Are Mythical Creatures Living on our Planet?
First, I don’t like the word “Creatures”, because it sounds kinda monster-like, as in movie monster titles such as, The Creature of the Black Lagoon, or The Bog Creatures, but in actuality humans are creatures too, but we’re not Mythical, or are we? Well… that’s another blog. 🙂
Back in July of 2022 I wrote a blog about, Leprechauns, Menehunes, and Tommyknockers. I believe they are all the same species, just like Bigfoot here in North America is related to the Himalaya Yeti and the Australian Yowie.
The Leprechaun derives from Irish folklore and are known throughout the world. Even today in Ireland, there are still Leprechaun sightings. Last year while visiting Ireland, I visited the National Leprechaun Museum in Dublin, and heard a few stories about Leprechaun sightings. Not just from the museum, but also from people I spoke to outside of the Dublin area too!

Stories of Leprechauns started circulating around the 8th century among the Celts. Their name came from the word, “luchorpan” which means, small body. Their average height is around 2 feet.

In 1989 Carlingford resident and pub owner, P.J. O’Hare was working in his garden at home when he heard a high pitched scream coming from nearby Slieve Foy Mountain. After investigating the location of the scream, he came upon a well known cavern on the side of a mountain. When he entered the cavern he found a small section of burned earth that contained tiny charred human bones surrounded by a green suit and hat. Inside the pockets of the green suit were four gold coins.
In 2002 researcher Kevin Woods made another discovery near a stone wall on a pathway outside of Carlingford, where he found a small bag of gold coins. Local skeptics were quick to say Kevin planted the coins there looking for publicity but also wondered how he acquired solid gold coins of early medieval origin.
So are Leprechauns still living in Ireland keeping a low profile?
I believe Leprechauns are related to “Tommy Knockers”. Tommy Knockers are roughly the same height and are generally seen by miners.

The Cornish miners out of Cornwall, England, which city pre-dates Roman times, began mining in the early Bronze Age, about 2150 BC. Around the 18th Century, Cornwall was the mining center of the world, famous for its many different base metal productions. The Cornish miners believed the Knockers would help them find veins of ore like, Tin, Copper, and Zinc, by sometimes leaving a trail of stolen food or tools to the vein.

Now it makes sense that stories of Leprechauns having a pot of gold could have gotten their gold from their cousins the Tommy Knockers, who mined the gold for them. Unlike some movies, the Leprechaun’s gold is in “ore” form and not in coins and their pots are simply an economical way for storage.
Jump to the Polynesian islands, and you still hear stories of the famed Menehune. Once again small people around 2 feet tall who have occupied the Polynesian islands for over 1500 years. These guys were master craftsman who would from time to time, help out the new sea travelers to the islands by building structures for them. These guys were recently featured in the Disney movie Moana, they were the little Kakamora pirates Moana and Maui fought off.

My wife and I have vacationed in Hawaii numerous times and it didn’t matter what island we were on, I would always hear stories about the Menehune when I would ask the locals. Some locals would tell me stories about sightings yet other locals wouldn’t talk about them. Not out of fear, but out of respect.
These guys are very similar to Leprechauns and Tommy Knockers, and also tend to come out of the mountains.
Jump again to North America, our Native Americans have stories of 2 feet tall humanoids too! One Native American tribe, the Mohegan people, speak of the, “Makiawisug” or, “the little people”. Very similar to the stories of little people the Cherokee people talk about too! Matter of fact, many tribes throughout North America speak of these strange little people who are highly respected but also feared.
So are all these small people real or mythical? They’re seen practically all over the world, and some researchers believe they are related to the “Inner Earth species” too! (More on that in another blog.)
But what about Bigfoot, Yeti, or Yowie? Are they mythical creatures?

The famous Patterson film of 1967 which shows a female Bigfoot walking is still a highly debated piece of film footage. The footprint tracks displayed an average step of 52 inches and the individual footprints measured 17 inches long by 7.5 inches wide. Casts in the Bluff Creek area were made nine years before the film was shot, so there had been active investigations going on there for at least a decade.
I’ve personally done a few Bigfoot Investigations here in Colorado and I can tell you, something big is walking around out here. One of my investigations from Bailey, Colorado, was featured on Animal Planet’s, “Finding Bigfoot”.

Finding Bigfoot TV show investigation:
2012 May 29. approximately 7:30 p.m
Kate and her friend Diane, took a drive and then stopped to take a hike in the Pike National Forest in Bailey, Colorado, when they heard a loud tree branch snap off in the distance. As they turned their heads towards the noise, they saw an extremely large figure running through the woods just over a hundred feet away. It was running incredibly fast, on two long hairy legs, with a very long stride. Neither of them could clearly see the top half of the body, but it appeared to have been leaning forward while running. They concluded it was not a deer, elk, bear or moose. The women in question were close enough to clearly see the color of the hair while it was running and said it to be dark in color with some graying.
So what about Bigfoot? A Mythical Creature? There has been enough evidence throughout the years to suggest something extremely large is sharing this planet’s land mass with us.
What about larger than extremely large? What about Nessie?

