Utah Monolith and The 37th Parallel Book

International Business Times excerpts:
A visitor named Ricardo Marino went to the spot where the monolith was placed recently. However, he was shocked to see nothing left in the spot where the monolith was actually there.
Marino, in a video posted on Instagram, revealed that he saw a pickup truck with a large object in its bed driving in the opposite direction just a few moments before he reached there.
A Bureau of Land Management spokesperson also confirmed this news, and he made it clear that the monolith has disappeared without any trace of evidence.
“We have received credible reports that the illegally installed structure, referred to as the “monolith” has been removed from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands by an unknown party. The BLM did not remove the structure which is considered private property. We do not investigate crimes involving private property which are handled by the local sheriff’s office,” the spokesperson told Fox13 news.
Original Story:
On November 18th, 2020, the Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS) said the Aero Bureau and wildlife resource officers were conducting a count of bighorn sheep in Red Rock Country, when they spotted an object embedded in the rock below. They landed nearby to investigate.
Bret Hutchings, a DPS helicopter pilot told KSLTV, NBC Salt Lake City Utah, while flying over the red rocks one of the crew yelled, “Turn around turn around, there’s this thing back there we gotta go look at it!”
It was a mysterious Monolith hidden within the rocks.
Bret landed the helicopter nearby, and the crew went to investigate. Bret said the object is around 10 to 12 feet high, and was not dropped there, but firmly planted in the ground. Bret’s not sure who put it there, he said maybe NASA or some New Wave artist or maybe even by someone who is a 2001 Space Odyssey fan? Either way, there were no markings of ownership.

Note: The object is definitely man made, three-sided stainless steel with rivets and firmly placed in the ground.
Bret said it is definitely one of the strangest things that he’s ever seen, but he also said he’s seen all kind of strange things from the air.
An article from “The Verge” stated a Reddit user, Tim Slane pinpointed the GPS coordinates of a small Redstone canyon with a narrow gap that closely matches the social media photos. Upon searching closer using Satellite images from Google Earth revealed some type of object in the middle. The object also appears relatively new because Google Earth photos from 2013 and mid-2016 show no trace of it.
The Verge also stated Tim Slane found the canyon with some clever cross-referencing techniques, a process he says he’s honed with the online game Geoguessr, where players deduce the locations of random Google Street View pictures. In this particular case, Slane compared the flight path of the helicopter against the red-and-white sandstone terrain of the DPS videos. He said he was aided by clues like the cliff’s height, the canyon’s erosion pattern, and a flat floor.
By using Tim Slane’s GPS coordinates on Google Maps, what appears to be a monolith is seen.

Tim Slane’s coordinates:
38°20’35.2″N 109°39’58.5″W
Ben Mezrich’s book, The 37th Parallel which is written about my theory, “The 37th Degree Latitude Theory” and the Monolith’s location, falls right in place with one of my theory’s coordinates, “Canyonlands National Park, Utah.”

Canyonlands National Park is very sacred to our Native Americans and their ancestors. Many UFO sightings and Paranormal events have been experienced in this area.
My 37th Degree Latitude theory which I first posted on this site on September 15th, 2011, talks about a pattern I discovered of cases and Paranormal-type sites shooting across the USA from west to east. (or versa visa) My theory was introduced on Science Channel’s “Unexplained Files” second season TV show called, “The Paranormal Highway of America” which aired September 14th, 2014.
This theory sparked Ben Mezrich’s Book, “The 37th Parallel”, which was a New York Times Best Selling Book for two months, in the fall of 2016. The book has also been optioned for a movie with New Line Cinema.
The Monolith appears to have been placed within the last four years or so, and eventually we’ll find out why and who put it there. Was it placed there by NASA or an artist making a statement? And if it was placed by an artist, why wasn’t it publicized? In today’s information highway, info most likely would have been leaked out. If it was placed there for scientific study, like monitoring how wild animals would react to it, there should have been game cameras nearby. But appears the only monitoring would be via satellite? Maybe a calibration tool for a spy satellite? Either way, there was a lot of effort placing the Monolith at that isolated location, and definitely wasn’t a simple task.
And what about Tim’s GPS coordinates? Is this the actual location of the Monolith the Aero Bureau wildlife resource officers investigated? Only the DPS can say for sure, but I’d like to give a large “Thank You” to those officers who not only took the time to investigated it, but also went public. And also thanks to Tim Slane for going the extra mile to validate and locate the Monolith.
But one has to ask… What ever this object is, “Why was it placed there?” Well Ben Mezrich’s book, “The 37th Parallel” may have the answer.
Blog resources:
KSLTV Salt Lake City Utah
The Verge
My 37th Parallel Blog from September 5th, 2016.
Simon and Schuster Publishing Company: Ben Mezrich’s “The 37th Parallel”
Category: The Z-Files