Cattle Mutilation in Kansas City, Mo. January 5th, 2012
On January 6th 2012, Fox 4 News from Kansas City Missouri, reported on a cattle mutilation incident which had occured the day before.
On January 6th 2012, Fox 4 News from Kansas City Missouri, reported on a cattle mutilation incident which had occured the day before.
For the past couple of weeks I’ve been helping Deputy Steve Scott with the Custer County Sheriff’s department in Idaho, work on a couple of animal mutilation cases.
Reported sightings are everywhere, but even stars in the sky show patterns; so how about UFO sighting cases, animal mutilation cases, and even abduction cases. Can there be a pattern?
On Saturday August 29th, Margie hosted the Midwest UFO Conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
Monday morning August 8th, 2011, I was contacted by rancher Miller from Trinidad, Colorado. He informed me that one of his cows had been mutilated over the past weekend.
On the morning of May 17th 2011, I was contacted by rancher Manuel Sanchez from San Luis Colorado, about a possible mutilated cow. This is Manuel’s sixth mutilated animal since 2006, so he’s quite familiar with these strange types of deaths. His last mutilation in which I investigated, occurred in November of 2009.
While at work on the morning of May 17th 2011, I was contacted by rancher Manuel Sanchez from San Luis Colorado, about a possible mutilated cow.
Join me on the “paranormal bad boys” show, Tuesday March 8th 2011 on PARAXVISION.com
Former El Paso County Reserve Deputy Sheriff, Chuck Zukowski terminated for investigating the Paranormal.