Cowboys & Aliens: The Real Story

July 27, 2011 | By

The real story of “Cowboys & Aliens” played out in Lincoln County New Mexico, in July of 1947. Cowboy sheep rancher Mac Brazel made an amazing discovery. While out in the pasture checking on his sheep, he came across some very unusual wreckage. UFO wreckage! But the story doesn’t stop there, it just begins and then haunts Mac, his family and all involved, for the rest of their lives!!!

Roswell Daily Record

( 1947 Article )

The intelligence office of the 509th Bombardment group at Roswell Army Field announced at noon today, that the field has come into possession of a flying saucer. According to information released by the department, over authority of Maj.J. A. Marcel, intelligence officer, the disk was recovered on a ranch in the Roswell vicinity, after an unidentified rancher had notified Sheriff Geo. Wilcox, here, that he had found the instrument on his premises. Major Marcel and a detail from his department went to the ranch and recovered the disk, it was stated. After the intelligence officer here had inspected the instrument it was flown to higher headquarters. The intelligence office stated that no details of the saucer’s construction or its appearance had been revealed. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilmot apparently were the only persons in Roswell who seen what they thought was a flying disk. They were sitting on their porch at 105 South Penn. last Wednesday night at about ten o’clock when a large glowing object zoomed out of the sky from the southeast, going in a northwesterly direction at a high rate of speed. Wilmot called Mrs. Wilmot’s attention to it and both ran down into the yard to watch. It was in sight less then a minute, perhaps 40 or 50 seconds, Wilmot estimated. Wilmot said that it appeared to him to be about 1,500 feet high and going fast. He estimated between 400 and 500 miles per hour.

In appearance it looked oval in shape like two inverted saucers, faced mouth to mouth, or like two old type washbowls placed, together in the same fashion. The entire body glowed as though light were showing through from inside, though not like it would inside, though not like it would be if a light were merely underneath. From where he stood Wilmot said that the object looked to be about 5 feet in size, and making allowance for the distance it was from town he figured that it must have been 15 to 20 feet in diameter, though this was just a guess. Wilmot said that he heard no sound but that Mrs. Wilmot said she heard a swishing sound for a very short time. The object came into view from the southeast and disappeared over the treetops in the general vicinity of six mile hill.

Wilmot, who is one of the most respected and reliable citizens in town, kept the story to himself hoping that someone else would come out and tell about having seen one, but finally today decided that he would go ahead and tell about it. The announcement that the RAAF was in possession of one came only a few minutes after he decided to release the details of what he had seen.

During the week of July 3rd 1947, 48 year old W.W Mac Brazel and his 8 year old son Vernon were staying at the Hines ranch house waiting out a terrific thunderstorm. The ranch house is located roughly 80 miles Northwest of Roswell in Lincoln County near the city of Corona. Early next morning while venturing out to check on their sheep, they came upon strange metallic debris and other unknown material scattered within a 200 to 300 yard area across a pasture. After locating the sheep, Mac and his son tried to herd the sheep to the well for water. Choosing a path which crossed the debris area, the sheep refused to cross the field and Mac was forced to herd them around. I learned in June of 2006, that the sheep actually refused to cross the debris area up to 2 years after the initial finding. Even after Mac baited the area to persuade the sheep, they still refused to cross that particular area.

Mac then tucked some of the debris under his hat, then he and his son rode to a nearby ranch. There they met with their good friends the Proctors and discussed the matter. Now we suspect at this time 9 year old Dee Proctor rode back with Mac and his pal Vernon to see the debris. More debris was then gathered and drug by horseback to the Hines ranch house and stored in a shed nearby.

After consulting with his neighbors about the material, Mac Brazel went into nearby Corona and called Roswell’s Sheriff Wilcox from the drug store. (Information acquired through a private interview with original drug store operator, Geraldine Perkins) Geraldine, then 99 years young in 2007, told me the drug store had only one of three phones in Corona capable of making long distance phone calls. She stated ranchers were always using her phone due to the ease of accessibility. Mac would not have gone into Roswell without contacting the sheriff first and making arrangements to see him.

After speaking with the sheriff, Mac drove into Roswell and gave him some of the debris he found at the ranch. After Sheriff George A. Wilcox spoke with Mac and saw the debris, he then contacted the (RAAF) Roswell Army Air force Base (later known as Walker Air Force Base) and informed them about the material he now had in his possession.

Jesse Marcel and a member of the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) Capt. Sheridan Cavitt were ordered out from the base to investigate the material which Mac found. By the time Jesse, Sheridan and Mac reached the ranch house, it was too dark to look at the material, so they spent the night and early next morning accompanied Mac to the debris site. Once reaching the site, they collected as much of the material as their two vehicles could carry. Back at the ranch house they noted that although the material was very light and very thin, they were unable to bend, tear or burn it. Jesse and Cavitt spent all day at the debris field taking measurements, recording map coordinates and gathering other information for the base. Remember these two guys were there investigating a crash site, but who’s?

Late that night, Cavitt drove his flat bed truck back to the base with material in the back and Jesse drove his car with material in the trunk. Jesse decided to take a slight detour and stopped at his house. Very excited at what he had, he needed to show his family before he headed back to the base. He went into the house with some of the material and spread it out on the kitchen floor. He then woke his son, Jesse Marcel Jr.,  and showed the material to his wife and son.

When Marcel and Cavitt returned to the base, they briefed their commanding officer at what they had. The RAAF base commander “Col. (William) Blanchard (commander of the 509th) ordered his investigators to test the material at the base. After the RAAF experts had performed a number of experiments on the material, they decided it was of unearthly origin. Col Blanchard then ordered 1st Lt. Walter Haut to initiate a press release. Walter was the RAAF’s public information officer and his press release had the famous headline announcing: “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region.”

