Author Archive: Chuck Zukowski
For the past 30 years, Chuck Zukowski has been an IC Mask Design Engineering contractor. He’s been on microchip design teams working on projects as simple as optics for traffic light controllers, and as complex as Spy Satellites, Deep Space Probes, and LIDAR technology. Within that time, Chuck was also a volunteer Deputy Sheriff for El Paso County Sheriff’s Department for eight years and was terminated for running animal mutilation investigations within his county. As a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator, Chuck has been researching and Field Investigating the unknown for more than three decades. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and had his own TV Show on the Travel Channel called, “Alien Highway”. Chuck approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before claiming otherwise. He also implements new and innovative field experiments from time to time to enhance his investigations looking for new evidence. Chuck runs his website, UFOnut.com.

2012 (Review) A Busy Year for UFOnut.com
A Summary of some of the Events: January: The most publicized animal mutilation of 2012 occurred on January 5th near the Kansas City International Airport, Kansas City Missouri. Originally reported by Fox 4 News Kansas City, this mutilation was unique due to the mutilation site. The 7-year-old cow was found dead with the udders, bag, mammary glands and […]

Aliens Among Us ?
Friday December 7th is generally well-known here in the United States as the anniversary Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1941. Seventy one years later while remembering Pearl Harbor and reading some eye-witness accounts on the attack, I was emailed a news report coming out of Russia. On Friday, December 7th 2012, the […]

Underground Drilling Causing Earthquakes?
On Tuesday 12/04/12 at 8:15 am 25 miles from Trinidad, Colorado, a 3.9 magnatude earthquake was felt. Also on Tuesday local television station KRDO news reporter Jaclyn Rostie reports that the U.S. Geological Survey study, also out on this same week, blames the underground disposal of wastewater from drilling operations for the seismic activity. KRDO: Co-Author scientist […]

Animal Mutilations ! Not Bovine Excisions..
From time to time my name pops up in some blog or news article talking about my most recent animal mutilation case.

Trinidad, Colorado Animal Mutilation (cow) 09/04/2012
Trinidad, Colorado, Animal Mutilation, September 4th 2012 Event: Sunday, September 2nd, 2012, a dead cow was found on the Torres family ranch near Trinidad, Colorado. Monday the 3rd (Labor Day), rancher Torres ran into rancher Mike Duran at the local Labor Day parade and told Duran about the death of one of his cows. Rancher Duran, […]

Florissant-St Charles Mo. UFO
Preliminary Sighting Information: Posted by: DragonFire_1 Type of Sighting: UFO Date of Sighting: 06/03/2012 Sighting Description: On sunday night June 3rd. apprx. 9:05pm over the horrizon near Lambert airport, my ex wife and daughter saw four bright red lights flying low, first in lead then 3 followed in tringuler formation then approx 6 […]