Continuing Cattle Mutilations
Disclaimer: This blog contains graphic pictures of mutilated cows.
Cattle mutilations are a constant threat not only to the ranchers here in the USA, but ranchers everywhere. I’ve personally investigated mutilated cows, horses, goats and sheep. I’ve talked with one rancher who’s pet dog was mutilated and spoke with hunters who have come across mutilated deer, rabbits and a coyote. All had very similar medical type incisions of an unusual type.
And that’s the key, this is a “unusual” type of death. Why? Because there’s no evidence showing cause of death, and there’s always complete lack of blood missing too! Two of my cases I’ve actually located where the animal was taken from and there’s no evidence how it got to where it was found. As if the animals were lifted and carried to the mutilated site. You see the animal is taken from location A, the grazing site, to unknown location B, the mutilation site, then placed at location C, which is generally within 50 yards from where it was taken, location A.
Some of my cases there were multiple cows mutilated all showing the same surgical carnage, and all laying on the same left or right side pointing towards the East to West. Why? Well, it’s a pattern I’ve seen after investigating so many cases. But mutilations are not anything new and have been going on for some time now, decades, even centuries. I’ve spoken with a few Native American individuals who represented the Sioux, Apache, Ute and Navajo tribes about this phenomenon. All have stories within their culture going back generations about mutilated animals. This is nothing new to them.
Stories of mutilations have gone back years here in the USA, one which goes back to 1896. This particular story was published in Volume 38, No.11 of Fate Magazine. Issue November of 1985, it was printed in a story called, “Cattle-Killing UFO of 1896”. In August of 1896 in Howell County, Missouri, a family experienced a UFO encounter on their ranch. Hiding in their home until dawn, the father went out to the pasture where the strange lights were seen the night before and found a large patch of burned grass where three of their steers laid dead on the ground void of blood.
Now jump to September 27th, 1967 in the San Luis Valley, Colorado to the famous Snippy the Horse story. Lady, a 3-year-old Appaloosa was found dead at the King Ranch on September 9th. Found at the base of Blanca Peak near Alamosa, Colorado, a reporter had misidentified the horse’s name and called it Snippy. Lady’s flesh had been stripped from her neck and head.
This is happening all the time and a lot of ranchers refuse to go public with their stories for various reasons, one being ridicule. Yeah I’ve seen some really inconsiderate members of the media make fun of these mutilation events. Also some of the idiots on social media make fun of these mute cases just to push attention to themselves for profit. You know the ones, those people who run commercials at the beginning of their video. And now with AI (artificial intelligence) more and more UFO sightings and images of strange phenomena’s are being faked and posted strictly for profit. The more people who look at their fake videos and pictures on the internet, the more hits for their site means more money in their pocket. Posers.
So, don’t believe everything you see on social media especially when it looks too good to be true. It’s better to go to websites like this one where you can read and email the investigator with follow-up questions.
Well, we had some recent Cattle Mutilations occur just last year.
Towards the end of 2024 in mid December, there were two cattle mutilations reported to me. Both cases were in Colorado on the 37th Parallel not too far from New Mexico. Both cases were about week apart from each other which is normal for cases like this, and both cases involved very experience ranchers who know the difference between natural deaths and un-natural deaths.
Generally animal mutilations occur in multiples, sometimes on the same ranch, sometimes different ranches in the area within a week, yet sometimes different ranches within a week in different states. A couple of years ago I investigated a case in Oregon, then a week later there were multiple cases in Texas, so there is a pattern.
The recent mutilations both ranchers didn’t want to go public with their cases. I was sent pictures of the mutilated animals and based on my experience, they definitely fit the mutilation scenario. So without the permission of the ranchers I won’t release the pictures or their names to the public, because as an investigator I have to instill trust between me and the ranchers. There are many cases I know about in which the public will never know, because of the investigator/witness confidentiality. Like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) a federal law that protects the privacy and security of health information, we investigators have our own version of trust. I can mention cases without reviling any personal details. Some may say, “Well I’m just making this up.” And that really doesn’t bother me because as an investigator my purpose is learn about the cases and not necessarily go public about them. Also, there is some information I will never release to the public because, well most of you wouldn’t believe it anyway.
Scary shows on TV and movies at the theaters, are built on fantasy, but my stories are based on my investigations and built on reality. And as Tom Cruise once stated in the movie, “A Few Good Men” (You can’t handle the truth). Well maybe some can handle it but I’ve learned most can’t.
So animal mutilations are a very scary phenomena which is still occurring and as recent as a month ago. I’m sure more have occurred since then that I’m unaware of, because my experience tells me that. The two cases in December of 2024 in which I can’t talk about resembled the following pictures from some of my other investigations.
Mutilation case 1.
The animal’s flesh was stripped around the jaw exposing the mandible. The mandibular salivary gland is located below the jaw and secretes saliva when the cow is eating or ruminating. The gland contains serous acini and mixed seromucous acini, which produce saliva that helps with digestion and food processing. Basically digestive enzymes, bicarbonate and lysozyme which kills bacterial.

