Has my 37th Parallel Theory become, Media Accepted?
Back on September 15th, 2011, I did a web site Press Release on my 37 Degree Latitude Theory. After years of doing investigations here in Colorado, I started to see a pattern, a highway of sightings, events and certain places, stretching across the US with it’s centerline on the 37 degree Latitude. Picture a highway with the center line being on the 37th, and the area on each side of the line slightly dipping into the 36th and 38th degree latitude.

I started looking at locations like underground bases, caves, UFO events and sacred Native American sites, where activity has been recorded.
– Fort Knox, Kentucky, 37.909534,-85.946045 (Underground tunnels).
– Area 51, Nevada, 37.6150857,-115.8593802 (Top Secret Military Base).
– Joplin, Missouri, 37.090514,-94.513033 (Joplin Spook Lights).
– Owensboro, Kentucky, 37.7737,-87.111626 (1948 Mantell UFO incident).
– Aztec, New Mexico, 36.830447,-107.992227 (1948 UFO crash).
– Dulce, New Mexico, 36.939465,-107.000368 (Proposed Human/Alien Base).
– Taos, New Mexico, 36.414099,-105.572145 (Taos hum).
– Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 37.313656,-89.518373 (1941 UFO Crash).
– Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, 37.245088,-108.460574 (Ancient Native American site).
– Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Utah/Arizona, 36.998166,-110.110474 (Sacred Native American site).
– Navajo State Park, Arboles Colorado, 37.006939,-107.430688 (Sacred Native American site).
– Comanche National Grassland, Pritchett, Colorado, 37.186579,-102.930908 (Sacred Native American site).
– Alabaster Caverns State Park, Freedom, Oklahoma, 36.694851,-99.157983 (Natural Cavern site).
– Cimarron National Grassland, Elkhart, Kansas, 37.015712,-101.815796 (Native American site).
– Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, Big Pine California, 37.182202,-118.306274 (Native American site.)
– Land’s End Labyrinth, San Francisco, California. 37.780314,-122.511642 (Unusual anomalies site.)
Other locations in this list are UFO sightings, animal mutilation events and locations where unusual activity was witnessed. Looking at the data, I could clearly see something was going on thus creating my 37th theory.
While researching active areas along the 37th, I learned the number 37 is very unique too!
First, 37 is a Prime Number which is a whole number greater than 1 that cannot be exactly divided by any whole number other than itself. Another is, if you multiply 37×37 you get (1369). But the coolest thing about the number 37 is this!
The number divided by the sum always equals 37
(111) 1+1+1 = ( 3 ) —> 111/ 3 = 37
(222) 2+2+2 = ( 6 ) —> 222/ 6 = 37
(333) 3+3+3 = ( 9 ) —> 333/ 9 = 37
(444) 4+4+4 = (12) —> 444/12 = 37
(555) 5+5+5 = (15) —> 555/15 = 37
(666) 6+6+6 = (18) —> 666/18 = 37
(777) 7+7+7 = (21) —> 777/21 = 37
(888) 8+8+8 = (24) —> 888/24 = 37
(999) 9+9+9 = (27) —> 999/27 = 37
There are other 37 references seen in the Bible and also in Freemasonry.
Well a couple of years after my press release, I mentioned my theory on the TV show, The Unexplained Files, season one. I was on an episode talking about cattle mutilations when I showed my 37th degree map of sightings and events. The Science Channel was so intrigued with my theory, they asked if I had more data on it, so I over-whelmed them with a large data dump. It impressed them so much, they asked me to do my own episode for season 2. So, in 2014 my 37th Degree Latitude theory became, “The Paranormal Highway of America” episode.
This “Highway along the 37th” is what I consider UFO’s most traveled highway just like us traveling on Interstate 40 or 70. Yes we have other highways we travel on and so do UFO’s, but some highways are more travelled than others and I believe UFO’s use this one the most.
There are a few reasons why I think the 37th is the most traveled and some of it has to do with underground water, caverns and oil reserves. States that border the 37th like, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma are rich in UFO activity too!
My 37th Parallel episode on season 2 of Science Channel’s, The Unexplained Files, started getting some attention. In 2015 I was contacted by American Film producer Beau Flynn with FlynnPictureCo. You’ll know Beau Flynn from his movies like; Jungle Cruise, San Andreas, and Black Adam in which The Rock, Dwayne Johnson stars in. Well Beau contacted me about my theory for a book and movie proposal. So on April 10th, 2015, The Hollywood Reported this:
Beau Flynn, who discovered the true-life figure behind the book, will produce via his New Line-based banner.
New Line has pre-emptively picked up The 37th Parallel, a book proposal by one of Hollywood’s favorite authors, Ben Mezrich, for a feature adaptation to be produced by Beau Flynn and his FlynnPictureCo. The project is based on the true story of Chuck Zukowski, an extraterrestrial investigator. In a true-life crossing of elements from X-Files and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the story focuses on Zukowski’s incredible findings of alien sightings, cattle mutilations, Native American holy sites and secret government activity located on the 37th degree of latitude.
Then in September of 2016 Ben Mezrich’s book, The 37th Parallel, “The Secret Truth Behind America’s UFO Highway” was released through Simon and Schuster. It became a New York Times best seller.

