Marley Woods Missouri, Investigation.
The lights in Marley Woods Missouri, have been seen by many for generations and in 2022 the Travel Channel TV show, UFO Witness, did an episode on this location. Sorta like the Joplin Spook Lights or the Marfa lights in Texas, many have seen these unusual lights for years. Sure some strange lights can be explained, yet others can’t, so I like to focus on the “can’t”. These lights are being seen so regularly, that the local ranch owner who had the best location to see the lights, built his own UFO-type viewing stand. This viewing stand was big enough for people to sit and relax while waiting for the lights to appear.
Back in 2007 fifteen years before the Travel Channel TV show did an episode on the Woods, I was running investigations at that location with Ted Phillips. I had pitched that location to Travel Channel back in 2019 for my show Alien Highway, and if we would have got a second season, we probably would have gone there.
Well back in 2007 I was asked to come out to the ‘Woods by Ted Phillips. Ted was originally trained by J. Allen Hynek so he was no amateur. Unfortunately we lost Ted on March 10th, of 2020.
I was brought in to this case because I’m pretty good at what I do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not patting myself on my back, it’s just that I’m a creative analytical investigator who does things a little differently to try and get results. Ted along with fellow investigators, Thomas Ferrario and Debbie Ziegelmeyer, were really not advancing in their own investigations on this phenomenon so, they called me to help them.
When I arrived in Missouri, we all four met at a restaurant and hashed over ideas on how to proceed with this current investigation. It was always thought the light, or lights, or even stadium of lights that were popping up from time to time came from the nearby woods, but no one could actually say that without any doubt. So I suggested a simple solution to this problem. Split the team up, part of us stay at the base camp and the other part of the team travel about a mile down the road to observe from behind the woods. This would accomplish one major thing.
Were the lights coming out of the woods or from behind the woods? Could it be an aircraft or timed flood lights? So I convinced the team to split up, me and Debbie at the base camp with one two-way radio, while Ted and Thomas were at the other distant location with another two-way radio.
The experiment?
If the base camp “me” saw the lights and the other location observing, Ted who was beyond the woods did not, then we could confirm the light or lights were definitely coming out of the woods. By watching this video, you can see and hear what exactly happened. The light popped up, my night vision camera and other spectators saw it, while Ted and Tom did not see it at the other location.
This simple experiment which was never attempted in the past, confirmed without a shadow of doubt the lights came out of the woods.
In the next year or so I traveled back to Missouri two more times, running new experiments.
The next experiment was to change the environment slightly to see if the lights in Marley Woods were popping up from time to time to monitor environmental changes in the immediate area.
I ran this experiment two nights in a row and on the second night a light briefly popped up out of the Woods. So now it appears by altering the local area by inducing a strong magnetic field caught the attention of the Marley Woods Lights.
Another success!
The third experiment I ran, was when I came back for the last time. This was my Binary Light Experiment in 2008.
This experiment didn’t achieve any results at Marley Woods, but if you watched my TV show, Alien Highway, we did have some success at Clearwater Lake, a reservoir on the Black River, six miles from Piedmont, Missouri.
Alien Highway, episode clip: Missouri Mayhem.

Clearwater Lake.

Setting up my computer and wiring the sixteen lights.

Lights working at Clearwater Lake.
After conducting my light experiment at Marley Woods in 2008, Ted Phillips fired me from his team. I’m guessing he was mad that I made more progress on my three visits to Marley Woods, then he had made in the previous seven years. Yes, seven years! Needless to say, I expected more from a person who was personally trained by J. Allen Hynek. Not the person I expected. Well, I did learn a lot from Marley Woods (not from Ted) and I do have an idea where the lights are coming from.
First, and most important, I was able to prove the lights are coming from the woods and not behind them.
Second, I learned the lights are not Orbs but Probes or what I refer to as, “Balls of Light”.
The lights that people are seeing and sometimes misidentifying them as Orbs, are Balls of Light. Orbs are more see-through and spiritual and generally what ghost investigators see. Balls of Light are more mechanical, like probes. They have no pilot, they’re like round drones defying gravity flying through the air and sometimes seen hovering in rancher’s fields.
During World War II our pilots along with the Japanese pilots actually photographed these Balls of Light that US pilots referred to as, Foo Fighters. The term “Foo Fighters” originated from the catchphrase of the character Smokey Stover from the Chicago Tribune comic strip, Smokey Stover. Smokey a firefighter would often say, “Where there’s foo, there’s fire.” The Balls of Lights the pilots were seeing appeared to them as balls of fire.

Picture: 1942 Sea of Japan, an Imperial Japanese Sally bomber aircraft on a mission over the Sea of Japan, was approached by a small dark spherical object which flew around and between the aircraft in the formation. An alert gun-cameraman snapped one photograph.
Third and most importantly, when I altered the environment with my experiments, the lights appeared briefly.
Are they monitoring changes in the environment, running their own experiments? Are they more eco-scientists not only studying us but also our planet? Or is it something else they are interested in?
Throughout the years my investigations have always centered around science, proving or disproving. No one can really speculate exactly what and why until evidence is analyzed. One thing I learned as a Deputy Sheriff was, for every crime committed, evidence is left behind. We have years of experience finding human evidence associated with crimes, so I treat every investigation as a crime scene where I look for some type of evidence to answer the who and whys. Cattle Mutilations are actually crimes, Animal Cruelty Crimes, and throughout the years every law enforcement agent who investigated a mutilation case, has yet to have definitive proof pointing to who is responsible.
So we have to look outside the box for evidence, way outside the box.
While investigating UFO sightings finding evidence is crucial. Video and photos are good, but that doesn’t generally answer the why, but it’s a start. Being creative by coming up with different types of experiments to try understand the “whys” is what I love to do. With creative experiments, if we can start seeing some type of correlation between the experiment and the UFO, then we get a step closer in understanding the phenomena.
And if we happen to piss-off an investigator or two while trying to get the evidence we’re looking for? “Then so be it.” The information we learn is more important than someone else’s ego.
Chuck Zukowski
Category: Lights & Orbs, UFOnut Videos