Lights in the Sky
The majority of sightings UFO investigators receive are mostly lights in the sky.
The story you’re about to read was an actual occurrence which I was involved with back in the ’90s; Unless you’re a federal agent in which I will deny everything in this post including the existence of Carrot Top himself.
In 1999 the media exploited the (lie) that January 1st, 2000 was the start of the New Millennium.
It came to my attention James Carrion, MUFON’s International Director, who also refers to himself as “Truth Seeker” has submitted a blog on Stan Romanek who I am one of the Independent Investigators for.
Welcome to UFOnut.com, UFO Investigation including Roswell, Alien Abductions, Cattle Mutilations and the cyberspace home to UFO and paranormal field investigators, Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer.
The UFO WatchTower resides in Hooper, Colorado over looking one of Colorado’s many visitor sites, “The Greate Sand Dunes”.