Could Aliens Be Earthlings Visiting from our Future?
Just a thought.
I’m not a big fan of time travel, I like to believe you and I are in charge of our own destiny. If our destiny is already written, it’s because whatever we do, whatever last minute changes we have in our lives, whatever brilliant discoveries we may make, was supposed to happen. One would argue simply by thinking about time travel could alter our future, but not if it was supposed to happen anyway.
But here’s a wrench in that theory. Because time is not constant, every time someone from the future travels back to a specific place and minute in time, they may see different variations of that one moment. As if every person has their own timeline which constantly changes variations of their future.
Yeah, you could go crazy thinking about this, but that’s why time travel is still, a theory.
Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity is probably the most important theory in modern day physics. Other physicists are using this theory to try and explain the possibility of time travel. Based on Einstein’s theory, there are four dimensions, length, width, height and the fourth, time. Physicists talk about space-time as being fluid, and time not being constant, so some theories suggest by bending space, you could bend time, therefore travel to the future or past. Obviously, this subject is way-above my understanding in particle physics, but the concept of time travel is always debated. Can we? Some say yes, some say no, and those who say yes, also say you would need the power of our Sun to power the technology to do it.
Well, it appears the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) reactor recently and successfully contained plasma for 48 seconds. In September of 2022 they were able to contain plasma that had reached 100 million degrees Celsius which is seven times hotter than our Sun. They held that temperature for 30 seconds, not enough time to create energy from fusion like our Sun, but a good head start. If one day we can create the energy our Sun has, then maybe we’ll have enough power for time travel technology.
Of course, if aliens are Earthlings visiting from our future, then I guess we achieved the fusion problem. Still, I’d like to think we can’t time travel on our timeline, but maybe we can still see our past or our future.
Talk to any good Ghost Investigator and they’ll tell you one time or another, they communicated with the dead. I’ve had some success with this, but what does this tell us? We were able to communicate with someone who died in our past. We, in an essence, experienced verbal dimensional time travel.
Super String Theory states that subatomic particles that make up universes are created with ten spatial dimensions plus an eleventh dimension, time.
The website ( explains the eleven dimensions. (Link below.)
(0) Has no length, no width and no depth. (1) Length. (2) Width. (3) Depth. (4) Time. (5th) The ability to move in the past or future. (6th) A plane of possible worlds present or past that are visible within our Big Bang. (7th) The concept of infinite parallel universes with any Big Bang. (8th) Contains a plane of all possible presents, pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes. (9th) All possible Universes and laws of physics could be seen; civilizations would be living at the same place at the same time independent of each other and not knowing the others exist. A person living in this dimension could have the capability to travel to any of the number of infinite universes but may not have physical form. (10th) Everything and anything is possible, the dimension God lives in. (11th) There is absolutely nothing that can’t happen. Everything through infinity can happen here. Maybe where God was created?
The (7th) dimension contains parallel universes which would contain parallel Earths with parallel you(s) and parallel me(s). So, let’s focus on that one.
One thought is; When we die our energy or spirit moves into, let’s say, the 7th dimension. This dimension is connected to ours by way of similar energies, enabling us to communicate with the dead and them with us. The whole “Crossing Over” scenario some people talk about is just an energy door swinging open or closed within a particular dimension. Our spirits (i.e. energy) would have the capability to travel back and forth, based on Super String Theory.
So, Super String Theory can answer where we go after we die but could also answer the possibility we could jump to a parallel Earth in a parallel universe in the 7th dimension. By travelling from our planet’s current time to a parallel Earth’s current time, we could experience our past or future. Just because both Earths are identical doesn’t mean it would be the same time there as here on this Earth. Remember, “Time” is fluid and not constant. Just because the universes are in parallel, they may not be in sync. Like identical twins, one may be an hour older or an hour younger than their sibling. One parallel Earth may be one century older or younger than our Earth.
Let me explain.
