Cowboys & Aliens: The Real Story
The real story of “Cowboys & Aliens” played out in Lincoln County New Mexico, in July of 1947.
The real story of “Cowboys & Aliens” played out in Lincoln County New Mexico, in July of 1947.
The following is the analysis of our artifact found in a 2002 dig at Roswell.
Chuck Zukowski returned to Roswell, NM in July for the 2010 UFO Festival with his sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer and the UFOnut.com crew. From the lecturing, interviews and visit to the debris site, Chuck has many new things to share with his fans. Chuck also got to spend some time with some special event attendees including […]
The following link is an article written by Maurizio Baiata who is an investigative reporter, magazine editor and UFO researcher for Open Minds TV.
During the 2009 Roswell Festival, Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer return to the Roswell Debris Site with guests, Jesse Marcel Jr. and Maurizio Baiata. This was the very first time Jesse Marcel Jr. was taken to the Roswell impact and debris site where his father collected possible UFO crash debris over 60 years earlier.