UFOlogy; To Agree or not to Agree. Is that the Question?
Ok, let’s see how much feedback I get from this blog. Don’t take the religious aspects of the blog to be disrespectful, I’m just making an observation.
In today’s world of “Woke Culture” some social media groups are stating if you don’t agree with them, then you must be biased. So here’s what I say to those types of people, “Just because I don’t agree with you doesn’t mean I’m biased or prejudice against you, it just means I don’t agree with you.” I see this all the time in UFOlogy, some people agree with me, and some people don’t. I don’t dislike the people who disagree with me, it’s their choice and their right to be able to disagree.
We don’t want to live in a society where we’re all forced to think one way. We want to live in a society where we’re all free to give our personal opinions, and share our thoughts. That’s how we learn.
Over the years I’ve learned to live with people disagreeing with me when it comes to UFOlogy, and even though I may think they’re wrong in the way they think, I’ll still fight for their right to think the way they do. If we’re all forced to agree with the loud cry babies in the world who actually think they should always get their way, then we’re no longer a free-thinking society and that’s a bad thing. Everyone deserves to have the right to state their own opinion, no matter if you agree with them or not. That’s what freedom of speech is.
In the USA we have the 1st Amendment. In simple terms our First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression (speech), assembly, and the right to petition. These laws are designed to express your own freedom without encroaching on other people’s freedoms.
A few people I deal with from time to time in UFOlogy are debunkers and skeptics. A true skeptic is hard to deal with, because if they don’t see it or experience it, then it doesn’t exist, but a debunker seems to have a personal vendetta, they love to discredit people or their theories. Sometimes these people use their freedom of speech to ridicule and bully, without checking any facts or data.
There is a big difference between a fact checker and a debunker too! A fact checker will keep you honest, but a debunker will make up information just to discredit you. These guys don’t play by the rules, maybe Santa never showed up at their house and when he did, they got a lump of coal.

Christmas stocking. Courtesy free license picture.
But then there’s those people whose comments or beliefs are based on their religious faith. Like, “If it’s not in the Bible, then it cannot be true.” As a UFO investigator I get challenged all the time about my beliefs in UFOs, Bigfoot, and other paranormal phenomenon, and from time to time religion comes into play which challenges the paranormal arena.
Recently while I was talking to a women who works in law enforcement, I had to pause and think to myself, “Uh, what did she say?” I won’t go into details what she actually does, but while we were talking near our vehicles in a Bass Pro parking lot, I saw her glancing at the license plate on my truck, UFONUT. I quickly saw a little sarcastic smirk forming on her face. As I talked a bit about UFOlogy, I could plainly see she was in disagreement with what I was saying due to her expressions and body language. My thoughts were confirmed when she said, “Well, if it’s not in the bible, then it cannot be true.”
I thought to myself, “Wow, we’re still playing this game?” In the 21st Century? Even now with all the information coming from the Pentagon and reports coming from our military’s most experienced pilots, what they’re seeing and experiencing isn’t real? Because it’s not mentioned in the Bible?
Are electric cars and jet airplanes real? They’re not mentioned in the Bible? So, what level of intelligence does someone have to have to literally reference a book that was originally written between 1200 and 165 BC? That’s over 3000 years ago! That book was originally written for the mentality of people of that time, not for the mentality of people in this time.
But then I think, “Well it’s totally within her right to believe what she wants to think especially if it pertains to her faith and who am I to say she can’t believe that.” I’m no better than she is as a human and she’s no better than me. We are all the same no matter what we believe. ( Even though I know she’s wrong, ha ha.)
As it turns out, a lot of people here in the US completely deny the probability of UFO’s due to their religious beliefs. But one has to wonder, what would they think if they actually saw a UFO or alien? Angelic, or demonic? Either way, when I interview people who think like this, I try to include their personal beliefs into my investigation. Why? Because they’re using their beliefs and how they were brought up, to help them best describe and understand what they saw or experienced. An investigator can use this little bit of information to better understand what the witness saw.
But from time to time an investigator runs into someone who denies the existence of UFO’s, because it’s not mentioned in the Bible. Sure I can debate those people using certain passages in the Bible that could easily be interpreted as a UFO sighting like; Ezekiel’s Wheel, or Elijah and Elisha talking about a Chariot of Fire whirl-winding into heaven, but the Biblical Literalists won’t listen to anyone who tends to think outside the box, or should I say, outside the book.