Think about identical looking pickets which have different lengths on an old wooden fence. Imagine each different picket length as different lengths of time on parallel Earths in parallel universes. Now imagine standing on the top of one picket on a fence and jumping to another picket which is either longer or shorter than the one you’re standing on. This would be similar to jumping from our current time on our planet in our universe to the current time of a parallel Earth in a parallel universe. In other words, the parallel Earth’s time we jump to, would be like visiting our future or our past comparing to our current time. The different fence picket length scenario.
Confused? I am.
Just because we’re jumping to a parallel Earth in a parallel universe, doesn’t mean our current time would be the same as theirs either. Remember time is not constant.
This graph shows the leading edge of our planet’s timeline or, our current time, and if we could jump to a parallel Earth’s leading edge or their current time, we would experience our future or our past.

Here’s a thought. If we travel to a parallel Earth and screw up their future let’s say, the Butterfly Effect, which is altering their current present, will that affect our current present here on Earth because we are in parallel? Or will we create a time-ripple through a parallel dimension, thus making that Earth not parallel to us anymore?
Too many questions can make your brain hurt.
Also, the technology we use to jump from our planet to a parallel planet, better be with us, or it’s a one-way trip. One advantage of jumping to a Parallel Universe would be, the electrons and protons would work the same, so the technology we use to jump would work regardless, even if we jumped to their Renaissance Period.
Now you may ask, “How do we know which parallel planet to jump back to especially if there are an infinite number of parallel Earths in parallel universes?”
Good question. If an energy signature was created when we jumped, then we might be able to follow that signature back to our planet in our universe. Now even though there are parallel Earths, their leading times of existence may be different showing us past or present, and even though the other Earth is truly parallel and symmetrical, their 24 hours may be faster or slower due to time being fluid. Meaning, one rotation around their Sun might be faster or slower than one rotation around our Sun. A person visiting another Parallel Earth may grow older faster or slower while there. With Super String Theory, you have to think about all possibilities.
I know some people may chuckle while reading this blog, I am, but Super String Theories are so wacky, that in one of the dimensions you could literally be anything you want to be. Superhuman and live forever? Or maybe have the super intelligence needed to figure all this out.
So, some say time travel is valid, some say it’s not, and some say that aliens are Earthlings visiting from our future. If Time Travel is difficult due to the amount of energy needed, then maybe life forms have mastered a way of traveling in the 9th Dimension. These guys are just zipping through some portal from their dimension to ours. No need to figure out how close the nearest star is which could harbor life and how long it would take for someone to get from there to here; just a simple flick of a dimensional machine’s switch could open and close doorways.
This isn’t magic, it’s just technology, technology far more advanced than what we have now. We only knew about String Theory since the late 1960’s, who knows what theories and advances of science we’ll have 64 years from now?
As for Time Travel? Well, that will take “Time” to figure out. The more intelligent we become, the more advances in technology we’ll have. Take the first microprocessor for instance, it was Intel’s 4004 released in 1971. That was a 4-bit processor that could compute 92K instructions per second. Today, most microprocessors are a 64-bit and can execute at least a million instructions per second. Pretty fast for 53 years later, or is it? The fastest computer currently is the Supercomputer, Frontier, completed in May of 2022. It weighs close to 270 tons and has over 40,000 processors. This computer is 1 million times more powerful than any average desktop sold today.
I’m guessing one of the engineers who designed the Frontier, has already played Fortnite on it. ha ha
Advances in technology will eventually help us better understand the world we live in including our solar system, galaxy and eventually, dimensions. In the near future, Super String Theory will be challenged or at least modified, that’s a guarantee, but in the end, it will be better.
So, are future Earthlings traveling back in time and visiting their ancestors? Or is it just boring everyday pesky aliens? Either way, it appears they both understand technology a lot better than we currently do.
Chuck Zukowski
Blog Link:
Interesting Engineering (How many dimensions)
Engineering Made Easy (Dimensions Explained)
Category: The Z-Files
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