed to have come across unusual looking crash debris back in 1947?
We can’t say the metal we had and are having analyzed is alien in nature, (yet), all we can say is, “The lab’s software cannot identify it as a registered alloy”, meaning it’s not a common alloy. Both lab technicians also stated the metal appeared to have gone through some explosive event causing extreme trauma to the metal along with some evidence showing melted edges.
We have evidence proving something very unusual happened in 1947 outside of Roswell! Once again, we can’t say it’s alien but can say the event happened and it doesn’t appear to have been a high-altitude balloon chain like Project Mogul. No evidence of balloon material like rubberized silk or polyurethane material has ever been found at the site.
But non-registered aluminum alloy metal has!
Nonprofit organizations like the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, can help investigators like Frank and me get our evidence to individuals who can help make a difference by getting our investigations out to the public, and that’s a big plus for us. So, for that I say,
“Thank you to the people who are part of the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, and I’m looking forward to working alongside you getting one step closer to disclosure and maybe helping me and Frank figure out what this metal really is.”
Chuck Zukowski
UFO/Field Investigator
Link to HDA website:
Hollywood Disclosure Alliance:
Category: The Z-Files