So many times, I get asked, “Why do you refer to yourself as a “UFOnut” and why is your website called that? The simple answer is, when I first started researching and investigating UFOs over 35 years ago, some people were saying I was crazy or a nut. Well, rather than letting the haters get to me, I decided to fight back and ignore their “gaslighting” attempts by staying true to being a UFOnut. Now UFOnut is Trademarked by me. Yep, I’m officially a UFOnut even though “gaslighting” is still tried with me.
Gaslighting: The practice of psychologically manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning.
In Ufology, “gaslighting” is used as an attempt to try and discredit certain individuals who don’t conform to someone’s specific ideology. Large organizations who control major sections of the media have their own agenda and ideologies and sometimes they use “gaslighting” as a way to justify what they do. Disney is currently using “gaslighting” as a way of discrediting people who don’t agree with their DEI methodologies.
For some reason Disney thinks they are in charge of how everyone should think and act, so they feel the need to push (DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, on to the public. This attempt especially with Disney, is becoming their downfall because it’s failing. I don’t really want to go into the politics of Disney, but for their 100th year anniversary in 2023, it was their worst year ever in the movies. Yet, they feel the need to be a Big Brother to everyone and push their WOKE ideologies. Yes, I’m anti-woke because that practice has the tendency to discriminate people and I’ve seen and experienced it in the paranormal field too!
Googles new, “Gemini AI Chatbot” image tool is so “woke”, that it features real life people being depicted as different races and genders. This is one AI (artificial intelligence) that is definitely an oxymoron.
Back in the 1950’s when the US was coming out of World War II, the public would just accept whatever the government or media told them, but that’s not happening anymore. People have become smarter, more educated, and refuse to be told what to do when they know it just doesn’t make sense. Even in the military, new generations of soldiers are questioning what they see flying in the sky and are going public on their own.
We’ve become more “free thinkers” which I especially like when it comes to Ufology. The majority of the public now accepts the possibility of intelligent life outside of this planet, because to think otherwise is just not logical. Just ask Mr. Spock. The public is now starting to fight back against gaslighting and fighting large corporations trying to shove their agendas down everyone’s throats.
I’ve been asked from time to time on Podcasts and emails, “When will we see you again on TV?” Well, the truth is, there were a couple of opportunities I had last year, 2023, pitching a new show. One production company wanted me to stick with just one topic, but I felt the viewers may lose interest after a couple of episodes, so I pitched another idea. Hmm, haven’t heard back. The other production company, a pretty big one, who’ve I’ve been in talks with for the past couple of years, is still working on a project. But there were actor strikes and talks of mergers, so one thing led to another, and the project is dormant at this time.
I have had some opportunities to work on other TV shows in one of their episodes, but I turned them all done. Let me explain why. One thing is, I have my pride. I don’t do TV to be on TV, I do TV shows to get information out to the public. I have never made money on any TV show I’ve been on, matter of fact, I’ve lost money every time. I make more money on my day job, so when I’m away from my day job, and production companies don’t match my salary, I lose money. But I do it for the love and not the money.
Second reason I turn some TV shows down is the following:
Ancient Aliens:
I’m not fond of these guys, I don’t trust them. I worked with them on the episode, “Secrets of the Roswell Rock, (Season 9). That was my investigation in which my sister Debbie helped me with. We spent a year trying to debunk the Roswell Rock, which only good investigators do before they claim otherwise. After we proved it an anomaly, we did a press release in Roswell. Within a week of our press release, Linda Moulton Howe contacted our witness, then preceded to plagiarize our investigation on her website. I posted a blog on the Roswell Rock on March 21st, 2011. Well to make a long story short, I supplied Ancient Aliens with all my notes including a couple of Roswell Rock copies I had made so they could do a comparison analysis. I also took them to the site where the rock was found with the person who found it and they interviewed both of us. Well, when the show aired, they cut me out of the show, and used Linda Moulton Howe as the key investigator.
Really? What a slap in the face! So, I vowed never to work with those guys again, and I don’t waste my time watching any of their episodes. Who knows how many other investigators they screwed.
