For Podcasters and Radio Hosts.

Podcasters and Radio Show Hosts:
Email me:
I enjoy being on Podcasts and Radio shows no matter how big or how small.
I’m an IC Mask Design Engineering contractor, (basically design microchips) and I work through the week. Because I contract and own my own business, I can schedule my work around a Podcast or Radio show during the week.
Please don’t email me in the morning and ask me to be on your show later that day. I’ll need at least 48 hours to re-arrange my schedule for your show if I can do it that quickly. I prefer at least a week’s notice in advance.
I don’t do Podcasts or Radio Shows on the weekends, because that’s family time mixed in with investigation time. If your show airs on a weekend, then if you want me, you’ll have to pre-tape it.
I also prefer if you advertise me being on your Podcast or Radio show through your social media sites at least 48 hours before airing, if it’s live. This way I can also promote your show on my social media sites, generating a larger audience. Also, I want a link to the show so I can also promote it.
Note: If your audience has to pay a fee to hear your podcasts, I won’t go on. I only do shows that are free to the public.
Thank you
Chuck Zukowski is a “LLC” company out of Colorado, USA. All materials on this website that involve Chuck Zukowski and his investigations are protected under United States Copyright laws.
Material within this website is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.