Life Finds a Way!
I love this line from the original movie Jurassic Park. Jeff Goldblum portraying Dr. Malcom states, the reason same sex dinosaurs are breeding is because, “Life finds a way”. Pretty simple statement yet correct. Mother Nature, on any planet, will always find a way to reproduce and survive in that planet’s most harshest conditions.
Here on Earth many species can reproduce without the opposite sex, Parthenogenesis is a process in which some animals have “virgin births”. Like Honey Bees and some snakes, they don’t necessarily need a partner to mate with, they can create an egg and sperm within their own body. A lot of invertebrate species are capable of changing sex as part of their normal life-cycle.
Scientists have documented the sex-changing abilities of several fish species, including parrotfish, clownfish and some gobies. Most species capable of changing sex transition from female to male – a pattern called protogyny; however, the opposite pattern – protandry – occurs in a handful of species. In most cases, fish change sexes in response to social circumstances; for example, if a male blue-banded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) dies, one of his female harem members may become a male and take over his duties.
This makes a lot of sense on our planet when you look at our evolutionary cycle. Something changed within our planet that sparked life as we know it. And that was probably water. H2O, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Where did the water come from? Over years multiple geochemical studies have concluded that icy asteroids are most likely the primary source of water on this planet. Not only did these icy asteroids have water, but biological relevant molecules such as amino acids. Amino acids are used when DNA and RNA form bases that contain everything a cell needs to survive. Some of the oldest meteorites found in our Solar System have isotopic levels similar to ocean water.
Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
We’ve also learned over time that Mars is rich in minerals that were formed in water, and can still hold water. Today it appears most of the water on Mars exists as ice, which is also found in it’s atmosphere. A NASA study in 2015 states findings from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, showed the strongest evidence that liquid water flows on present day Mars. At one time Mars had so much water on it, that it was blue just like Earth.
In 2020, NASA had a press release announcing the discovery of water on the sunlit surface our our Moon. Data from the Strategic Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) revealed in the Clavius crater, water exists in concentrations. About a 12 ounce bottle of water within a cubic meter of soil across the lunar surface. Not a lot, but it’s there.
Without going into the complex history of evolution on this planet, which is still be debated, I’ll just mention we started out with a lot of water. The Paleozoic era which was around 540 to 250 million years ago, used the water on this planet to generate life. This era represented the diversity of the beginning of complex life on Earth. The name Paleozoic means, “ancient life”. During this time period our oceans were teaming with invertebrates (animals without backbones) and also popping up were vertebrates (animals with backbones) too! Shortly after, arthropods and amphibians started to migrate onto Earth’s terrestrial environment, one thing led to another and… here we are. But what about an “extraterrestrial environment?”
We now know water made it to this planet via icy asteroids along with amino acids, so we can assume there are an infinite amount of other planets out there most likely to have water too! With the right elements in place, we can guess extraterrestrial Mother Nature went to work on those types of planets.
So one has to wonder, is water along with its amino acids the key to generating life throughout the cosmos? And if so, where did it come from, because there’s a lot of it.
What about other elements in which can sustain life, like ammonia NH3?
I wrote a blog earlier this year called, “Could Aliens be Visiting us from an Ammonia Based Planet?” I got some flack from people saying life can’t exist on an ammonia based planet, but they really don’t know, it’s just their opinion, and science says those people are incorrect.
Science stated on December 23rd, 2021, that Alien life could theoretically survive within Venus’s clouds which has a bi-product of ammonia within them. (link below) The article states Venus’s atmosphere is so acidic, it could strip the skin from your bones yet, could harbor life!
Researchers have identified a chemical pathway through which the droplets of sulfuric acid lingering in the clouds of Venus could become neutralized – perhaps to the extent that life would be able to survive on this hostile world. At the start of this chemical pathway is the biological production of ammonia, hints of which probes detected when passing by Venus in the 1970s. According to this new study, small amounts of ammonia could dissolve into the sulfuric acid droplets. This process would transform at least some of the acid into salts, turning the liquid drops into a slurry with a pH we know life can tolerate.
