Numbers in a Pattern. Do You See Them?

For the past few years when I’ve looked at a clock, I’ve been seeing numbers in a pattern. Not all the time, but frequently enough to catch my attention. Is it just a coincidence?
I’ll get up from my computer, walk into another room and notice the time on the clock has three of the same numbers. Or I’ll wake up at night and look at the clock and see, 1:11am, or 2:22am or 3:33am. I do catch a 12:12am/pm periodically which is fun because that’s my birthday date, 12/12. (btw: My wife’s birthday is 5/5 and we were married on 4/4.) What’s strange to me is, when I look at a clock, it may not be the correct time. My wife’s clock near her side of the bed is always running fast, so she has a couple of minutes of extra “getting ready for work” time. The clock near my side of the bed always matches my cell phone time. The clock on our stove compared to the one on our microwave is always off a bit, so the numbers I see, depending on the clock I look at, may not be the correct time, but off by a couple of minutes.
When I started researching this, I found this phenomena is more common than I thought, and there are a lot of websites covering it. Most websites I visited are more of a spiritual nature which is out of my “analytic” norm, but still quite fascinating to read.
On the website,, they talk about repeating numbers in Numerology like the numbers 11, 22, and 33. These numbers are referred as “The Triangle of Enlightenment”.
The Number 11, connects you with your instincts, subconscious and knowledge. The number 22 is considered, disciplined, ambitious, and capable of turning dreams into reality. And the number 33 is a combination of human and divine consciousness. This website states, when you see numbers like these, the universe, your angels, or guides, have given you a subtle nudged causing you to look at the numbers. Why? Maybe a way of alerting you to a pressing matter in your life you may be missing, or maybe just a wake-up call to re-align your thoughts, either way, seeing repeated numbers means you’re being sent a very important message you shouldn’t ignore.
On the website,, their meaning of repeating numbers are slightly different. If you see the repeating number 111, then take note of where you are, what you are doing, and who you are with. It’s a wake-up call from the universe, telling you to pay attention to what is happening around you. If you see the number 222, the universe is telling you to pay attention to the people who are coming into your life, someone will pay a major role. The number 333 is the trinity number and pops up when you need to align your mind, body, and soul. It’s an alert to let you know that one area of your life is out of balance and you need to fix it.
The website, “” refers to sequential numbers as, Angel Numbers. The website states, “Because angel numbers work in accordance with tenets of numerology, which upholds the notion that each number is connected to a certain vibrational energy or frequency that encompasses meaning beyond its sheer numeric value, they serve as a thumbs up, of sorts, to continue along the path you’re currently on.”
This website’s meaning of patterned numbers again is slightly different than the other two websites mentioned. They state the pattern number 111 is a powerful number for manifestation. When you see it, think of the universe as taking a screenshot of your frame of mind, what ever is going on in your life, your thoughts, visualizations, goals, and dreams, will be replicated.
The number 222, is a reminder to be present, enjoy the moment, and trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Seeing the number 333 is a sequence prompt from angels to bring more balance into your life. They want you to look at the areas of your life that are not fully rounded out and do a “self correction”.
There are many more websites dealing with Angelic numbers, each giving their own take on it, but all seem to involve a form of Numerology.
Numerology as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary:
As an element of astrology and fortune-telling, numerology has long been employed to predict future events. For many early Christians, 3 represented the Trinity, 6 represented earthly perfection, and 7 represented heavenly perfection; and still today, many of us like to group things into sets of 3 or 7, for no particular reason. Numerology has also been used to interpret personality; in particular, numerologists may assign numbers to each letter of a person’s name and use the resulting figures, along with the person’s date of birth, as a guide to his or her character.
Let’s say you’re not into Numerology or Angelic Numbers, but from time to time you see three numbers, all the same, pop up on a clock. What are the odds of that happening?
First, let’s look at the probability a human can pick the same number three times at random. Someone comes up to you and says, “I’m thinking of three numbers, what are they?
The probability or odds of picking 3 specific numbers at random like, 333 or 222 would be; the first number out of 10 numbers (1/10), then the second number out of 10 numbers (1/10), and finally the third number out of ten numbers(1/10), equaling, 1/1000=0.001
So the odds of a person picking the same three numbers at any one time is a one in one thousand chance, but that doesn’t mean there’s a one in one thousand chance you’ll see the same three numbers on a clock. If you happen to be accustomed to looking at a clock on the half hour, then the odds are better you could see, 2:22 or 3:33, or if you look at a clock on the quarter hour then you might see, 1:11 or 4:44, and on the hour, you could see, 5:55.
We, humans, have a built in biological clock which could put us on a timed cycle making us see the same three digits show up on a clock from time to time.
While researching patterned numbers for this blog, I came across the website, ( which is the, National Institute of General Medical Sciences. It was pretty fascinating what I learned.
Circadian rhythms:
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes.
Biological Clocks:
Biological clocks are organisms’ natural timing devices, regulating the cycle of circadian rhythms. They’re composed of specific molecules (proteins) that interact with cells throughout the body. Nearly every tissue and organ contains biological clocks.
Master Clock:
A master clock in the brain coordinates all the biological clocks in a living thing, keeping the clocks in sync. In vertebrate animals, including humans, the master clock is a group of about 20,000 nerve cells (neurons) that form a structure called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN.
Note: Going back to Circadian rhythms, this will be affected when we travel, (ie: Jet lag.) We are in-tuned to our own time zone and will be affected until our biological clock resets to the new time zone.
Here’s a thought:
If some people’s “Master Clock” is more in sync with the clock in their time zone and they’re into Numerology, they could subconsciously use their internal clock to tell them when to look at a time piece, thus the odds of seeing Angelic numbers could increase.
Also, people who are into Numerology or Angelic numbers will be more likely to notice bill boards or signs that have two or three patterned numbers on them, thus making them think it could be a sign.
Disagree with this?
Well when you buy a specific model of vehicle, you’re more likely to notice the same model, maybe even the same color, on the streets now. Same with buying specific clothing like a t-shirt with a unique print. This is called, “Baader-Meinhof phenomenon”, more commonly known as, “frequency illusion”. Now that your brain has taken note of your new vehicle or type of clothing, it will alert you when you see it somewhere else. This phenomenon also goes for other things like hearing specific words or seeing specific things for the first time. Now you see and hear these things everywhere.
When it comes to me, am I seeing the same three digits from time to time because a Guardian Angel or Dimensional Being is trying to alert me to something? Or, have over the years my Master Clock has become more in tuned to the time around me? Hard to say, but it’s definitely something I want to be more aware of.
As a UFO investigator I’ve seen and experienced strange phenomena’s over the years, so I always keep all options open. As an analytical investigator I always look at science first for answers before claiming otherwise. But one thing my 37th Parallel theory has taught me is, don’t overlook or misunderstand numbers, they can be very significant too!
Numerology, Angelic numbers, our Master Clock and Frequency Illusions, what is the answer? Well it all depends on what works for you, and who am I to say what is right and what is wrong. I’m just happy to be experiencing it.
Blog research links:
National Institute of General Medical Sciences,the%20suprachiasmatic%20nucleus%2C%20or%20SCN.
Category: The Z-Files