Animal Mutilations, What Are They?
Disclaimer: Blog contains graphic pictures.

I’ve been investigating animal mutilations for about 25 years now, and have written over 55 blogs on them. The recent Texas cattle mutilation story hit the news like a wild fire traveling internationally through different forms of media. What the media failed to report was the initial start of this mutilation spree happened in Harney County, Oregon on March 30th. I heard about that mute case and had to track down the rancher and Sheriff’s report to learn more. Once I had all the info, I released my investigation on this website, “New Cattle Mutilation in Harney County, Oregon.” Then a week later the “sh$t” hit the fan when the Madison County Sheriff’s office in Texas posted a Facebook release that they had suspicious cattle deaths. I immediately started trying to get more info on that case.
I found out who the investigator was with the Sheriff’s department and was able to speak with her. We had a chat about this phenomenon and I directed her to my website showing her pictures of the cow that was mutilated in Oregon a week before their Facebook release.

The deputy looked at the pictures and stated they saw the same type of carnage on their cows. She was going to ask the Sheriff if she could give me preliminary information from the case report before it was released, but has gone silent since our conversation.
So, as of the writing of this blog, the Madison County Sheriff’s department has not responded to my many phone calls and emails asking for more information.
Why? Who’s to say, maybe policy, but as a former deputy I know the case report should have been completed by now unless the investigation is still active. The case could also be completed and the Sheriff’s department may just be overwhelmed with requests for information and there is a delay of getting back to me.
These types of cases are not new, in Volume 38, No.11 of Fate Magazine’s issue, November of 1985, was printed a story called, “Cattle-Killing UFO of 1896”. In August of 1896 in Howell County, Missouri, a family experienced a UFO encounter.
Excerpts from the Fate Magazine article:
– “All at once we saw flashing lights. At first we thought they were a star shower, but the “stars” stayed in a circle as if they were all strung together like beads.”
– “The circle of lights just kept whirling and falling towards us.”
– “ I ran to my mother and clung to her skirts, crying and shaking so hard that I could barely stand.”
– “ It stopped and hovered over the barn. We could now see it was a large saucer-like shape. It’s lights were blinding. The whole barn lot lit up like day.”
– “My father grabbed up the baby who was sleeping on a pallet and we fled into the house.”
– “The next morning when Ben took his dog Cappie and went out to the pasture to bring up the milk cows, as he always did, he came running back to the house scared out of his wits.”
– “In a large patch of burned grass were three of our steers lying dead on the ground.”
Note: The father then examined the steers and noticed they were completely drained of blood.
Drained of blood, this is the denominating factor in “ALL” mutilation cases. There should be gallons of blood everywhere if the animal is a cow and was killed by a predator, but that’s not the case. No blood, not even stains of splattered blood on the hide. Also, no signs the animal struggled to stay alive by defending itself or just last minute moving of its limbs while dying.
There is a big difference between an animal being killed by a predator and one that is a “mutilation” kill.

Notice the amount of blood from a fresh kill. Cattle mutilation cases show no signs of blood staining on the hide or on the ground near the dead animal.

Notice lack of blood on the hide and the ground from such an horrific wound.
So what happens during an animal mutilation scenario? Well based on my investigations this is what I think happens:
First the animal is taken or “picked up” at a location A, where the animal might be grazing or sleeping. Then the animal is transported to an unknown location B, where it’s drained of blood and precise incisions are made. I’ve never found a location in the vicinity of the carcass where there was evidence of blood draining and cutting. Should be blood somewhere. This is a complete unknown at this time.
Then the animal is transported to location C and placed back down, not dropped! The location C is in the general area where the animal was originally taken. I know this because two of my investigations I found exactly where the cow was taken, and it was generally around 30 to 60 yards away. Pretty close.
I also know the animal has its blood drained first before incisions are made because samples I’ve taken to a lab from previous mutilations, show no signs of hemorrhaging. Meaning no indication the animal was alive when the incisions were made. It appears the animal died while the blood was being taken, then afterwards the incisions were made.
Now I get asked all the time, “You said the animal was placed and not dropped at its final location.”
Why not dropped?
Because even dropping a 1000-pound animal just a few inches will show head and leg movements in the soil. Every one of my cases show no movement at all. Now here’s the kicker!

