What is a Ghost Made of?
It’s really hard to suggest what a ghost is made of, we can only speculate, but what ever it is, it can travel through dimensional portals. I say this because I believe ghosts (spirits) are tied between theirs and our dimension through a similar energy signature.
According to some interpretations of quantum physics, parallel dimensions, or parallel universes, could exist. Every possible quantum outcome creates a new universe by splitting the universe into multiple realities whenever a quantum event occurs. Of course this is just theoretical.
So a parallel dimension which has a direct connection to ours, could be where our spirits go after we die and some refer to that dimension as:
Christianity – Heaven
Hinduism – Svarga
Buddhism and Hinduism – Nirvana
Greek mythology – Elysium
(Just to name a few.)
No matter what you may call it, quantum physics theory says it exists. This is great because science is agreeing with religion and it’s nice to know there could be an after life. Yes, people with a strong faith don’t need to be told that, so I’m just making a general statement.
Ok, so when we die, our spirit moves on to the other realm, (i.e. Dimension.) But what is our spirit made of? How can it pass from one dimension to the next? Some say our spirit is an intelligent consciousness, a living being with an imprint of that person. I’ve done enough ghost investigations in my career to believe spirits can move back and forth between their realm and ours whenever they want. Maybe depending on the intensity of the being’s energy enables some to pass back and forth while others may not be able to. Or, they can all can pass back and forth if they choose.
So what type of energy can travel through dimensions?
First, the spirit’s energy must obey the laws of physics of our dimension and their parallel dimension to be able to exist. Using Newton’s Third Law, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction,” maybe when we die the action of our solid body ceasing to exist creates an equal and opposite reaction of our energy source (ie. Soul, consciousness) to move on to a parallel dimension. Human bodies are solid carbon based with water making up around 66 percent, where spirits are energy based which we can detect with EMF meters. (Electromagnetic Fields.)
Electromagnetic fields are part of the electromagnetic spectrum which extends from static electric and magnetic fields with low radiation to high gamma radiation which can be deadly. The human body gives off an electromagnetic field due to the electrical activity occurring in our bodies. Biological processes like nerve signals, muscle movement, even heart beats create an electromagnetic field around our body which is called a “biofield” and can be measured with an EMF meter.
So not only do EMF meters detect human bodies but also can detect a spiritual body too! Ghost investigators use them all the time in their investigations. UFO investigators like me use EMF meters all the time in investigations because an EMF meter can pick up residual energy from a UFO incident. So for a ghost investigator to be able to use an EMF meter to detect a ghost, the ghost would have to be made up of a kind of high frequency radiation. This may be a derivative of the process from dying to becoming a spirit or one could say, a transfer of our life force like our soul.
So, here are some interesting things we have to consider about when doing a ghost investigation.
To actually see a ghost would mean light would have to reflect off of the energy of the ghost back to your eyes. Everything we see with our eyes is light reflecting back to us from objects we’re looking at. Scattered light is how we see everything at once due to light bouncing off of millions of objects. Now the scary part, if you can see a ghost, then the energy of the ghost is so intense that it has some type of mass enabling light to bounce off of it. Now if light can reflect off the entity, then entity is solid enough that it may be able to physically interact with you. Like touch your hand with theirs.
But sometimes we see a dark energy spirit or an absence of light spirit. What does that mean? It means the spirit’s energy is not reflecting light but absorbing it. What type of energy can absorb light? Photosynthesis is a term that is used which describes absorbing light and turning it into a chemical energy. Plants do this all the time with sun light. But a spirit? If the electrons in the atoms of the entity can absorb energy from light photons, then they could jump to a higher energy level within our light spectrum we can’t see. What if a particular entity isn’t absorbing light but it reflects light completely outside of the light spectrum we see? Is there another light spectrum we don’t know about? And what about the ghosts we can’t see but our EMF meters can detect?
Can an EMF signature from a ghost be seen?
No, the human eye cannot see EMF (electromagnetic fields). The only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see is called “the visible light spectrum” and EMF encompasses a much broader range of wavelengths that are invisible to the naked eye.
So if EMF meters are detecting an invisible ghost, then the meter is detecting the entities energy but not its mass. What about plasma energy? Can plasma energy be seen? Stars like our Sun give off plasma energy in the form of visible light, so yes!
But most of the time ghosts cannot be seen but detected. Why? Because their physical existence is out of our visible light spectrum range either by nature or by their design. Do spirits have the capability to be seen or not seen? Yes, and that throws another wrench in the equation trying to understand what they’re made of. But what about the light spectrum we can see?