Photo courtesy of Harney County Sherriff’s Department
Interesting note:
National Library of Medicine: Lysozyme is a ~14 kDa protein present in many mucosal secretions (tears, saliva, and mucus) and tissues of animals and plants, and plays an important role in the innate immunity, providing protection against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
If someone or something was interested in examining an animals immune system, this would be a good place to collect samples.
The next picture is another example of a mutilation where the mandible was exposed.

Mutilation Case 1.
The other area where a surgical-like incision took place was just above the left foreleg. You may ask why this location? Because it would be an easy area to extract the upper part of the animal’s esophagus and also heart and lungs.

Like the majority of mutilation cases, no pooling of blood was seen (as if the blood was drained), and no signs of a predator kill like mountain lions or bears. Also, no signs the animal struggle to survive. Just lying there dead.
Mutilation Case 2.
This case the chest had extreme damage, but it appears some scavenging was present so unfortunately the precise incision was not seen. But the missing ear was easily seen. I’ve seen this happen before many times, and for some reason the ear is taken. This following photo from one of my previous investigations, both ears were taken.

In the following photo of a previous investigation, you can clearly see the ear had been taken along with the mandibular being exposed.

Why are the ears taken? There’s really no meat to satisfy a scavenger’s taste, so why are the ears removed sometimes during a mutilation?
Not sure, the ear does contain glands that secrete Sebum which is a natural oil substance produced by the skin’s sebaceous glands which helps keep the skin healthy. Sebum is made up of lipids, waxes, cholesterol, triglycerides, esters and squalene.
Interesting thing I learned about squalene when first researching was, it’s designed to lubricate skin and retain moisture. But here’s the “kicker” some information says it has anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
So, the unknown individuals who are causing the mutilations, are they taking the ears sometimes because of the squalene?
I didn’t get the opportunity to see pictures of the rest of the animal, because at first the rancher thought the animal died of natural causes but was focused on why the ears were taken. It is true that some scavenger birds will peck the animal’s eyes out and pull from the ear, but in those cases, the cuts are not clean but pulled and torn. Mutilation Case 2’s ears did appear to be cut.
Now what?
I’ve learned over the years of investigating cattle mutilations that the surgical cuts are not random but for a specific purposes. All I can do is speculate the purpose, but knowing there are specific glands in specific areas is a clue. Also the obvious cut holes in the general area where organs can easily be removed means someone is interested also in the digestive track, respiratory system and the heart.
For every animal mutilation I investigate, it appears I am getting closer to understanding the whys and why nots, and some evidence I’ve found is starting to point to the whos.
Chuck zukowski
Blog Links
BMC Genomics – Mandibular Gland,their%20functional%20and%20secretory%20adaptations.
National Library of Medicine:,bacteria%2C%20viruses%2C%20and%20fungi.
Category: Cattle Mutilations, The Z-Files