So here’s a planet in our solar system whose atmosphere is mostly made up of carbon dioxide, a waste product that we exhale out, that could acually harbor life. So outside of carbon dioxide and ammonia, what other element could harbor life?
What about hydrogen based atmospheres? This would make more sense than our own atmosphere because space is full of hydrogen and the water found in asteroids is made up of hydrogen. states life can thrive in a 100% hydrogen atmosphere. They say this study re-defines our understanding of how and where life might exist in the universe. So instead of researchers who look for exoplanets based on an atmosphere similar to our own, they should also be looking in other directions, hydrogen being one.
There are many organisms on our planet that breath hydrogen, E. coli is just one and it lives in our intestines, so not all life forms on our planet breath oxygen. In a news release February 28th, 2020, a parasite found in a fish muscle has no mitochondrial genes. Scientists discovered something they didn’t think existed on this planet, an animal that doesn’t breath oxygen to live.
The parasite called Henneguha salminocola is distantly related to a jellyfish. This parasite has just 10 cells and is smaller than the average cell in our bodies, but has the ability to live without turning, oxygen into energy. Einstein’s forgotten theory: O=E?
Here on this planet we now have a previously unknown 10 cell parasite that can live without oxygen. We’ve always thought every living thing on this planet needed oxygen, but not this little guy. So does this mean this 10 cell parasite could survive on a planet with no oxygen? Let’s say an Ammonia base planet which is rich in nitrogen and hydrogen? Hard to say, but shouldn’t be ruled out. We’re still learning about life on this planet, so how can we even be sure what makes up life on other planets. If this 10 cell parasite evolved on a planet similar to ours but with no oxygen 500 million years ago, would there be intelligent life forms on it today?
Time to change course a bit.
When thinking about UFOlogy, you “MUST” think outside the box. Everything you know and learned about this planet, our species and our social behavior, is “NOT” going to be similar to life outside this planet. The slightest molecular change in an evolutionary cycle could have determined if we were going to be humanoids or maybe dinasouroids.
I really have a problem with some people who say, “Well if aliens are visiting our planet, why don’t they just land on the White House lawn and introduce themselves”. or, “If the UFOs/UAPs our military are seeing are from intelligent extraterrestrials, then why don’t they just hide themselves, why do they let themselves be seen? The reason they don’t do this is because UFO/UAPs are probably man-made.”
The problem with that last statement is, those people think, “aliens think like us?” Or even better, “those people think they know how aliens think”. These guys are what I like to call “couch investigators”, they give their opinions based on what they’ve seen on TV, never being in the field themselves. It’s really hard to determine what an alien craft may or may not do, our best fighter pilots and their jet’s high technology can’t calculate an UFO/UAP’s next move.
I do think aliens like to screw with us from time to time, not sure why, but I got to play light-tag with one back in 2016, before the shit-hit-the-fan, but that’s another story.
Just remember, “To think like an Alien, you have to be an Alien.”
There are reasons only known to the ETs why you can see their crafts sometimes and other times you can’t. Aliens do what aliens do, with or without us understanding why. We are no where near their level of intellectual thinking; or do they even think at all? Hell I don’t know, they could be like bees, just doing their own thing, and if you try to swat them, they’ll sting you. So don’t try to swat them, or try to understand them, try to learn from their patterns, what they do where they go, and how they react to us. This will eventually give us a little insight to why they are here.
Back to ET life.
So based on our observation of what we’ve been seeing here on this planet for not just decades but centuries, it appears extraterrestrial life exists. Based on that observation, life definitely seems to exist on planets outside of our solar system, and based on that observation, life exists on planets not similar to ours. Water could be the key to starting life in our universe, but that’s just based on what we’ve learned about our evolution. Either way:
Life exists everywhere, why? Because, “Life Finds a Way.”
Blog info links: Scientists discover 1st animal that doesn’t breathe oxygen. Could life thrive on hydrogen-rich alien worlds. Alien Life Could Theoretically Survive Within Venus’s Clouds, Scientists Say
Britannica: Evolution and classification NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars. What animals can change their sex.
Category: The Z-Files