Duran Cattle Mutilation March 15, 2009
Rancher Duran from Westin Colorado discovered his 26 year old cow dead under unusual circumstances two days after he had noticed it was missing.
Rancher Duran from Westin Colorado discovered his 26 year old cow dead under unusual circumstances two days after he had noticed it was missing.
I was asked if I could put some video footage of the field investigation on YouTube. So here is a brief look and the link.
This is my response to some comments made on the Sanchez and Miller Cattle mutilation cases.
On November 16th I received a phone call from Alejandro Rojas from Openminds.tv, Tempe, Arizona.
On October 15th when I first heard about a weather balloon becoming un-tethered and flying around the state of Colorado.
Nestled out in the middle of “out-there” near Trinidad Colorado, lay a five week old calf succumbed to a mysterious death.
This animal was last seen on Friday afternoon March 20th 2009.