Roswell Debris Field Dig
Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer
Artifact DescriptionThe artifact was silver and slightly metallic in color. It was about the size of a fingernail, very thin and lightweight. It wasn’t metal, Mylar or paper but felt like a thin piece of trash bag type material. It was so lightweight, that I had to hold on to it tight, so it wouldn’t blow away. Debbie Ziegelmeyer, MUFON Field Investigator Missouri, USA |
Convoy to Site
Motoring to the Mac Brazel Debris Site.
We’re Here
Now What? The archeologist’s, Bill, Bob, and Loui are deciding what to do with us. This is a first for them as much as it is a first for us.
Archeology Class
Dr. Bill Doleman properly shows the correct method of dumping 5 gallons of dirt in to the sifting tripod, while the SciFi camera crew records his every action.
My First Dig
I’m starting our first 1×1 meter site. We later learned this site was for sedimentary reasons. In other words, Dr. Doleman needed a couple of sites to check the soil layers and ground moisture. My sister and I dug this site down to 70 cenitmeters.
SciFi Camera Man
One of SciFi’s cameramen setting up a location filming. In the background is the road to the debris site. Just remember, “Turn right at the wind mill”.
Dig with Samples
This is my sister’s first dig and mine. Notice the 5 bags of samples. Each sample was taken within a 10-centimeter depth. In the background is our ACME 2002 sifting tripod. Many a dust was swallowed with that.
Dig Before Covering
This is a good example of a 1×1 meter dig site. The base must be clean before covering for the night. Pictures are taken of the site before covering and after uncovering the next day. This is to insure the site was not contaminated.
Debris Site 1
This is just left of the debris site looking down from where the saucer skip started. I’m in the background shooting infra-red video for later study. Infra-red can be shot in the day time using a white light blocking lens. I’m currently studying the video looking for abnormalities which white light could have hidden.
Debris Site 2
This is the debris site looking straight down from where the saucer skip started. Off in the mountain horizon to the right is where the Jim Ragsdale site is located. That location is roughly 27 miles away.
Checking Elevation
Archeologist Bob stands near me while archeoligst Loui (not shown) is checking the elevation at my site.
Archeologists Bob and Loui are measuring out our next dig site. Great care is taken to make sure the location of the site is correct and exact to Dr. Doleman’s map.
Dr. Bill Doleman
Dr. Doleman being taped by one of SciFi’s cameramen.
Satellite Photos
These pictures were located on the side of the RV. “They are satellite photos of the region that were used by Don Schmitt and myself to aid us in our helicopter search for the final 1947 crash site where the rest of the UFO and its occupants were found.” — Tom Carey
My Interview
Well now I know why my interview was cut out. Sheeeesh…
Part of the Gang
While I take a break and talk with Edwin who was in charge of our security, Nancy and John cheese it up for my sister taking pictures. Kate is to the lower right listening in on our conversation. Shame on you Kate.
John and Nancy
John and Nancy posing inside of their dig site.
A Slight Mishap
My Leg! My Leg!! humor
Kate in our dig site.. Pretty deep huh? Ok she’s squatting down.
Me and My Sister
My sister Debbie and I… Debbie is a Mufon investigator from Missouri. She has a tendency to fly out to Colorado and join me on my wild UFO treks. Now it’s become “our” wild UFO treks. Although this time we were both seperately invited to the dig by Don Schmitt. So I guess it’s Don’s wild UFO trek. Debbie, my not too older sister is pretty cool for a sister, not saying my other two older sister’s aren’t cool. (yikes)
Archeology Site
With Don Schmitt in the background, and the back hoe further in the background, this is the last day of our dig. The back hoe was brought in to dig a series of trenches looking for any abnormal layers of dirt possibly caused by something crashing through the soil. Bill Doleman was quoted as saying an abnormality was found with the trenching.
ACME 2002 Tripod
Our own ACME 2002 Dirt Sifting Tripod. Notice the pile of sifted dirt underneath the basket. There was a lot of siftin’ going on.
Site of Strip Dig
This is the mapping site of mine and Debbie’s last dig. After much discussion the previous night, Dr. Doleman agreed to let us control our last dig. This site is smack dab in the center of the abnormality area. It also utilizes an area in which 55 years of rain fall could place scattered debris due to erosion. The strip site is 1 meter by about 20 meters long. It’s primary use is to dig a shallow 10 centimeter trench looking for recently placed artifacts. Artifacts placed 55 years ago by a crashed saucer. This is the area we found our most promising artifact.
Strip Dig
This is the strip dig. I dug down approximately 10 centimeters in 5 meter increment strips, 1 meter wide. While I was digging using a pick and shovel, I constantly filled the orange 5 gallon buckets and supplied dirt to Debbie and 2 other sifting volunteers. We looked like a fine tuned machine. When one sifter was finished sifting, I would re-fill their sifting trays and they would continue. This is where Debbie found our most promising artifact while sifting.
Secured Dig Site
This is what the site looks like when you secure it for the night. After you sweep out the bottom of your dig, and the archeoligist takes a picture of it, you must cover it with a tarp. Placing already sifted dirt on the tarp helps secure it in case of wind.
Category: Alien & UFO Sightings, Roswell, Roswell Dig