During all this excitement, a crashed extraterrestrial fuselage along with a number of alien bodies, 4 dead and one alive had been discovered at multiple locations from the debris site. Multiple locations?

There are a couple of assumptions why the craft crashed, so we will at this time go to the latest debris field story. The heel shaped craft could have been downed by the military using their direct radar system at that time. New investigations and FBI released files are eluding to this. An upcoming blog will explain this in more detail involving two craft, one going down in Lincoln County near Corona, and the other one going down in the Plains of San Augustin, New Mexico.

The debris site, or what we call the “skip site”, is where we believe the craft “skipped” off the desert while flying in survival mode during a crash scenario. This is where Mac found the debris. The impact site occurred after the skip and in between the two an (ET-ejection) took place a couple of miles South/East of the skip. This is where Mac saw the bodies. There are a couple of assumptions where the actual impact site took place, and my sister and I are currently investigating one of them.

Mac had stated to the KGFL radio station owner “Walt Whitmore, Sr.”, that the “Green men weren’t green”. How would he know that unless he saw the bodies? Right? Well, latest investigation including an interview with Mac’s granddaughter Fawn Fritz, states that Mac was not taken away by the military and housed on the base to keep quiet, but was taken back to the ranch to help look for more debris. Mac under watchful guidance of the military rode on horseback on the ranch property to look for more possible debris and the main body of the craft. Story goes, Mac and his military companions spied circling buzzards and when they approached, they found two dead ET’s which fell out of the craft after the skip.

Cowboys & Aliens!

After the newspaper release of the Brazel discovery was made public, Marcel was ordered to load the material he’d collected aboard one of the 509th’s B-29 Super Fortress bombers and take it to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. Wright field now named Wright Patterson field, because the two initial runways were named Wright, and Patterson, housed the only Foreign Technology lab in the United States. But first Marcel had to make a quick stop at the 8th Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. It was at the Fort Worth Army Air Field that General Ramey constructed the weather balloon story which the Air force in 1997, admitted it was Project Mogaul, a top secret balloon which monitors nuclear explosions from other countries, preferably, Russia and China.

Picture taken by James Bond Johnson on July 8th, 1947 at the Fort Worth Army Air Base

At Ramey’s office, the general, Col Thomas Du Bose, and Marcel posed with the debris while James Bond Johnson a local base photographer started taking pictures of the alleged crash debris. Then San Antonian, Irving “Newt” Newton, the only meteorologist working at the base’s busy flight operations office the afternoon of July 8, was suddenly ordered to Gen. Roger Ramey’s office. In his office, he confirmed the material he was looking at was in fact a “Rawin” weather balloon, thus the cover story begins.

Later in years, Marcel still claimed the material displayed in Ramey’s office wasn’t what he’d actually brought from Roswell but was switched at one point. One of Marcel’s positions in the military was to identify top secret crashed aircraft, and he was quite aware of what a weather balloon looked like, he had retrieved many in his career since that July. What he found obviously was amazing enough that he had showed his wife and son in the middle of the night.

While pictures were being taken in Fort Worth, there was an armada of soldiers from all over the Four Corner’s area at the debris site picking up material. First at arm’s length scouring the field, then at shoulder’s width, and finally on hands and knees looking for the slightest bit of evidence. As for the bodies at the second crash site, they were air-lifted along with the damaged craft to Wright Air Base, and stored in the famed, Hanger 18. At that time, Wright base was where the Foreign Technology Department was located, and their job was to reverse engineer new technology from other countries and see how they functioned. All the labs were already set-up there and it was a perfect place to analyze the new material. Later, researchers have speculated, the main body of the craft and the surviving alien being, nick-named, “EBE” for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity”, was transferred to Groom Lake, Nevada, Area 51 for further analysis. Area 51’s initial development was in the early 1950’s.

And so the saga continues. New evidence about the famed pictures from Fort Worth is starting to shed light on whether or not the debris was switched. Digital photo analysis taken from the original pictures at Fort Worth are focusing on hieroglyphics on part of the debris and a memo that was in the General’s hand. More and more witnesses are coming forward about the 1947 incident which is making this grand-daddy of all UFO incidents harder and harder to debunk. I personally met with a gentlemen in Sedona, Arizona a couple of years ago, who told me his story of years before. In 1947 he and his new wife were being re-located on board a military aircraft and a soldier confided in him about a crash site he just left in New Mexico. He told them he had to pick up debris from a crashed area, and the craft was like no type he had ever seen. We hear these types of stories all the time.

So there we have it, the real Cowboys & Aliens story in American history.  Not a story in which we sit in a theater and watch with popcorn in hand, but a story which personally changed the lives of hundreds maybe thousands of people. The real heroes are not actors in some multi-million dollar movie, but real people who are involved in a multi-billion dollar cover-up.

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Category: Alien & UFO Sightings, Chuck Zukowski, Debbie Ziegelmeyer, Jesse Marcel Jr, Movies, Pop Culture, Roswell, Roswell Dig, The Z-Files

About the Author ()

For the past 30 years, Chuck Zukowski has been an IC Mask Design Engineering contractor. He’s been on microchip design teams working on projects as simple as optics for traffic light controllers, and as complex as Spy Satellites, Deep Space Probes, and LIDAR technology. Within that time, Chuck was also a volunteer Deputy Sheriff for El Paso County Sheriff’s Department for eight years and was terminated for running animal mutilation investigations within his county. As a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator, Chuck has been researching and Field Investigating the unknown for more than three decades. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and had his own TV Show on the Travel Channel called, “Alien Highway”. Chuck approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before claiming otherwise. He also implements new and innovative field experiments from time to time to enhance his investigations looking for new evidence. Chuck runs his website,

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