America has Spoken!
We are a family.
I’ve been investigating animal mutilations for about 25 years now, and have written over 55 blogs on them. So what really is a mutilation case?
Blog Disclaimer: Some of the info in this blog on EMF I may have touched on before, but due to recent emails, I’m repeating some of it. First, once again for those certain people who just don’t “get it”. Paranormal:Cambridge Dictionary: Impossible to explain by known natural forces or by science.Britannica Defines: Very strange and […]
Want to capture UFO evidence here in the US? Hang around water and oil fields! This is my theory or hypothesis:UFO sightings occur all over the United States, but one question is always hard to answer, “Where are they coming from?” Underground? Space? Other dimensions? And, how are they propelled, what do they use for […]
I was on a podcast the other night and the host asked, “Isn’t it your obligation as a UFO/Paranormal investigator to release info you’ve learned to the public?” And then in an other recent podcast I was joking with the host and said, “I never charge for doing podcasts”, then the host said, “I wouldn’t […]
UFOnut is a Colorado Limited Liability Company (LLC) and the UFOnut Tradmark is a Class 45: Investigation, research, and consultation related thereto in the field of UFOs and the paranormal. SER. NO. 88-745,148 It’s official! I own the word “UFOnut”! Well at least I own it in any country that abides by the United States […]
According to Apple statistics, there are 525,000 active podcast shows with more than 18.5 million episodes. The amount of Americans listening to podcasts has nearly doubled in the past nine years and is projected to continue to grow. Some of the most popular Podcasters can earn over $50,000 per episode, but the average Podcaster across […]
Caution! Video contains Strobe Lights. Towards the end of 2018 I received a sighting report on my website from Saint Clair, Missouri. The witness, Steve Dalling, reported he and his family were seeing balls of light and experiencing other types of unusual Paranormal activity near his home. I asked my sister Debbie Ziegelmeyer, who lives […]
UFOnut.com Micro-Series “Paranormal Paths”. Investigation at the Sunnyside Cemetery in Victor Colorado. This cemetery is unique in that its residents are buried on “surface ground” due to gold mine tunnels which run underneath them. This is one of Colorado’s oldest cemeteries dating back to 1890. Some of the cemetery’s residents are miners who died working […]