The Great Roswell Cover-up! Part Two.
Previous in Part One: This story didn’t end here with the beginning of the cover-up, It’s just the beginning of a whole new story.
Story continues from Part One:
As General Ramey from Fort Worth and Colonel Blanchard from Roswell initiated the cover-up story, something very interesting was happening in the background.
A crashed UFO along with a number of alien bodies, most dead but one alive, had been discovered at multiple locations from the debris site.
There are a couple of assumptions why the alien craft crashed, but over the years of investigation and research, these assumptions have been narrowed down a bit.
My assumption:
On Wednesday, July 2nd, 1947, two craft were flying west in formation over Roswell, New Mexico. Story goes some Roswell residents saw the lights flying over, two witnesses being nuns who were taking a cigarette break on the roof of their building. (Hearsay.) Also, two weeks prior on June 24th, pilot Kenneth Arnold saw nine shiny flying objects estimated speed around 1200mph, flying near Mount Rainier, Washington. And on June 21st, six large craft were seen near Maury Island, Washington. Now due to these two sightings, our military was on edge and on alert. They didn’t know who or what these objects were or why they were flying over the USA. RAAF in Roswell was a Strategic Air Command Base (SAC) and was on alert too! Further west of Roswell sat White Sands Missile range and they were also on alert, scanning the skies looking for UFO’s.
My research picked up information that a portable Radar site might have been placed between White Sands Missile Base and Roswell’s RAAF Base. Both these bases had a radar system, but they couldn’t overlap each other resulting in leaving an empty space. These radar systems were direct-beam radar with a range about 80 miles. It’s about 170 miles from Roswell to White Sands, so it would make sense to put a portable radar system in between the two locations to monitor anything that was flying beyond the other two bases radar capabilities.
So that night, July 2nd, Mac Brazel had mentioned there was a thunderstorm at his location, around 70 miles as the crow flies from Roswell. Two objects flying in formation passing over Roswell heading towards White Sands were going to run into that thunderstorm.
As the two craft were flying over Roswell, RAAF radar picked them up, heading west the portable radar or/and White Sands picked them up. To get a better signature on an object being tracked by direct-beam radar, the radar operator simply increases the microwave intensity or power.
Note: I’ve talked to a rancher near the debris site and he told me a story where his grandfather had come across dead burned birds in that area. Direct beam radar when intensified will create an extreme heat signature and could kill birds who fly within the radars path. Also, that story may give credibility to the portable radar system between Roswell and White Sands.
So, there are two UFO’s flying west and not only do they get caught in a thunderstorm, but also get caught between two radar systems that probably increased intensity to successfully track the objects through the storm.

From this old aeronautical map I had purchased, you can clearly see the Danger Areas or No-fly zones around Roswell and White Sands. These are the areas where radar systems would be used.

The two “heel shaped” craft could have struck each other while flying in formation when hit with the two radar beams at high intensity. This sudden hit of high frequency radiation from two separate locations along with the electro-magnetic fields being generated in the thunderstorm clouds, could have disrupted their navigation systems, thus causing them to bump into each other. One craft goes down near Mac Brazel’s location and the other goes down near the Plaines of San Augustin, New Mexico. Researcher Chuck Wade has been investigating a crash that occurred around the same time frame of Roswell in the area west of Socorro, New Mexico where witnesses had discovered a strange metallic object with bodies.

I acquired one of Chuck Wades artifacts for analysis.

