Roswell UFO Archeology Dig 2002
On the night of July 3rd 1947, 48 year old rancher W.W Mac Brazel and his 8 year old son Vernon, were staying at the Hines ranch house waiting out a terrific thunderstorm.
Roswell “Rock Circle” Unveiled at the Roswell UFO Festival, July 6th, 2008 at the Pearson Auditorium, Roswell NM.
Recently while visiting Denver’s Museum of Nature and Science, I was confronted by a resident patriot (Worker).
Today, we’re able to purchase a vast array of very high-end technological gadgetry which is more sophisticated than the majority of our space probes and satellites.
The following link is an article written by Maurizio Baiata who is an investigative reporter, magazine editor and UFO researcher for Open Minds TV.
During the 2009 Roswell Festival, Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer return to the Roswell Debris Site with guests, Jesse Marcel Jr. and Maurizio Baiata. This was the very first time Jesse Marcel Jr. was taken to the Roswell impact and debris site where his father collected possible UFO crash debris over 60 years earlier.