Vote Trump for UFO Disclosure.
Let’s get serious about this!
This is something every Paranormal Investigator needs to adhere to.
Are UFOs using hydrogen for propulsion? And if so, then ultraviolet light would be the exhaust.
Back on September 15th, 2011, I did a web site Press Release on my 37 Degree Latitude Theory. After years of doing investigations here in Colorado, I started to see a pattern, a highway of sightings, events and certain places, stretching across the US with it’s centerline on the 37 degree Latitude. Picture a highway […]
Episode Ninja: A website that ranks the best episodes of any TV show based on user ratings: My personal episode, the “Paranormal Highway of America”, which was featured on the second season of “The Unexplained Files” TV show, ranked number three out of all episodes for both seasons one and two. Episode Ninja description of, The Unexplained Files […]
UPDATE 11/30/20 MONOLITH WAS STOLEN!International Business Times excerpts: A visitor named Ricardo Marino went to the spot where the monolith was placed recently. However, he was shocked to see nothing left in the spot where the monolith was actually there. Marino, in a video posted on Instagram, revealed that he saw a pickup truck with […]
UFO investigating has its “ups” and “downs”, mostly “ups”, but some “downs”. The “ups” are going to new places, meeting new faces, and investigating the strange and unknown; the “downs” are generally the people who just lie for whatever reason, and some ridicule from the public or press too! But the “ups” always out weigh […]
When the book, “The 37th Parallel” was released September of 2016, people who bought it, got first hand information about Robert Bigelow’s, involvement with UFOs. Eight months after the release of the book, his May, 2017 interview with CBS; he confessed to the world his belief in alien visitation to this planet. Then seven months […]
On March 24th of 2016 while campaigning for the presidency of the United States, Hillary Clinton was on the Jimmy Kimmel show talking about the UFO phenomenon. She told Jimmy the term isn’t called UFO anymore, but the latest nomenclature is, Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon or UAP. Like Jimmy, I also prefer the term UFO, for Unidentified […]