I had the Chuck Wade artifact on loan and had it analyzed under a Scanning Electronic Microscope. The SEM uses a beam of electrons and their wave-like characteristics to magnify an object’s image. The beams then bounce back off the material it’s zooming in at and determines what the elements are in the material. Chuck Wades artifact showed Silicon (Si), Aluminum (Al), Magnesium (Mg) and a bit of Potassium (K), the Oxygen (O) is ambient. Is this metal an Aluminum/Silicon Alloy?
To collaborate the Plaines of San Augustin story, I mentioned in Part One that I interviewed 99 year old Gereldine Perkins who ran the drug store in Corona, New Mexico. During my interview I asked her if she remembered anything else strange that happened around the 1947 July 4th time frame that may have included animals. I was just wondering about animal mutilations. She remembered a couple of ranchers came into her store asking if she had heard of any viruses that were currently effecting cattle in the region. Drug stores back then also carried medication for ranch animals because most of the ranchers had to handle veterinarian issues by themselves. They told her some cattle in the Plaines of San Augustine area were found bleached bright white but were still alive at that time. She remembered how odd that was.
Could those bleached cows have something to do with the possible UFO crash in that area?
Well the craft that came down near the Hines House where Mac Brazel and his son Vern were, didn’t impact, but skipped and traveled another 17 miles towards the Capitan Mountains. Thus why the debris site is also known as the skip site. The debris scattered over hundreds of yards that Mac saw, was from the object skipping, (like you would skip a Frisbee on a sidewalk), bouncing off the ground and impacting some 17 miles further west.
After skipping on the desert, a large tear apparently was created on the side of the craft which caused one or two occupants and more debris to fall out onto the desert, about three miles from the debris site. That story is collaborated by Mac Brazel’s granddaughter, Faun Fritz.

That story is also collaborated by other local stories in the area mentioning scattered debris. Me and my team from my TV show, Alien Highway, visited a ranch around that three-mile location because it’s rumored the rancher back in 1947 had found some debris and hid it in a cave on his property. We found multiple cave entrances that were blocked on that property, but my son Daniel found a small hidden opening to one of the caves. We put a small camera in that opening looking for anything unusual, but only saw some small stalactites. It would have been easy to hide material all around that area back in 1947.

Back in Roswell, RAAF personnel took Mac Brazel back to the debris site where the material was being removed. Story goes soldiers walked the debris site shoulder to shoulder picking up everything they saw. Once they were done, they did it again on hands and knees. While this was going on, Mac accompanied some of the personnel on horseback looking for more debris. This was based on Mac’s granddaughter, Faun Fritz’s interview.
Heading in the direction of the scattered debris (ie. skip site) Mac and some of the RAAF personnel came across either one or two alien bodies about three miles further. They had noticed circling buzzards over that area and went to investigate. This now explains why Mac stated in Part One of this blog that “they weren’t green”, he saw a body or bodies.
The craft skipped at the debris site which created a large rip in its side and three miles from the debris site either on or two aliens and some debris fell out of the large rip.
While the military was cleaning up the debris, aircraft were in the skies looking for the main structure of the ship and about that same time 17 miles further down, civilian rock hunters came across the main structure of the craft. They also found bodies, four of them, three deceased and one alive.
The craft was embedded into a dried stream bank, with rips in the side and bodies lying around exposed to the hot dry temperatures. Before the new on-lookers could assess the crash site and damage, a military convoy approached and confronted the civilians.

Based on an eyewitness interview, I believe this is the impact site’s general location.
Eye-Witness Account:
The eye-witness Gale (last name on file) was around 8 years old when her family experienced a military convoy heading down the dirt road near her house. The soldiers in the open back trucks were armed carrying rifles. As her family went outside to see what was going on, one vehicle stopped and ordered them to go back in their home. Gale’s uncle lived down the street and the night of the crash his carrier pigeons were making a lot of noise. When he went out to the cages assuming maybe he’d see coyotes, he saw something else, a red glow about a mile down from his house. He thought it might have been a brush fire but didn’t pursue it because the glow eventually went out.
When I interviewed Gale, she said the military convoy passed her uncle’s house too and stopped about a mile down the road and setup a bivouac. (Temporary military camp) The local residents were forced to stay near their homes until the convoy left. As they left, Gale saw that the flatbed trucks were covered with canvass’s possibly covering up something. Representatives from the RAAF Base visited all the homes on the way out and afterwards, her father ordered her to never speak of what they saw. When she was a teenager, she overheard her father talking to her uncle about that incident, and when she intervened in the conversation, she was scolded. “Don’t you ever talk about this again!”
I tried to contact Gale within the last couple of years over the COVID period, but had no luck, she should be around 83 years old by now. I checked the obituaries within the area she lived, but nothing popped up, so hopefully she’s still around.