NASA Light Spectrum defined:
The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible light. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.
All electromagnetic radiation is light, but we can only see a small portion of this radiation—the portion we call visible light. Cone-shaped cells in our eyes act as receivers tuned to the wavelengths in this narrow band of the spectrum. Other portions of the spectrum have wavelengths too large or too small and energetic for the biological limitations of our perception.

To be able to see ghosts we may have to see into other areas of our light spectrum. Most commonly used in ghost hunting is using night vision cameras with IR, or Infrared capabilities. If we can only see a ghost using infrared light, then that means that part of the light spectrum is reflecting off the ghost to the camera.
Infrared radiation (light) is part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is just beyond being visible to us. Ranging from 780 nanometers to 1 millimeter, it’s longer than visible light but shorter than microwaves, it is basically the “heat” radiation we can’t see just beyond our 700 nanometer sight range.
An infrared camera contains an optical system that focuses infrared energy onto a special detector chip (sensor array) that contains thousands of detector pixels arranged in a grid. Each pixel in the sensor array reacts to the infrared energy focused on it and produces an electronic signal. This electronic signal is then converted to a digital representation of the signal then transferred through an analog section which enables us to see the image within our light spectrum.
Some ghost investigators are also using Full Spectrum cameras which can convert some of the light we can’t see in to light we can see. Usually those cameras see in the infrared spectrum, the ultraviolet (UV) and the visible light spectrum. The amount these devices can convert depends on the complex circuitry of the camera. The better the camera, the better the light spectrum we can see which means a better image. Some of these full spectrum cameras may be able to see the shadow ghosts but only if the ghosts are in the infrared and UV range.
I have an inexpensive full spectrum camera I use for UFO investigations looking for evidence that is hidden from our normal light spectrum. I also have a white light filter that blocks out 99.9% of white light in which I attach to my IR camera. This allows me to shoot night vision during the day. Pretty cool, I can go ghost hunting during the daytime.
So to backtrack, there’s no real answer to what ghosts are really made of because we’re still at the infant stage of trying to understand the whole concept of life after death. There’s plenty of evidence that ghosts do exist, it’s just that we need to get the right evidence to prove it. Oh sure I’ve seen enough evidence to prove to me they exist, just like I’ve seen enough evidence that proves UFO’s (ETs) exist, but trying to get the scientific community to come on board is always an issue. So, I say the hell with the scientific community.
I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just that I’ve been doing this for such a long time that I’ve lost interest in trying to get others to come on board to the way of my thinking and investigations. I stopped caring long ago and have focused only on gathering any type of paranormal evidence during any investigation I do, but trying to understand what defines a ghost is not an easy task to take on. Besides their intelligence and commination skills associated with the “active ghosts”, there’s the “I don’t care ghosts” or the residual ghosts that keep repeating a certain event over and over. It’s as if that energy is trapped between our two dimensions, or it’s some type of energy repeating process caused in an energy loop. But it’s still energy, or high frequency radiation that we can measure.
If you get touched by an active ghost and it leaves a red mark on your skin, it’s their electromagnetic energy interacting with your body’s electromagnetic energy. It turns your skin red because you are interacting with an unknown high frequency radiation source. We have no idea what type of reaction the ghosts are getting from touching us. Because we don’t know exactly what a ghost is made of, we do know there is EMF involved coming from some type of energy source. But what we do know is this; The energy is from an intelligent life that can communicate and interact with us in our dimension.
Here’s something to think about;
If a human is evil when alive, then most likely it’s energy will be more negative than positive when dead, possibly resulting in an evil or negative spirit. That’s why experienced ghost investigators do research on where they are investigating because what could be living there could be a negative entity. Also remember this, energy can latch on to other energies when compatible. If a ghost follows you home, they may not be actually following you but physically attached to your energy. If they leave you, it may be something as simple as energy dissipation due to the strength of your living energy in our dimension.
Experienced ghost investigators are learning new things all the time and it’s just a matter of time until we fully understand what’s going on. Right now different types of energy appears to be the key and proving their existence may be the evidence we also need to prove parallel dimensions exist.
Another thing to think about is;
Part of a ghost could be made with “Dark Matter” which is entirely invisible, emitting no light or energy, and cannot be detected or measured. Dark Matter makes up over 80% of our universe and without it, science has no way to speculate how planets, stars, and galaxies behave the way they do. Maybe Dark Matter is part of the puzzle and maybe it’s what ties parallel dimensions together, but without understanding what Dark Matter really is, it’s tuff to speculate.