Well, a couple of “A-Holes” from Ancient Aliens contacted me last year, and said they wanted to do an episode on my 37th Parallel Theory. I told them, “no”, not because I dislike them, but because I signed a Life-Rights contract with New Line Cinema. In my contract it states that I can’t do any TV shows on my theory. I signed my Life Rights for a motion picture.
By the way, If I could have done a TV show on my theory, I wouldn’t have had to wait for Ancient Aliens to contact me, years later. I could have done it back in 2016 when there was a press release in the Hollywood Reporter about Ben Mezrich’s book proposal on my theory.

After the press release, I had at least a dozen production companies contact me about doing a TV show with them, but I couldn’t because I signed a movie contract with New Line Cinema. As for the movie, well the script was completed then COVID hit, and no movement since then.
When I told the guys with Ancient Aliens that I won’t help them and am contractually obligated not to, they said, “We will do the episode anyway without you”. What a bunch of SOB’s! This is why I despise Ancient Aliens and their production company, Prometheus Entertainment.
It’s going to be really interesting to see where they get the info for my theory without me. If it’s from my website, then that’s copyright infringement.
Update: Well, it looks like the scumbags with Ancient Aliens used my sister to plagiarize my 37th Parallel Theory for their own profits. On March 1st they released an episode called, “The UFO Superhighway” which is an “unauthorized” episode on my theory, they even used my name an old picture of me. What a bunch of A-Holes, and yes, I’m pissed and yes, they just created an enemy.
Word of caution to Ancient Aliens and their production company.
YOU JUST DECLARED WAR ON UFONUT.COM! You and your worthless production company and all associated with it, stay the hell off of my website!
Beyond Skinwalker Ranch:
I also turned down working on an episode for, Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, because they were basically copying one of my Alien Highway episodes, “Murder on the Prairie. Interviewing the same rancher and wanting to mimic what we did on our show. These guys are so creative they can’t even think for themselves. They were asking me for my notes on what I did for my TV show because no one on their show is an experienced field investigator.
UFO Cowboys:
Wow this production company, American Chainsaws, is the epidemy of stealing other people’s ideas. It’s one thing to promote your group of ranchers that are investigating paranormal happenings along “The 37th Parallel”, it’s another thing not to TOUCH BASE WITH THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 37TH PARALLEL HIGHWAY THEORY!
When I saw their initial press release about this show, I was pissed!
A group of ranchers investigate paranormal happenings along the 37th Parallel, they are known as the Cowboy Sky Watchers
Such Bullshit! So, I contacted the production company and verbally destroyed one of their producers. He immediately contacted me back the next day and asked if I would want to be on their show. They would re-shoot some episodes so I could be included. You know, so they don’t plagiarize me.
I guess they were afraid I was going to sue, also the producer didn’t have much to say when I reminded him that New Line Cinema owns the rights to my theory. I’m guessing New Line Cinema has better attorneys than some little production company. Remember New Line Cinema is owned by Warner Bros, but then again, Warner Bros hasn’t been to good lately and there’s rumors Warner Bros is thinking about merging with Paramount.
Well, I know it wasn’t that producer’s fault, it’s just that some of these “fly by night” production companies are just not very good. They may last a couple of years then go out of business especially during all these big production companies having issues and merging.
Ok, those last three projects were from 2023, now jump to 2024.
Recent New Not Yet Named Show:
This show is in its beginning stages of production. I was contacted by one of the producers about the little piece of metal we found at the debris site last year. They wanted to pay for more testing and have me and Frank on their Roswell episode. At first, I agreed to speak with them, but after a long conversation with Frank, we decided not to work with them. Not that I don’t like these guys.
Frank and I decided we need to find the proper labs for the proper testing we want to do, and be there while it’s being tested. We need to be in full control. Now if this was my TV show, that would be a different story. I can’t rely on a production company I’m not directly associated with. Besides, I really don’t know who their investigators are, but am told they are very experienced. But, if I heard their names, I wouldn’t know who they are.
Really? If I’ve never heard their names and can’t find any of their investigations on the Internet, it’s probably because they’re not experienced UFO investigators.
