America has Spoken!

If you visit this website then you know I had released a blog promoting Trump for president. The blog was based on UFO Disclosure and not so much on politics. I try to stay neutral somewhat by not pushing political narratives so as not to offend my readers. That post brought in some very scary comments that I refused to post or answer. As a UFO Investigator for over 35 years, I’ve come across some very interesting people. Some people who firmly deny the existence of extraterrestrials to some people who claim to see them all the time and communicate with them. For those who deny the existence of ET’s, the reality is:
“Intelligent Life Exists Outside this Planet”. Done! No exceptions!
Modern day science thinks there’s less than 1% of intelligent life in the cosmos, which in my opinion is way too low, but let’s just assume 1%.
If there’s 1 million planets beyond Earth, then 1% says there’s 10,000 intelligent life species.
If there’s 1 billion planets beyond Earth, then 1% says there’s 10 million intelligent life species.
If there’s 1 trillion planets beyond Earth, then 1% says there’s 10 billion intelligent life species.
Do you see where I’m going with this? The reality is;
There’s “infinity” of planets in the cosmos, so one can state there is 1% of infinity of planets which harbor intelligent life! Think about that.
Space as we know it and yet to fully understand it, is on-going forever. There is no end. Those who say there is an end are just not intelligent enough to understand the meaning of infinity. Humans have only been on this planet for a very very short time, around 300 thousand years. Compare that to the dinosaurs who have lived on this planet for 165 million years; by comparison we are still in a very infant stage trying to understand who the hell we are and how can we all live together without fighting.
That’s probably why we are so interesting to ET’s.
But as I mentioned earlier, I had a few offensive comments sent to me about my Trump post and it just re-affirms what I already knew, yes we are still in our infant stage of existence. ha ha. There are basically two types of people on this planet, those who lead and those who follow, I call them, Shepherds and Sheep. In reality we are all shepherds and sheep. In day to day life, we lead and we follow depending on the circumstance. That’s how it’s supposed to work. We’re all equal no matter race or color or gender preference but as a very young species, we’re still in our learning stage seeing what works and what doesn’t. Incorporating the DEI agenda into our social network is part of the learning.
DEI which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, has turned into a big problem in the past few years, some say it originated from the Obama Administration. The idea is good, but like every idea, some people push ideas to extremes to benefit themselves. DEI extremists have pretty much destroyed the original concept of the idea from being a good practice to being a forced agenda. They’ve realized that forcing DEI into the work place or into media, isn’t working. As a matter of fact, it’s failing and needs to be removed.
To force ideas to the general public from people who think they are the elites, generally back-fires. There have been many rebellions recorded in our history that confirms this. Every society has those people who think they are better than everyone else. During our presidential campaign, some people we call celebrities’ tried to use their celebrity status to influence their followers. Some were paid by politicians, some just think they are better than everyone else and their opinion actually matters, but in reality, they are no better than anyone else and their opinion is just that, an opinion. Matter of fact, one thing we learned during COVID was, acting jobs are non-essential jobs. From first responders to laborers, to the food industry, these people are far more essential to our society than actors are. Ouch!
So for the past four years the US economy has been in disarray, from grocery and housing expenses to not being able to get a job because of a DEI strategy. “Sorry, you’re not this color or this race or this gender”. Our company has to follow these DEI rules no matter how more experienced you are compared to the other candidates.
Wow, talk about being biased or even raciest.
These companies are so influenced by the DEI concept, that they are blind to how much it effects not only their company but their employees as well. Take the Hollywood movie industry for an example. Production companies like Disney who lost billions by forcing DEI agendas into their movie and TV productions, have really hurt their reputation. No one is watching their TV shows or going to see their movies. I’m surprised how out of touch their CEO and Board of Directors are with the general public. They totally missed the boat by catering to a concept that actually practices being biased and raciest. You would think their failing stock would be a clue.
Go figure.
Remember the quote from Spock from Star Trek. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”.
Although Captain Kirk tried to spin that quote, the reality is, Spock was correct. This is how a society can exist. But when some elites think the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many, guess what?
That doesn’t work and Trump wins!
Just remember those media outlets, and those celebrities who talked down to you by spreading lies and mis-information during this past election. Those people who called US citizens garbage, or traitors or even communists. Sure they influenced the meek, which resulted in some pretty interesting emails I got, but being a UFO Investigator, I’m used to dealing with people like that, not being intelligent enough to think for themselves. And yes, there are a few of those out there and those people have driver licenses.
The one thing we learned about this past election is, how this country can unify itself. How so many people came together under one common goal, to Make America Great. And yes, we’ve been sucking, I get emails from all over the world and other people are laughing at us. They call our country weak, undecisive, no longer a world leader, but now their worried.
Just listen to podcasters from the UK, or Germany, or any other country. Some countries like Japan are extremely happy about the election results, others countries not so much. Some countries who have been taking advantage of our generosity are now a little worried. And they should be.
We, here in the USA are a family. Sure we may fight now and then among ourselves due to disagreeing, but when the shit hits the fan, we come together as a nation, and that makes us strong. We do need to help other countries, but we need to take care of our family first, that’s the most important thing. Once our family is taken care of, then we’ll have the resources to take care of our neighbors. That’s in our nature, that’s who we are and that’s what we do.
But, when certain people of the government or certain companies or organizations try to force their personal agendas down our throats, well that’s when the shit hits the fan, and the people fight back. Thus, a clean sweep in a presidential election.
As a seasoned UFO Investigator in the US, it’s nice to see my country come together, work together and achieve a common goal. Because once we’re back on track here, I’d like to re-focus on the existence of ETs but until then;
Family comes first!
Category: Chuck Zukowski, The Z-Files