Garren Cattle Mutilation (viewer discretion)
This animal was last seen on Friday afternoon March 20th 2009. The ranch manager had counted all animals when feeding, so we can verify this. Saturday afternoon around 2:30pm the ranch manager was feeding the herd and noticed his count was off by one. After looking around in areas where cows had grazed previously, he spotted the animal dead.
He noticed the “udder” had been removed.
Upon closer observation, “he stated” it looked like it had been surgically removed.
Evidence of new born calf. Remains of the placentia.
Doing a quick walk around looking for evidence, he spotted a new born calf. It had seemed the cow delivered the calf sometime Friday night, and the calf was able to nurse briefly until the mother was killed. The calf was waiting at the birthing area for the mother to return. The ranch manager rescued the calf and as of my investigation the calf was doing fine and being bottle fed. What ever killed the cow and removed the udder, was not interested in a new born calf. Question: Would a predator attack a 1100 pound animal for food, when a new born calf lay helplessly less than 50 yards away? New born calves have a defense mechanism of low scent to protect against predators, but the placenta is rich in vitamins and “is not” odor free.
Scavenger damage done Saturday night March 21st. Ranch manager has pictures from Saturday afternoon showing “no” scavenger damage.
This image shows scavenger damage which occured sometime Saturday night. Notice the difference in scavenger damage and the second image showing the udder missing. Notice no stains on the ground near the udder but stains on the ground near the anal area.
Saturday evening March 21st, I received approval from the ranch owner to meet him the next day Sunday March 22nd to conduct my field investigation.
Animal Statistics
1. The animal is a cross breed Angus and Gelbvieh
2. She was 2.5 years old
3. She weighed 1070 lbs on October 08th.
4. Length was 7 feet long from head to rear, girth 2 foot 4 inches on side.
5. Head was 1 foot 8 inches long, width 1 foot 2 inches on the side.
6. Diet was fortified with vitamin A due to lack of green foliage in the area.
7. She birthed only one time, the Friday night before her death.
8. Animal was laying on left side, head was pointing 230 degrees.
9. Eyes, ears and tongue was still on animal.
10. Immediate size of local herd equalled 17.

Field Investigation
1. Interview with rancher on video.
2. Digital pictures taken of animal and surrounding area.
3. Radiation Check at animal, surrounding area and birthing area. (None detected)
4. EMF Check at animal. 10 to 15 microteslas.
5. Animal measurements performed to best of ability. Exact stats can be retrieved from owner.
6. Bare spot located 40 feet S/E of animal and appears to be old ant hill, (bagged dirt sample)
7. GPS coordinates taken and sketch of animal with compass stats
8. Animal sample areas, one at udder and one at scavenger damage area.
9. Check eyes, ears, tongue, teeth. All appear normal.
10. Magnetic sweep on skin looking for metallics. None appear to be found, but bagged anyway.
11. Dark or Puncture mark check. None found.
12. Check for blood pooling, or bath. None found, only blood area was near scavenger damage and birthing area. Noticeable slight oozing of clear liquid from nose and mouth.
13. Compass check for unusual needle movement, none appeared.
14. Soil samples take at animal 1 foot, 5 foot, 10 foot, 15 foot, and 30 foot in N/W direction.
15. Vegetation sample taken from branch directly above animal.
16. Area sweep in spiral pattern moving out from animal. Checking for any thing that seems unusual or out of place. None detected.
17. IR Check/Fluorescent check could not be performed due to time constraints and conditions.
Category: Cattle Mutilations, gore, Investigations