Here’s an issue I’ve seen with TV shows lately. They bring in “so-called” investigators who really have no history in any type of field investigations. You can go back years and find details on my investigations that were made public, and realize I’ve been doing this for a while. There is a long history in my experience. Now with some production companies it’s about, do they have a Social Media site with lots of followers? Maybe their social media followers will help with ratings by watching them on TV? That’s the case with the Beyond Skinwalker show. They’re not experienced field investigators and definitely don’t have the experience I have, but they have social media followers that will help that show boost ratings. Oh, and having the word “Skinwalker” in the title is helpful too!
As for the UFO Cowboys, this is just a gimmick, something new to try because of the success of the TV show, Yellowstone.
Here’s another thing, Social Media Podcasts.
It seems now, if you have a Podcast, then some, not all hosts, think they’re an expert. I can run field investigative circles around George Noory who’s been hosting the Coast to Coast radio show for years. Yes, he’s a great host, no, he’s not a field investigator. Now just because you have a radio show or podcast and occasionally do an investigation doesn’t make you an expert.
There are over 3.2 million Podcast Shows in the USA, some estimates say over 4 million.
If you’re an expert in your field of Paranormal, it’s because you’ve put in years of time and have hundreds if not thousands of man hours racked up in your life doing what you love, researching and investigating UFO’s. There’s also the family sacrifices you have made and will make to run your investigations and still have a family. If you’ve done that, then we can talk. Until then, there’s only real investigators and then there’s posers or what I refer to as, “Couch investigators.” Those are the people who watch so many Paranormal shows on TV, they actually believe they’re experts.
You know, like the guys watching professional football and yell at the TV, “I could have made that catch!”
Also, a lot of TV shows bend and alter evidence for ratings. About 80 percent of evidence on ghost shows is false. It’s either mis-identified or, just made up for ratings.
Did you see that? Did you hear that? What was that! OMG!
We were extremely lucky shooting Alien Highway. Seven of the eight episodes were my active investigations, so the hopes of seeing real anomalies at the time of shooting, was pretty good.
As for Podcasts:
I like being on podcasts, but I have my own rules. I usually never do a podcast for a paid site. Sometimes they slip in, but I generally won’t do them. If people have to pay to hear me on a Podcast, then I stay away from those shows.
A lot of people seem to think a Podcast can be their day job and they can make a living doing it. (Remember there’s over 3 million.) Some cases that’s true, but most cases, it’s not. A good Podcast host is not in it for the money, but for the love of the subject and loves to inform their viewers. Also, I don’t do any podcast shows on weekends starting with Friday night. I still have a family life and if my weekend isn’t spent doing house chores or family outings, then I’m in the field somewhere doing an investigation or doing some research.
Some people ask me, “Why don’t you write a book?” Well, I’ve had a New York Times Best Selling book written about me and it was picked up for a motion picture, so there’s no way I can top that. I’ll just stick to writing blogs. Besides, I’ve written hundreds of blogs, enough for two books, and my info is for free, you don’t have to go to a bookstore or Amazon, well unless you’re looking for Ben Mezrich’s book, “The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind Americas UFO Highway.” 🙂

Yep, Syfy’s Channel’s TV show, “Resident Alien”, plagiarized me too! Oh hell, can’t win them all. At least they could have put me in the show as a thank you for all my hard work coming up with that theory.
The scene showing that sign was a pretty funny segment in that episode.
Chuck Zukowski
Roswell Rock:
Category: The Z-Files
Chuck, good luck with your investigations. The thing is, have you learnt anything more about, say, cattle mutilations? We know they happen, for sure, but we still don’t know why. What are UFOs all about?
I read your blog, and see you are being dragged into different areas (business and politics). This is taking up your time and is a distraction. However, have you come to any conclusions about the origin of UFOs? The US govt. does not necessarily hold secretes about aliens. They may pretend to, or do not want to admit ignorance. There is a limit to what we know, and we have not got, and will not get, any further, in my opinion.
What do you think?
Hi David, my previous blogs answer your questions. I’ve written a few. One conclusion about UFOs? Here’s something to ponder. Based on what we know about how life started on this planet and what we know about how many planets, and solar systems are out there, it’s safe to say, “The probability of intelligent life existing outside of our planet is greater than the probability of life existing on our planet.” So, if life started here, life definitely started out there where conditions were better than here.