A Pew Research center in 2020 stated that 64% of the US population is Christian and about 12.8% of those Christians see the Bible as Literal Word of God”. That’s a lot of people who take the Bible literally, but there’s another group of people who take this way of thinking a little bit further.
That group of people are the Young Earth creationists. They take the Bible so literally, they believe the Earth itself is 6,000 to 10,000 years old. This belief is a direct interpretation of Genesis following a time-line from Earth’s creation to today. There are a large percentage of people who believe this and challenge carbon dating techniques while disputing scientific studies on human evolution. Science states the slow evolutionary cycle from ape to human started to emerge on Earth over 6 million years ago which eventually evolved into Homo sapiens some 300,000 years ago, but the Young Earth creationists say, “No, that’s not correct” because it’s not in the Bible.
What I find interesting is, there’s a lot of people today who take the Bible literally while living in a science based world. Even though they disregard some aspects of science, they still use science everyday of their lives to live. Are they hypocrites? I don’t think so, they’re just holding true to their beliefs.
Then we have the less than 1% of the population who actually believe the Earth is flat. Well that’s not based on religion, it’s more based on distrust of science. These people are science skeptics.
Remember “Mad” Mike Hughes, the self proclaimed pilot and daredevil? He tried to prove his Flat Earth theory by going into space on-board his steam-powered rocket. Well in February of 2020, he crashed his rocket just after take-off and was killed due to a parachute deploying too early.
Sure some people made fun of him and his Flat-Earth theory, but you still have to admire him for holding on to his belief and taking steps to prove it. This guy died trying to prove his theory, he wasn’t some opinionated idiot with a podcast spewing out worthless information just to make a buck.
I do wish I knew Mike Hughes thoughts on UFOs pertaining to his Flat-Earth theory, because on June 30th, 2021 a year after his crash, the Pew Research Center stated: 65% of Americans, believe in intelligent life beyond Earth; and also don’t see UFOs as a major national security threat.
So it appears more people in the US are on board with the possibility of life outside this planet, than those who don’t.
Years ago I was once told, “The probability of life existing outside this planet is greater than the probability of life existing on this planet”. I love that quote.
Basically that quote means, based on science, the odds of life starting on this planet is extremely low when comparing the odds of life starting on other planets. This is all based on statistic analysis. We kinda know statically how life started here on this planet, but there are statically an infinite amount of galaxies and life bearing planets beyond Earth, and the odds are better that life would start there first.
Quote from one of my preivious blogs, “Life Finds a Way”:
We now know water made it to this planet via icy asteroids along with amino acids, so we can assume there are an infinite amount of other planets out there most likely to have water too! With the right elements in place, we can guess extraterrestrial Mother Nature went to work on those types of planets.
So water along with its amino acids from asteroids generated life on this planet (Uh, or God did in 6 days.) so obviously asteroids or God itself is generating life throughout the cosmos. We can compare our own planet to a speck of sand on an infinite sandy beach where other specks of sand represent planets too! That’s a lot of planets, an infinite amount. So the odds of life starting here would be astronomically smaller if our speck of sand planet was younger than other speck of sand planets. In other words, to think we are the only planet that harbors life in over 100 billion planets within our own galaxy, not including the other infinite number of galaxies outside of ours, is basically, “Medieval Thinking.”
But then again, if you are a Medieval thinker, then “Huzzah!, have another ale, it’s your right!
So we may agree or disagree with the mix of people within our society when compared to our own lives, but we all bleed the same, we all breath the same, and in the end, we may not all die the same, but we do all die. We’re not that different.
And when it comes to UFOlogy, some people may agree and some may disagree with the existence of life outside this planet. That’s ok, because it appears most of us are still trying to fully understand the existence of life on our own planet.
In my eyes, we’re just another life form living on a planet embedded in a vast sea of infinite universes, and if you believe in science, then you probably believe that too! But if you believe life on this planet was created another way, then I also respect your beliefs too! I may not agree with you and you may not agree with me, but the one thing we should all agree on is;
We should all agree to disagree.
Gallop Poll: Fewer Christians take the Bible Literally.
Pew Research Center: Most Americans believe in intelligent life beyond Earth.
Category: The Z-Files