Fort Knox Sits on the 37th Parallel
Famous UFO incident of 1948.
Experienced UFO Investigators usually don’t have their own personal UFO experiences, because we’re usually investigating other people’s sightings. But… from time to time it happens, and we see something we can’t explain, and so is the tale I’m about to tell you. The July 4th weekend my sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer and I were attending the […]
On Sunday December 13th, I was contacted by the Miller Ranch near Trinidad, Colorado, about a possible cattle mutilation. Two 1100 pound female Red Angus’s went missing, one was found dead with unusual wounds and the other was found alive, but with internal injuries. Due to the conditions of both animals, the rancher decided to […]
Nestled in the bay of San Diego, California, is the famous Maritime Museum. The museum hosts many boats on display like a ferryboat named Berkeley, a Cold War Russian B-39 attack submarine, and proudly floating in front of them all, the majestic, Star of India. Exerts from the Maritime website: The Star of India is the world’s […]
For the past few years one of my largest, most consuming ongoing investigations are, “Animal Mutilations”. I say Animal Mutilations because not only have I investigated cows, but horses and dogs as well. I’ve received reports on sheep, goats and coyotes and even interviewed a rancher about a rabbit, so it’s not just cows and […]
by nick bonham the pueblo chieftain Published: July 14, 2013 | Last modified: July 14, 2013 10:05AM TRINIDAD — At first, rancher Tom Miller thought the savagery wrought on his cattle was a cruel joke. Mutilated cows and calfs. Field-dressed and missing ears, organs and eyes. Carcasses devoid of blood. A second-generation rancher, it wasn’t […]
Caution! Graphic Images. (Picture courtesy Sally Miller) Sally Miller remembers hearing her dogs bark the night of Monday, May 13th. They didn’t bark for long as if there was a known predator nearby like a mountain lion or a bear, but barked as if startled by something. Could that something have been the culprit who […]
Preliminary Sighting Information: Posted by: DragonFire_1 Type of Sighting: UFO Date of Sighting: 06/03/2012 Sighting Description: On sunday night June 3rd. apprx. 9:05pm over the horrizon near Lambert airport, my ex wife and daughter saw four bright red lights flying low, first in lead then 3 followed in tringuler formation then approx 6 […]