Head of MUFON Arrested!
MUFON website:
MUFON® is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation and the world’s oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation & research organization. Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, “Are we alone in the universe?” The answer very simply, is NO. Whether you have UFO reports to share, armchair UFO investigator aspirations, or want to train and join our investigation team, MUFON is here for you. Won’t you please join us in our quest to discover the truth?
Info from Huntington Beach Police Department, Ca. Facebook page:

In the past two weeks, detectives from the Huntington Beach Police Department’s Special Enforcement Bureau have arrested two suspects on two separate incidents involving online crimes against children. On July 3, detectives contacted a male by the name of Jan Harzan after Harzan solicited sexual activity from a detective he believed was a 13 year old girl. The suspect solicited the minor to meet for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, and when the suspect agreed to meet the supposed minor, detectives were there to take him into custody. On July 8, detectives contacted a different male by the name of Norman Powers after Powers also solicited sexual activity from the detective posing as a 13 year old, and also arranged to meet for the purpose of sexual activity. Once he arranged a meet, detectives contacted him and determined he was there to engage in sexual activity with a minor. Both Harzan and Powers were arrested for multiple felonies and transported to the Huntington Beach Jail. Both of the suspects in these cases were specifically targeting minor females online. This is a great opportunity for us to remind anyone who has minor children with access to the internet – predators are out there, and they are looking for victims. Please take the time to talk to your children about the dangers of talking to strangers online. This could range from social media apps (they all have instant or direct messaging), gaming, chat rooms that seem innocent, or even ads that predators post online to solicit children for sex. They may seem obvious to adults, but many children do not know what lurks out there on the web, and it’s up to parents and guardians to make them aware. For further information about internet safety, please check out the Los Angeles Internet Crimes Against Children’s page here: https://www.icactaskforce.org/Pages/InternetSafety.aspx
The following is a response from MUFON’s board of directors:
Notice From the MUFON Board of Directors:
In light of recent events, Jan Harzan has been permanently removed as the Executive Director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Effective immediately, he will no longer serve any role in the organization.
David MacDonald, Executive Director Emeritus and a member of the MUFON Board of Directors, will now assume the duties of Executive Director. MUFON remains committed to its core mission: the study of UFOs for the benefit of humanity. This mission is greater than any one person or member of MUFON and supersedes all other considerations.
We will continue to move forward and focus on our mission statement.
My response:
I’ve known Jan for a few years and never once noticed any red-flags pertaining to what he was arrested for, and at this time he’s innocent until proven guilty. But, within the last two years I wasn’t comfortable with the direction Jan was taking MUFON, and made the decision not to re-new my membership in 2019. I won’t go into the reasons why, but as an investigator I started to notice and question what Jan was doing and his reasons behind it.
I do have a lot of respect for Dave MacDonald who I believe should have originally been the Executive Director and am pleased he stepped up to the plate. I now expect new changes in MUFON through Dave which will strengthen the organization and get it back on track.
Good luck MUFON.
Category: The Z-Files