UFO/UAP Detector: Best Tool for UFO Investigations.

Every now and then I come across a really good tool to be added to my arsenal of investigative equipment and this one “hits the spot”, a UFO/UAP Detector. With a 3-axis gravitational sensor, 3-axis magnetic field sensor, and Electromagnetic field sensor, this detector is able to pick up any type of UFO activity in your area. I’m so happy with this detector because, for years I’ve been using an EMF (electro-magnetic field) meter as my detector. Now I have both to help me with my investigations.
First, before you say, “Really? “Why would you need something like this?” Let me explain.
Many times during my investigations me, my team, and even production crews have experienced technical issues with equipment not functioning properly, from completely shutting down to battery drain issues. Areas where we experience issues are “active areas” due to UFO sightings. I’ve picked up residual energy from UFO/Paranormal events many times, but an event can sneak up on you during an investigation without you knowing.
That’s an issue, let me give you some examples.

Scenario 1: Roswell Debris Site 2006.
In June 2006, my sister Debbie and I were part of Syfy channel’s, “Sci Fi Investigates” TV show. This particular episode was about the 1947 Roswell Debris site which included an archeology dig. What was really cool about this gig was, we were allowed to camp out with the production team right next to the famous, “Hines” house. This is the structure, “which unfortunately no longer exists” where Mac Brazel and his son Vern, stored debris from the 1947 crash site.
The first night we camped something strange happened during the night. When we woke up early in the morning, we noticed all of our vehicle batteries were drained, production batteries were drained, and our cells phones were either battery drained or had reset to factory settings.
It appears something might have flown over us sometime during the night to see what we were doing? Or something came into our camp site for a visit? Either way, an unknown high energy source mucked with our equipment.
Fortunately for us, Dr. Bill Doleman and other archeologists were meeting us at that location later in the morning and I had “jumper cables” in my SUV, so we were able to get our vehicles re-started and the production crew was able to re-charge their audio and video batteries for the TV shoot.
IF I would have had a UFO Detector at that time, I might have been alerted during the night to what was going on outside of our tents. Or at least quickly alerted before the detector’s battery was drained.

Scenario 2: Bigfoot Investigation turned UFO Event, Ouray, Colorado, 2011
Around 9:00pm during our investigation, the area became very quiet then the proverbial shit hit the fan. All kind of things started to happen, my night vision camera batteries were dying so fast I couldn’t record what was happening. Finally with my last battery, I was able to use a “snapshot” mode and captured one picture.
Our Bigfoot investigation turned into a UFO sighting.

If I would have had a UFO Detector, we might have been alerted right before the event, not sure if the conclusion would have been the same but, I would have got a heads-up to what was about to happen.
There have been more events where I could have used a UFO Detetctor during investigations, too many to talk about here, so let’s just talk about this detector.

Enter William DiPoala, inventor of the UFO/UAP Detector. William served as a Principal Development Engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch) for over 35 years, specializing in the design of sensors for security systems. There he focused on creating diverse motion detectors by incorporating various sensor technologies. Throughout his career he has achieved numerous awards and was recognized as one of the company’s top 18 inventors of all time. He currently holds 40 patents.
William had his own UFO experience.
William’s UFO Experience:
About a decade ago, my wife and I encountered an inexplicable event that continues to be a topic of discussion for us. While driving home one afternoon, we observed a peculiar object suspended motionless approximately 40 feet directly above the road ahead. As we slowed down, we ruled out conventional explanations – not a kite, balloon, or drone. We almost came to a complete stop as we passed beneath it. The object emitted no sound and remained strangely stationary, as if affixed to an invisible pole. It measured around 10 feet in diameter, featuring faceted surfaces like a diamond. Its size seemed too small for a person to be inside.
This event sparked Williams to create a UFO detector, he stated:
As an engineer, my driving force behind developing the UAP detector is the desire to comprehend what we witnessed. I seek additional opportunities to study, collect data, and document these objects.
Fortunately for us investigators, an inventor had a UFO event that pushed him to invent a tool that will not only help him but help us investigators and UFO enthusiasts in the future. And a pretty cool tool it is.
What I like about this detector besides the design, is a phone app for it too! With the app you’ll have:
– Home screen showing sensor status.
– Sensor Log screens with sensor signal levels.
– History screen. “Awesome”
The ET302W Detector’s specifications:
Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ANDL-CBU, IC ID: 23243-CBU
Wi-Fi Standard: IEEE 802.11 b, 2.4Ghz only
Operational temperature: -10 to +50 deg. C
Power: 1.5V *3 AAA (LR 03) Alkaline Batteries
Current: 350µA steady state, 100mA max
Battery Life: 3-6 months
3 axis Magnetic Field sensor sensitivity: 0.008 Gauss in any direction
3 axis Gravitational Field sensor sensitivity: 0.025g in any direction
Electromagnetic Field detector sensitivity: -72dBm (1.59GHz-1.78GHz)
Detector is 4.5 inches square.
Note: The detector housing is not waterproof, for temporary outdoor tesƟng place detector in waterproof food container
I’m kinda of a Geek when it comes to technology especially when it pertains to UFOlogy. I don’t generally promote other people’s products, but every now and then, a book or a tool like this one is definitely worth mentioning especially when it can help fellow investigators and enthusiasts with their investigations.
I can’t wait to use it out in the field, so far, my test cases at home look really good. The only problem I see with this detector is:
When the alarms goes off, do I really want to investigate why?
You bet I do!
Thanks, William, for putting in the effort designing this detector, I know it can make a difference with my investigations and I hope it can make a big difference in anyone else’s investigations who use it.
(Btw) Could have used this tool earlier this summer when Frank Kimbler and I were at the Roswell debris field finding more tiny pieces of un-registered aluminum alloys while metal detecting. While at the site we experienced an unknown high level of energy. Not sure if it was stationary or slowly moving, but this detector could have given us more information.
Then there was July 3rd, 2016 where my sister Debbie and I experience a UFO event outside of Roswell at night. We would have been warned to what was about to happen to us.
Well next time I’ll be more prepared, thanks to William.
William Dipoala links:
Amazon (Sales) UFO Detector UAP Detector (ET302W)
Bosch Engineer Recognizes as Important Inventor:
Professional Series TriTech+Motion Detectors:
Category: The Z-Files