I think the dead animal’s carcass is placed back on the ground with a high energy source because of the high levels of electromagnetic fields I’ve measured on some cases. Also, a few cases that I’ve done, internal bones have been shattered or broken due to being placed back extremely hard. In other words:
Let’s say an energy source is responsible for picking up and returning the animal. Depending on the amount of energy being used, the intensity of the energy will cause internal damage if returned too aggressively, thus causing ribs to be snapped off the back bone or recently with the Oregon case, stomach contents to be pushed into the open chest cavity.

Picture courtesy: Harney County Sheriff’s Department.
Then to add more evidence to my energy lift theory, I investigated two cows one that was mutilated and one that was found alive with internal injuries.

Team member Matt Morgan is shown here taking pictures of the mutilated animal while in the background a second animal was found alive.
When the rancher initially found the animals, one was mutilated but the other was alive suffering. The rancher tried to get the live animal to stand up, but soon realized the animal had some type of internal injuries. After about 24 hours of trying to save the second animal, the rancher had to put it down to stop the suffering. Later as it decomposed the rancher told me the second animal’s back was broken!
Broken! What caused such a severe fracture with the second animal?
Let me explain my energy theory. I’ve found some animals lying in a round ground depression. Looking at this picture you can see the ground is pressed down around the animal.

This case you can clearly see the ground depression in which the animal was lying, then a bear drug the carcass out of the ground depression before eating on it. Why did the bear pull the carcass out of the depression? Did the bear sense some type of energy that was dissipating from the depression and didn’t like it. Wild animals are very in-tune to their environment and can sense when things are different.

I took soil samples and had them analyzed. With all the cases in which soil was taken from a ground anomaly, the soil was less water soluble in the anomaly compared to the sample soil which was taken outside the ground anomaly. Why?
I’ve picked up high electro-magnetic readings at UFO event locations, one more recent was in Missouri while taping my show Alien Highway. The rancher had seen lights and found a round ground depression near his home. While we were taping the show a few months after the occurrence at the depression site, I was still able to pick up high levels of EMF emanating from the soil. So much so, that when our cameraman entered the circle to film me, his professional movie camera shut down and reset!
What type of residual energy source can effect an expensive television camera? Not only did the energy effect the camera it also effected our TV drone that was shooting video overhead. When the drone operator tried to land the drone near the ground depression, the drone could not recognize the ground with it’s sensors and refused to auto land. Our drone operator had to fly the drone away from the ground anomaly to land it.
So I’m thinking an energy source is responsible for the ground depressions because not only did our equipment get affected by it, but in some of my mute cases where I took soil samples, the nutrients in the soil inside the depression were altered!
In the case of the two animals, imagine an upside-down cone of energy that is used to lift the animal. The energy is more concentrated within the center of the cone and less concentrated within the outside perimeter of the center of the cone. Thus the animal that was wanted for the mutilation was encompassed within the high energy of the source in the center and was being lifted. The second animal was caught in the outside perimeter of the energy source or the weak concentration of energy which caused it to be lifted a short distance before breaking free of the energy and falling. This caused the animal’s back to be broken.
Sounds crazy? Maybe, but it also sounds kinda logical too!
- Why am I picking up electro-magnetic energy at some of my mute investigations?
- What’s causing the soil alteration?
- What’s causing the internal bone fractures?
- And why do some ranchers see balls of light, flashes of light, even craft at their ranch before a mutilation takes place?
This is not a topic that will be going away anytime soon, since the Snippy the Horse mutilation case back on Sept. 27, 1967 in the San Luis Valley Colorado, mutilation cases have been recorded all over the world. We estimate well over 10,000 cases worldwide have happened since 1967, and for every case law enforcement has investigated, no human or predator cause of death evidence has been seen. So who’s doing this? I have my theories but like I said, this is nothing new, our Native Americans have stories throughout their history of these same type of events, well before the Europeans had migrated to North America.
I can guarantee one thing, there will be more mutilations happening this year, and I can guarantee more have already happened this year that we don’t know about. So what now?
Well if I hear of anything new, I’ll be sure to post it on this website.
Chuck Zukowski
btw: If you want to see the skeleton of the 1967 Snippy the Horse case, it’s on display at the UFO Watchtower in Hooper, Colorado. Go say hello to Judy Messoline.
Category: Cattle Mutilations, Chuck Zukowski, The Z-Files