Jump to May 2019 my TV show, Alien Highway, was released on the Travel Channel.

Press excerpt:
Chuck Zukowski, a former Colorado law enforcement officer, has been researching and investigating UFO-related incidents for over 30 years. Now, together with his son Daniel Zukowski and investigator Heather Taddy, he is pursuing the cases that authorities ignore, finding evidence that others have missed, listening to witnesses that are otherwise afraid to come forward, searching for definitive proof of UFOs along, America’s Alien Highway. [Hour-long episodes]
If you’ve been following my website blogs, then this is old news to you, but something interesting has been happening in the media industry. My 37th Parallel Theory may becoming an accepted theory.
In Season 2, episode 13, SYFY channel’s TV show Resident Alien refers to my theory. This is what the show is about:
An alien crash lands on Earth and must pass himself off as small-town human doctor Harry Vanderspeigle. Arriving with a secret mission to kill all humans, Harry starts off living a simple life… but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local murder and realizes he needs to assimilate into his new world.
In the episode I mentioned, Harry, the alien, is in human form traveling in a vehicle on a highway with two local women who he’s become friends with. Suddenly he sees a sign off to the side of the road and yells for them to stop the vehicle.

In the TV show there’s two species of aliens visiting Earth that can disguise themselves as humans one being Harry. When Harry sees the sign, he yells for the driver to stop.
Excerpt from, “Behind the Scenes – Crop Fields (aka Alien Emojis) (S2 E13) referring to the other aliens: (courtesy SYFY channel)
They have the ability to disguise themselves as humans, just as Harry’s people do. They are one of two species that are able to manipulated portals. They are able to understand crop circles, which are alien emojis. The 37th parallel (“UFO Highway”) contains an energy that amplifies alien signals, including crop circles.
When Harry leaves the vehicle, he runs out to the field off the UFO Highway, and creates a crop circle to communicated with the other species of aliens.
So without asking my permission or asking Ben Mezrich’s permission who wrote the book, “The 37th Parallel” The Secret Truth Behind America’s UFO Highway” the SYFY Channel took it upon themselves to reference my theory in their TV show.
Is that plagiarism or a compliment?
Then on January 26th of 2023 there was a press release about three new shows ROKU greenlighted, one called, “Cowboy Sky Watchers”.
Excerpt from the press release:
UFO Cowboys comes from the producers of Mountain Monsters and follows a group of ranchers, known as the Cowboy Sky Watchers, as they investigate paranormal happenings along the 37th Parallel. Known as “UFO Superhighway,” this area is legendary for many UFO sightings and disturbances, with more supernatural and extraterrestrial sightings in the American West than anywhere else in the United States. Using ancient tracking techniques and modern technology, this team investigate mysterious activity throughout the ranches and farms of the American West.
This is an eight-episode series executive produced by Colt Straub, Duke Straub, and Royal Malloy for American Chainsaws. The series are overseen by Sean Boyle, head of adventure and exploration programming, on behalf of Roku. Brian Tannenbaum is head of alternative originals for Roku.
After speaking with a represented from the production company, American Chainsaws, I was told the Roku network was responsible for the 37th Parallel reference. Did they think adding the word “Super” to “UFO Highway” would make my theory any different? (ha ha) This appears to be leaning on plagiarism or copyright infringement, because as I mentioned earlier in this blog, New Line Cinema picked up The 37th Parallel book from Ben Mezrich and Beau Flynn from FlynnPictureCo., picked up the movie rights. As for me, my theory was clearly posted on my website years ago.
So I contacted both Ben Mezrich and Beau Flynn about Roku’s project and informed them about Roku and American Chainsaws production company’s new project. I’m not sure what the legalities are, if any.
What’s interesting to me is, two separate media entities, the SYFY Channel and Roku are referencing my theory for their own projects. Has my 37th Parallel theory (aka Ben Mezrich’s book) become an accepted theory in mainstream media? So one has to wonder;
Is this plagiarism, copyright infringement, or do some media big-wigs out there accept my theory as common knowledge? If so, then,
Thank you!
Category: The Z-Files