So at this time the only thing we know for sure is, ghosts are made of intelligent energy. We can detect it and we can measure it, but trying to understand it? Well, there’s a lot more work that needs to be done trying to understand this phenomenon. Eventually we’ll get there, one way or the other.
Chuck Zukowski
Blog Link:
Category: The Z-Files
Hi Chuck,
What is a ghost made of? Purple stretch body suit with complimentary black mask nicknamed the Ghost Who Walks – the Phantom.
I’m glad you’re going down that road and finally found that connection. Yes, ghosts do seem to utilize the same principals of manifestation as UFOs do. But is this manifestion accidental or created? Or perhaps created by a natural force which oscillates in and out of our reality in a clockwork fashion thus allowing UFOs, ghosts and other entities into our physical plane of existence.
One force is wormholes. Now I know you have a hard time with wormholes because the science has not been overtly developed. But it is possible the science has been covertly developed. None of us here will ever get to know about it because it is a science that is still, overtly, in the theoretical range. Scientists believe that wormholes would collapse if anyone tried to enter them, but that is just a theory and, not based on fact because one would have to enter the wormhole for it to collapse and then one would cease to be. But there is a growing body of scientists who believe that a wormhole can be kept open for the purposes of travelling through it by using negative energy via the Casimir Effect, or exotic matter such as a one molelcule thickness of graphene to stabilize a wormhole (an entire spaceship covered in one molecule thickness of graphene could theoretically pass through a wormhole without collapsing it). Graphene is an electrical conductor and it absorbs a small percentage of light. The negative energy is speculated to produce zero heat, leading me believe that such a wormhole with a graphene coated UFO or spaceship, or human would pass through it with some cold effects produced. Would a ghost use a wormhole? I’m not certain, yet.
However, the human mind transcends time and space. The human ghost/soul/spirit is still capable of thinking and physically manifesting itself in our physical reality. Such ghosts manifest under cold conditions, much like the above wormhole kept open by a traversing graphene-coated spracecraft
When we die our spirit/soul leaves the body in the same way one astral projects. The difference between those two is astral projection of our spirit selves is still connected to our living bodies by a silvery cord. When we are dead that cord is absent. There has been documented cases in medical circles of patients who astral travelled whilst unconscious or at death’s door on the operating table and were able to report to their doctors exactly what they were doing and saying during the operation. It is not a case of the patient hearing something whilst they were unconscious. Unconsciousness caused by anaesthia and unconsciousness caused by sleep are two different things. They were actually seeing and hearing what was said in the operating room. Then the astrally projected patient would go for a walk through the hospital. Later on some of these patients, when they were revived, told their story including reporting what they saw and heard in the hospital’s corridors. What has amazed doctors is that when they checked out this information, the patient was telling the truth. Apparently, some people can astral travel during their sleep. The experience is very realistic, and the memory of it persists like an actual experience. The military were interested in one aspect of this and called their program, Stargate.
As to what ghosts are made of, I believe it is some kind of ethereal plasma both visible and invisible, only attaining visibility under certain lighting conditions, preferably bright light. There are special cameras that can photograph human auras and possibly auras of other living things, too. But I believe electro-magnetic energy of a spectrum our eyes cannot see. Perhaps it depends on the strength of the field itself. To put that into perspective there are celestial bodies, red and brown dwarfs that cannot be seen with the naked eye or telescopes but detected by a faint signature in the infrared.
The upshot of this narrative means that a ghost/spirit would be converted to a spectrum of light upon the death of its host. Therefore, one would need both a spectral camera and an excellent thermographic camera in conjunction with EM meters. The cameras must be able to identify on which spectrum your ghost is projecting. I have heard stories of people seeing a bright spark leaving the body of a recently deceased family member. That bright spark moves towards a body of light and is thus absorbed into the electromagnetic spectrum. Is not light both a particle and a wave? Souls could be perceived as both a particle and a wave capable of transcending time and space. But even light can turned into a solid. Theoretically you could turn a ghost into matter by trapping the spirit into a photon-photon collider and see if the ghost turns into matter.
Now, we that we’v reduced it all down, “What is a ghost made of?” My answer would be light and electromagnetic energy existing in a cold area of space encroaching on the space of the living. The living experience the cold. If the unusual coldness cannot be explained by normal physical means, then the cold is unnatural to us and therefore supernatural.
Helen Taylor-Hamilton