This picture of my GPS shows a straight line from the Debris Site GPS coordinates to the proposed impact site coordinates. Everything about this location matches the description of where the craft came down and bodies were found. This site is roughly one-mile past Gale’s uncle’s old house.

Note: I’m not going to release the GPS coordinates of the debris site or the impact site because they are on-going investigations even now, 75 years later. With technology increases, there’s a good chance debris can still be found there.

When the military convoy left the impact site and the debris site was cleared, all the material went back to RAAF Base for safe keeping. It was stored in Hanger 84.

When the bodies initially arrived at the RAAF Base, they were in body bags, and it was decided to use coffins instead to be less conspicuous. So, someone from the Base contacted Glenn Dennis the local mortician and asked him if he had three child-size coffins. He told them he had only one and could contact a mortuary in a nearby city to see if they had any more.
Suspicious of what just happened along with noticing excessive military traffic passing his funeral home heading towards the RAAF Base, he decided to visit the base and see what was going on. The Base itself is just down the street from Ballard Funeral Home and many times he would have to go to the base and pick up some unfortunate pilot that perished during training. He assumed there may have been a plane crash, so he went to the base to see if they needed his assistance. When Glenn arrived there and headed to the Base hospital, he noticed a very large commotion going on everywhere around him and as he got closer to the hospital, he was detained and escorted off the base. Later his nurse friend contacted him and what she told him, changed his life forever.
According to Glenn, the nurse participated in an autopsy of three alien-type creatures. One wasn’t in bad shape but the other two were pretty mangled. She said the smell was horrific while the surgeons were performing autopsies. She also handed Glenn a sketch of what the creatures looked like and told him to never talk about this.
Story goes, eventually the alien bodies were transported to Wright Air Base in Ohio and stored in Hanger, number 18. There could have been three bodies, but I think four bodies were shipped. Three from the impact site and one that Mac Brazel had seen three miles from the debris site.
But why would the bodies and debris be sent to Wright Base?
At that time Wright Base housed US’s Foreign Technology Department, and their job was to reverse engineer new technology from other countries and see how they functioned. All the labs were already set-up there and it was a perfect place to analyze the new material. Later, researchers have speculated, the main body of the craft and the surviving being, nick-named, “EBE” for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity”, was transferred to Groom Lake, Nevada, Area 51 for further analysis. Area 51’s initial development was in the early 1950’s so nothing could have moved there from Ohio or any other place until then.
In 2002, my sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer and I, participated in an archeology dig at the Debris site. The Dig was for a TV Documentary called, “The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence”. We spent most of our time digging one meter by one meter holes about three to four feet deep. The idea was to look for abnormalities in the soil as if large machinery had upset the dirt like a bulldozer. It appeared we were just there for background shooting most of the time, so when filming ended, my sister and I went back to the site for our own archeology dig.

I had convinced Dr. Bill Doleman who was head of the archeology team, to let us come back and spend one day of digging the way I wanted to, while he and his crew were closing up shop there.

I asked Dr. Doleman to help us layout a strip dig area where water would have settled due to erosion over the years. This was something I learned with my wife when we worked an Anasazi dig in Arizona. Dr. Bill looked at his maps and BLM pictures, and gave his best guess. Now this was not in the area the TV show had us digging, and since we didn’t find anything amazing there, I was pretty happy to be in another location.

