Continuing Cattle Mutilations
Mysterious animal deaths occurring all the time.
A mutilated animal was found on June 8th, in Aguilar, Colorado.
I’ve been investigating animal mutilations for about 25 years now, and have written over 55 blogs on them. So what really is a mutilation case?
UFOnut.com Micro-Series “Paranormal Paths”. Investigation at the Sunnyside Cemetery in Victor Colorado. This cemetery is unique in that its residents are buried on “surface ground” due to gold mine tunnels which run underneath them. This is one of Colorado’s oldest cemeteries dating back to 1890. Some of the cemetery’s residents are miners who died working […]
The word “Loch” is the Irish/Scottish Gaelic word for lake or for sea inlet, and there’s an estimated 31,460 lochs in Scotland. The largest loch in Scotland is Loch Katrine, but the most popular lochs include Loch Lomond, Loch Fyne, and of course, Loch Ness. Loch Ness is the second largest body of water by […]
On May 20th, 2018, I released a blog about some strange animal deaths near Westcliffe, Colorado I was investigating. A horse, goats and a hog died mysteriously on the Thomas Walker ranch, and then later while I was investigating it, he also lost a calf. On my initial investigation, I learned there was a possible […]
Animal Mutilation, Trinidad, Colorado (Picture courtesy Sally Miller) On Monday morning July 16th, while checking his fields, rancher Tom Miller saw birds circling a specific area off in the distance. Concerned it may be his worst fear, a dead animal, he drove his truck closer to that location. As he got closer to the site, […]
Case: Westcliffe Animal Deaths, On-going active investigation. On Saturday April 21st, I received a call from a rancher’s daughter from Westcliffe, Colorado, about the death of her father’s horse. At the time of the call I was out of town, and wasn’t able to talk to the rancher until Tuesday, the 24th. The horse, a […]
On October 3rd, 2017, Mysterious Universe website published an article ” Argentine Rancher Believes Aliens Mutilated His Cattle”. Thanks to Paul Seaburn with Mysterious Universe who published information on the latest mutilation out of Argentina, and thanks again for also mentioning me, my sister Debbie, and the 37th Parallel book within his article. The following […]