Update on my Hydrogen and 37th Parallel Theories.

If UFO’s are using advanced technology combined with Earth’s hydrogen for their propulsion system, then the energy output of that propulsion would produce light or Electromagnetic Energy. If their craft’s propulsion system can’t be detected (ie. exhaust) it may simply be due to the output of their propulsion system may be invisible to our eyes.
There’s been numerous reports that our fighter pilots have seen UFOs and included in those reports are not being able to see any type of means of propulsion.
Retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich (Fighter pilot) stated:
November of 2004 off the coast of Southern California while running training exercises they were interrupted for a real world intercept. They were vectored to get a visual tally of something another carrier in their strike group was picking up on radar.
There were four air crew and two aircraft that picked up a visual tally on a UAP “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon”. They described it looking like a Tic Tac the little breath mint in larger scale, but white oblong with no apparent flight control surfaces and no apparent physical means of propulsion and it was maneuvering in a way they could not recognize and couldn’t classify and couldn’t identify.
“No apparent physical means of propulsion.”
Newton’s Third Law of Motion basically states that for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. Using Newton’s Third Law, the UAPs the fighter pilots are seeing must have some type of energy being used to accelerate at fantastic speeds! So why can’t we see any physical means of propulsion like the UAP’s exhaust or the reaction?
It might be due to one of the types of fuel they could be using, and that’s hydrogen.
In the core of our Star the Sun, hydrogen is being converted into helium through a process called nuclear fusion. It takes four hydrogen atoms to fuse into each helium atom. This chain reaction emits enormous amounts of energy. This energy travels through space as ultra-violet radiation and Earth’s ozone layer filters most of it. The remaining (UV) is absorbed through the Earth’s air and crust heating the planet and giving much needed energy for organisms to survive.
If UFO’s are using advanced technology to convert hydrogen into energy, then they would be emitting a large electromagnetic field (EMF) which would account for battery drain and electronics temporarily not working, which have been reported by witnesses and UFO investigators. And the exhaust from their propulsion system could be in the ultraviolet wavelength we humans can’t see or detect!
Now you may be wondering, if UFOs are emitting large amounts of EMF why doesn’t it affect our fighter jets electronics? Because technologies that are in our fighter jets and in our space crafts are protected by “rad-hard” electronics.
Rad-hard or radiation hardened electronics are components like transistors, resistors, and capacitors on a microchip which are designed not to fail when exposed to radiation like high electromagnetic fields and extreme temperatures. This might be the reason our fighter jets with rad-hard instrumentation can somewhat approach a UFO without the UFO’s high EMF affecting their electronics.
But why can’t our fighter jet’s technology see a UFO’s exhaust even though they sorta have the capability? This is what I learned, without going into a lot of detail.
Besides radar, our advanced fighter jets also have ultraviolet sensors. A UV sensor picks up on a missile’s propulsion light generated by the mixture of fuel, some being liquid hydrogen, while an IR (infra-red) sensor works in parallel looking for light deflection or a UV shadow against our bright sky. This system needs the combination of both UV and IR light to work, if it was just looking for ultraviolet light, it would just see sky.
Matter of fact, if a UFO’s technology was able to mask itself with ultraviolet light, then it would seem to just disappear.
In summary, if the UFO’s exhaust solely consists of ultraviolet light and no other type of exhaust that we know of, then neither the pilot nor the fighter jet’s sensors would be able to see it.

This graph shows the slim area of the electromagnetic light spectrum which humans can see in the wavelength range of 400 to 700 nanometers. Ultraviolet light ranges are from 10 to 400 nanometers which is completely invisible to the human eye.
So if UFO’s are using hydrogen for fuel and their exhaust is in the ultra violet wavelength which we are unable to see or detect, then where does my 37 Parallel Theory come into play?

Interesting thing about the 37th Parallel here in the United States, during the winter months due to our sun’s position to the Earth, the Sun shines less above the 37th Parallel. So everything above the 37th Parallel won’t get enough of the UVB component in ultraviolet rays essential for vitamin D synthesis. In other words, every person in the US and into Canada during the winter months has a vitamin D deficiency. For every negative there is also a positive and that is, everyone living above the 37th Parallel during the winter months may be vitamin D deficient but the lack of UVB rays decreases the chances of getting skin cancer.
UVA radiation makes up 95% of all the UV rays that hit the Earth’s surface which penetrates our skin and can pass through non-protected glass. UVB radiation only makes up 5% of the UV rays but is a very high energy. Over exposure to UVB rays could lead to melanoma or other types of skin cancers.
So during the winter months in the US, the 37th Parallel region will have the UVA and UVB rays’ fluctuate, increase/decrease due to sunshine. Eventually the UVB rays will decrease as sunlight decreases more towards the North. This slight fluctuation of UVA and UVB light frequencies would be a nice “sweet spot” for UFOs to fly in whose exhaust is ultra-violet light. It would make them even harder to detect.
Also this ultraviolet UVA/UVB light fluctuation will follow an East/West direction across the US which falls right into my 37th Parallel theory.

Now obviously this is only during the winter months, but I do believe UFO activity is just as constant during the winter months as the summer months. The only reason we have more sightings during the summer months is due more people spending time outdoors. Matter of fact, Aliens could accomplish a lot more during the winter months and not be noticed as much. And if their exhaust is ultra-violet radiation, then they could be using the Paranormal Highway on the 37th as a Turn Pike, travelling East to West or visa-versa, only exiting in certain areas to go North or South.
Obviously this is just me speculating but there is some hard information to consider.
- Talk to any seasoned UFO investigator and they’ll tell you UFO’s love water. All different types of water from oceans to lakes to small streams. Why? I believe they need the hydrogen from the water. Remember, it’s barely present in our atmosphere, about 0.00005%, so they need to get it from other sources like water or our oil preserves as mentioned in a previous blog.
- Our fighter pilots don’t see any exhaust emanating from the craft. They have a propulsion system, but what is the exhaust? What is powering UFO’s?
- Our sun uses hydrogen to create a high energy source, the end result is ultraviolet radiation. Light we can’t see.
Extract hydrogen from water through some type of alien-technology nuclear fusion device and it is used for their power, the result is an ultraviolet exhaust we can’t see.
Just a theory, but something to think about. Remember, if we can’t see something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not there.
Chuck Zukowski
Blog info:
Just Energy: Understanding Electromagnetic Energy
Lumitex: visible light rays
Category: The Z-Files