We laid out a 1 by 5-meter strip dig area and I started skimming topsoil off with my shovel at about one to two inches or about 6 centimeters each time. Constantly putting the dirt into buckets, my sister Debbie would cautiously start sifting the dirt looking for anything unusual.

As luck would have it, Debbie found something while sifting the dirt.

The Roswell Dig Diary book published about the TV show defined our metallic fragment as:
Triangular piece (ca. 18mm) very thing (less that .3mm), translucent gray plastic(?), slightly shiny (between dull and glossy) on both sides; color of duct tape but lack fibers; flexible and touch; reminiscent of gray refuse bag material.
Well, I knew this artifact wasn’t from a garbage bag because when we took it out of its envelope, sides would curl-up possibly due to solar radiation or just light. The edges would flatten back again when placed in the envelope.

After numerous attempts trying to get the production company to run further analysis on this piece; In 2008, I was able to acquire it for a short period of time to at least run a Scanning Electron Microscope analysis.

These images are in microns, or 1/1000mm (1/25,000 of an inch). We zoomed into a segment protruding from this section of the artifact to see what it was made of. At 40 microns that hair-like segment is made of Aluminum/Silicon. An Aluminum/Silicon metal alloy just like Chuck Wades artifact from the Plaines of San Augustin, New Mexico! Two separate craft, two separate locations, debris analysis similar!

This picture shows another segment of the artifact where you can see a blast-like spot at 500 microns. When we zoomed in at 30 microns we saw this string-like object. SEM concluded this was also made up of Aluminum/Silicon.
Now I needed help from an outside lab to determine what this artifact is made of, so on May 4th, 2009, I did a Press Release from Roswell, asking for help.
A couple of weeks after my press release, Bigelow Aerospace contacted me and said they wanted to analyze the artifact. It took a couple of months of paperwork between me and the State of New Mexico who owned rights to it because it was found during a sanctioned archeology dig. I created the paperwork needed to request (a piece) of the artifact be delivered to Bigelow for analysis but not the whole artifact! A corner of the artifact was cut off and sent to Bigelow Labs and the remaining artifact is still hiding in archive.
Within a week of delivery to the Bigelow Lab, I received a phone call stating the lab had first analysis of the artifact.
Bigelow’s first analysis:
The material provided is a dark gray polymer that contains small amounts of several elements that are commonly used as colorants (iron, zinc, calcium, titanium). We were not able to identify any mass-produced polymer that matches this sample, but the number of products to compare to is immense. The sample does not contain any elements that wouldn’t be expected in a standard polymer.
I thought it was interesting that Bigelow’s lab analysis didn’t show what my SEC (Scanning Electron Microscope) analysis showed, Aluminum/Silicon alloy, but their lab procedure was unable to match the artifact to any mass-produced polymer. Meaning we can rule out any common polymer used for commercial purposes.

My next question for Bigelow’s Lab was, “Ok, what are you going to do next?” They told me, isotope analysis, we want to see if this thing is from Earth. Well, after multiple attempts contacting the lab and getting excuses like, “The artifact is still waiting analysis”, or “Someone else is in charge of this project”, a year had gone by and they finally contacted me stating, “It was nothing and we returned the piece.”
Well, if you remember on December 16th, 2017, information came out about the Pentagon spending 22 million dollars on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Guess who received the majority of that money? Yep, Robert Bigelow’s Aerospace Research company. If the Pentagon had been funding Bigelow’s Aerospace company for years, then it’s quite likely my artifact’s lab analysis could have been monitored and paid for by the Pentagon. That’s really interesting.
So, what’s next? Well, I found an artifact at the debris site, so I guess it’s time to try and find an artifact at the impact site. I’ll need some proof that my location of the impact site is genuine. Only way to do that is to find some evidence. Hopefully I’ll get another TV show which will help me do that, but until then, I’ll keep cranking away and looking for evidence that;
Alien Life Exists.
Chuck Zukowski
The Roswell Files
Category: The Z-Files