A Thought About Parallel Universes.
A theoretical physicists is a person who studies the fundamental principles of the universe through mathematics, research and analysis like Albert Einstein, and a theoretical ufologist is a person who studies research, analysis and investigations of unidentified flying objects, like me. Yes Albert Einstein and I are quite the pair being all theoretical with Einstein’s IQ hovering around 160 and my IQ hovering around a baloney and Frito sandwich (with mustard), but both of us do have one thing in common, we both love or loved in Einstein’s case, a deep curiosity about the world around us. But what about the other worlds around us, like parallel worlds in parallel universes?
Fun fact about Albert Einstein. If he was alive today what would (he) be most famous for?
( His age, he would be 146 years old. ) 😉
A parallel universe is a universe that exists alongside ours and with (maybe) another you and me existing simultaneously. Yeah kinda scary thinking there may be another me out there, but even more scary is, there could be an infinite number of me out there. A parallel universe which is an exact copy or our own, everything would be the same except for time. Because time is a variable, a parallel universe could be centuries ahead or centuries behind compared to ours. In physics, time is considered the fourth dimension leaving length, width and height as the other three. This fourth dimension being time is a variable, which would still make a parallel universe an exact copy but time may not be the same as ours it could be faster, slower or the same.
Ok, so how could there be a parallel universe. Well one thought, and of course this is coming from the baloney, Frito and mustard sandwich guy, is that quantum entanglement could be a thought. Now before you stop reading and start making your own, baloney, Frito and mustard sandwich, understanding quantum entanglement in basic form is not too hard.
Quantum Entanglement which is the heart of quantum physics, (ok that was easy) is when two particles like a pair of electrons or photons become entangled, or become connected even when separated by great distances. Well, they’re not really connected, more like completely identical twins or actually become one.
They think alike, they look alike, they act alike.
The theory of entanglement was first proposed by Albert Einstein and colleagues in the 1930s so this isn’t anything new. Since then many experiments included generating entangled particles and sending them to different locations miles apart, and then observe them. The scientists measure the state of one particle like the direction of vibration of a photon and compare it to the other particle, it’s twin. So basically, these entangled particles are connected in a way that they become one. Well one here and one there as exact duplicates.
How does science create entangle particles? Well one common way is something called, “spontaneous parametric down-conversion.” They shoot photons into a special crystal, no not the Dark Crystal from that 1982 Muppet movie, but a beta-Barium Borate (BBO) crystal which is a non-linear crystal that converts a single photon into a pair of entangled photons when a laser beam is directed through it.
You can actually buy these crystals on-line from a few outlets, just add a laser and you can entangle your own particles for fun and excitement. First, all you’ll need is a PHD in physics.
All crystals are sold “as is” with no implied warranties regarding its safety, reliability, or performance. Seller accepts no liability for any damages resulting from use, and buyer accepts all liabilities if during construction of entangled photons they accidently produce a Photon Torpedo and destroy a UPS truck.
So now if you have two particles and when you separate them at a great distance from each other, they will act as one. Albert Einstein famously called this “spooky action at a distance”. I like to call it, “A paranormal action at a distance.” Not too sure how this is being done, identical particles acting as one, but this is the part of physics that can’t be explained yet. How about Dark Matter connecting them like a conduit, or some complete unknown we don’t understand yet, either way, whatever is connecting them, it seems to work. Identical pairs.
So back to Parallel Universes. Let’s play what if.
What if during our Big Bang event, and I say our Big Bang because I believe there was infinite Big Bangs occurring everywhere creating universes far away, and probably still occurring. So during our Big Bang, all the particles generated from the Big Bang became entangled thus creating exact copies of our Big Bang at the same time elsewhere. There could be multiple or infinite parallel universe like ours hovering out there. Due to forces we yet know about like that pesky Dark Matter or Dark Energy stuff lingering around, our exact copies could be in other dimensions too!
Or are we the copy? Maybe.
So if quantum entanglement created exact copies of all particles when the Big Bang occurred, then everything that created our life here was creating the exact copy somewhere else. So now there could be multiple you and me. Or maybe not.
There may be exact replicas of our universe, our Earth, but maybe not of us. The reason? Maybe too many other variables?
Just because every particle is connected and mirrored even when cells first started to split, one thing that may not mimic, is thought patterns. Thought patterns of species are influenced by individual experiences, emotions, and current situations. From the first cells splitting in our oceans, to fish, reptiles and then mammals, if thought patterns are more spontaneous and not structured, then the parallel Earth will be much different. What about mutations based on thought patterns or evolution based on environmental issues. These might change the parallel Earth. But maybe sometime in the future we can find out for ourselves. But how?
One difference between our world and other parallel worlds would be Time. As mentioned earlier, Time is a variable, a parallel universe could be centuries ahead or centuries behind compared to ours.
I’m not a fan of Time Travel, I don’t believe we can travel to our future or to our past, because that would mean everything we do makes no difference. The future is already established. But maybe there is a way we can see our past and our future, or at least an exact copy of our planet’s past and future.
As technology increases we may find a way to visit Parallel Universes, (well once we decide they exist and can find them) we could travel from our planet in this universe to the leading time edge of our planet in a parallel universe. Because Time is a variable, the parallel universe we travel to, their current Time could be centuries ahead or centuries behind ours, thus letting us see our future or our past.
Think about those parkour ninjas jumping from the roof top of one building to another. We would be jumping from our current time-line (roof top) to another Earth’s current time-line’s (roof top) to see what’s happening there? Remember “Time” being a variable, we could be jumping to a parallel Earth and see maybe dinosaurs or maybe see people transporting from one place to another, or maybe even see our current us. Or maybe nothing.
One thing to consider jumping from one leading edge parallel planet to another leading edge parallel planet is, if time runs faster or slower on the parallel planet we jump to. Because when we jump back to ours, it could be a minute later or a century later.
Another variable that has to be considered when looking at parallel universes is outside or interstellar changes too! Outside influence from another universe can cause a chain reaction of changes due to many circumstances. From different technologies to different elements to contamination, all this needs to be considered.
Entanglement is definitely a thing and Quantum Mechanics and it’s “Many-Worlds Interpretation” states; Every potential outcome of a quantum event actually occurs in a separate, parallel universe, effectively splitting the universe into multiple realities whenever a quantum decision is made. If this theory if true, then there would be infinite amount of multiple realities. Marvel Comics first introduced mutli-universes back in the early 1960’s, so this concept is not new and has been played out many times on popular TV shows and movies.
So all this quantum entanglement stuff is very interesting and definitely food for thought. But if you run out of food for thought, then maybe a bologna, Frito and mustard sandwich may be the way to go. This way you can eat a sandwich while contemplating about the concept of parallel universes, multiple realities and multiple you. I wonder what our multiples are doing right now? Reading this blog and thinking about you and me? This is troubling.
Chuck Zukowski ( The sandwich tastes better with fried beef bologna.) 🙂
Blog links:
Caltech, Quantum-Science-Explained:
Space.com, Parallel Universes:
Wikipedia, Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion:
Category: The Z-Files