The word “Loch” is the Irish/Scottish Gaelic word for lake or for sea inlet, and there’s an estimated 31,460 lochs in Scotland. The largest loch in Scotland is Loch Katrine, but the most popular lochs include Loch Lomond, Loch Fyne, and of course, Loch Ness.
Loch Ness is the second largest body of water by surface area consuming 22 square miles, and due to its depth, is the largest by volume in the British Isles. Its deepest area is more than 700 feet and is the largest body of water in the Great Glen, which runs from Inverness in the north, to Fort William to the south.
One of the earliest reports of the famed Loch Ness monster appeared in the book, “Life of St. Columba”, by Adomnan, written back in the sixth century AD. According to the writings, Irish monk Saint Columba was staying in the land of Picts with his followers when he came upon locals burying a man by the River Ness. They told the monk the man was swimming in the river when he was attacked by a “water beast” which mauled him and dragged him underwater. Columba then sent one of his followers, Luigne Moccu Min, to swim across the river to look for evidence of what happened. Within minutes of Luigne being in the water, a creature appeared and swam dangerously close to him. Columba experienced this sighting first hand.
Many sightings of Nessie have been reported since 565AD. The Official Loch Ness Monster Sighting website has many sightings listed.

15 April 2022 – local man Glenn Blevins reported in April 2022:
“I was near Aldourie Castle on Friday 15th April working on the banks of the loch when I saw a large animate object in the water between both banks of the loch at approx 9.30am. It was dark in colour and stayed there for around 20 seconds before sinking into the water. I watched it with binoculars that I’d taken with me in the hope of seeing ospreys that had recently returned to the area. It was difficult to estimate the size but it was definitely larger than a seal and given the angle, there may have been two, one behind the other.”
He explained that he had lived in the area for over 30 years and had worked regularly around the loch during that time and had fished many times on Loch Ness. He said he’d never seen anything like this before and felt privileged to have witnessed it.
The previous sighting was in April, 2022, but has a sighting as recent as October 2022. A mother and daughter visiting from East of Scotland saw a large break in the water 200 yards from the shore.
“As we watched a black lump appeared out of the water and sat for approximately 30 seconds before disappearing once again under the water. After another 30 seconds the black lump resurfaced for a shorter amount of time before disappearing under the water again.“
There are other Mythical creatures that are still being seen, like the Sidhe Fairies or (The people of the Mounds) in Ireland.

The Sidhe or Fairy People are known for inhabiting the mountains and forests of Ireland. Some have seen them near ancient mounds like the Hill of Tara which contains entrances to where they live. The Sidhe can appear human like and human size but are generally a lot smaller.
When visiting Ireland in 2022, my wife and I visited the Hill of Tara, where St Patrick himself once visited in the fifth century. How cool it was to be standing on soil St. Patrick once walked on. Well the Hill of Tara has been around since the Stone Age when a passage tomb was built there, but during (600 BC to 400 AD) it rose to supreme prominence as the seat of the High Kings of Ireland. All old Irish roads lead to this site.
Also cool about this site? Halloween celebrations originated there as a Pagan festival called, “Samhain” with traditions going back in the Boyne Valley over 2000 years ago. It would make sense such a sacred site would have Fairy People sightings. I’m sure a Leprechaun or two have also been sighted there.
So, are Mythical creatures living on this planet? I only covered a couple of examples, but there are many more like Mothman, Vampires, Werewolf’s, Dragons, Unicorns, too many to cover with one blog. The bottom line? This planet isn’t as small as some people suggest, 90% of the world’s population covers 30% of this planet’s land mass. Then there’s our oceans. Water covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface, and believe it or not, on October 02, 2022, scientists discovered a reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans beneath our feet. The water has been found between the transition zone of the Earth’s upper and lower mantle.
If we just found out there’s a massive unexplored ocean beneath us, then one could assume there could be life living within it. Maybe the mythical creature Nessie? The chance of some life living in our newly found underground reservoirs would be greater than the chance of life not existing there. And if there’s a greater chance of life existing on this planet we haven’t explored, then there’s also a chance of life hiding from us in places we have explored. In other words, when visiting sacred sites on this planet or hiking deep in a forest or boating in our oceans or deep Lochs, think about this blog, because if there is something hiding in those areas, they may be thinking of you.
Chuck Zukowski
Block Links: Leprechauns, Menehunes and Tommyknockers.
Lochness sightings
National Leprechaun Museum in Dublin, Ireland.
P.J. O’Hare Pub in Carlingfor, Ireland. – Fairy Folklore
Scientists discover massive ocean near Earth’s core.
Category: The Z-Files