We’re Always Moving!

As a UFO Investigator I’ve investigated and experienced strange events throughout my life. I’ve always known, even as a child, that life is a lot bigger than most people take the time to realize. I used to and still do, look up at the sky at night, and wonder what lies beyond the life here on this planet. In our 3 dimensional world, we’re used to what we can touch and experience, but when we talk about space, there are no limitations. Oh sure current science seems to think it has it pretty much figured out, but I say, “nay nay”, you haven’t even scratched the surface.
Our planet is like a grain of sand on a never ending beach. Yes I’m talking about “infinity”. You can drive yourself to drinking when you start to ponder and figure out what’s really out there.
The human eye can see miles and miles, but a good eight inch telescope like the one I have, can see at least 2 billion light years. A light year is a unit of measurement in astronomy in which light can travel in one year in a vacuum, which is about 5.88 trillion miles. Obviously the better telescopes like the Hubble Space telescope, can see billions of light years further. And sadly, can also see light from stars that don’t exist anymore. When a star explodes from another galaxy, the light from the explosion could take millions or billions of years to reach the point where one of our telescopes can see it.
So in the realm of things, the fact is, space goes on for ever. When some scientist says there is a beginning and an end, one can simply say, “Ok, what’s beyond your end scenario?” The answer is, “more space”.
Speaking about space, what about the space we occupy? One only has to realize, the human race is constantly moving. Oh sure we sit on our behinds and travel in a car at 80 miles per hour, or a train from 40 to 150 miles per hour, or a jet from 400 to 600 miles per hour, and we still complain about not getting to our destination on time. Boy we’ve become spoiled. But what about the bigger picture?

Our Moon, “Luna”, or just “The Moon”, orbits our planet at a speed of 2,288 miles per hour. During this time it travels a distance of 1,423,000 miles.
Our planet Earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and roughly 4 seconds. On the surface of the Earth at the equator, our planet rotates at a speed of roughly 1,000 miles per hour.
The Earth orbits our Sun in a nearly circular pattern at about 67,000 miles per hour. Our solar system making the eight or nine planets if you want to include Pluto or Planet X, moves around our galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour.
Our galaxy, or the “Milky Way”, roughly spins at 168 miles per second, and takes 200 million years to complete one rotation. The Milky Way is also jetting through uncharted space at about 1.3 million miles per hour.
We are always moving and eventually our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy will collide, because Andromeda is moving towards us at 68 miles per second. But that will be in about 3 trillion years, not to worry.

The point I’m making is, “We, everyone of us, this whole planet, is moving rapidly into uncharted space!” We’re scootn’ along each second in a one-way direction, not knowing what lies ahead. And remember “Oumuamua”, the large space object that passed by Earth in 2017 at 196,000 miles per hour? A Harvard scientist seems to think it could have been debris from advanced alien technology. Possibly a message in a bottle?
Astronomers from the University of Hawaii were the first to spot Oumuamua, so it was named after the Hawaiian term for ‘scout’ or ‘messenger’. It was discovered on October 19 using the Pan-STARRS telescope on the island of Maui, but we really didn’t get a close look at it.
NASA: Oumuamua was too small to appear as anything more than a point of light, even in the largest telescopes. But we know that it must be a highly elongated object because it varied dramatically in brightness over every 7-to-8-hour period. It appeared brightest when its full length faced the Earth, but dimmed dramatically when it was pointed towards the Earth.
Oumuamua is the very first interstellar object that traveled into our solar system, that we know of. An interstellar object is not bound to a gravitational star, meaning it goes wherever it wants to. Now the question is, “Did that object purposely travel into our solar system to take a look-see at us?”
Because we’re never in the same place twice, constantly moving through space, we really don’t know what lies ahead. Could we intersect with some kind of rogue gravitational belt, or new type of neutrino matter or anti-matter cloud? Maybe experience some unknown type of solar energy from a nearby star or quasar? Or how about extraterrestrials ships or probes who just happen to be on their own path and we intersect with them? And what about the mysterious Oumuamua object? Could it have been an alien probe on its own path who collected data on a planet it just happen to pass and then transmitted its findings back to whoever designed it?
We’re really (not all that) so to speak. As a species, Homo Sapiens have only been around for 300,000 years, and really only since the 1500s did we start scientifically researching our solar system. (Excluding the ancient Sumerians who knew a lot more.) But for 500 years we’ve been on a slow curve until the industrial revolution in the late 18th and 19th century. We really didn’t have a technology spike until the first generation of computers came to light within 1937-1946 when the first electronic digital computer was built by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. It was called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer or (ABC). The first advanced computer was built in 1942 named the “Colossus” for the military, and later in 1946 the first general purpose digital computer was built. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was built weighing 30 tons! When this computer was turned on for the first time, it dimmed the lights of Philadelphia. Whoa!
A far cry from what we have now, hell your smart phone is more advanced than the computers were on the Space Shuttle.
As technology moves forward, we move forward physically. Every mili-second of everyday, this planet, this solar system, this galaxy is constantly moving into unknown space and (I’m sure) unknown technologies. And as you sit or stand reading, just think about this:
You may be stationary or moving on a planet that’s is constantly rotating 1000 miles per hour and travels around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour, who all sits in a solar system that rotates around a galaxy at 490,000 miles per hour, which moves through uncharted space at 1.3 million miles per hour!
It’s a wonder we don’t get motion sickness.
Blog material referenced from:
Cool Cosmos: https://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/
Earth Sky: https://earthsky.org/
IGN: https://www.ign.com/articles/space-object-that-passed-by-earth-was-likely-from-aliens-says-harvard-professor
Insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/earth-screaming-through-space-nasa-animated-video-2019-10#:~:text=So%20although%20Earth%20orbits%20the%20sun%20at%2066,600,you%20don’t%20notice%20that%20we’re%20moving%20so%20quickly.
Category: The Z-Files