What is a UFO?
What is a UFO ? I like to define it as an ( Unconventional Flying Object )
It came to my attention James Carrion, MUFON’s International Director, who also refers to himself as “Truth Seeker” has submitted a blog on Stan Romanek who I am one of the Independent Investigators for.
On April 24th of this year I received an email from Jim DuBreuil at ABC to meet him, Juju Chang and their film crew at Old Stone House Park in Lakewood Colorado.
Why do the skeptics time and time again use “Sleep Paralysis” as the answer for alien abduction stories?
It was a cold afternoon in the Denver area and not a typical TV studio setting you would assume.
During the 2009 Roswell Festival, Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer return to the Roswell Debris Site with guests, Jesse Marcel Jr. and Maurizio Baiata. This was the very first time Jesse Marcel Jr. was taken to the Roswell impact and debris site where his father collected possible UFO crash debris over 60 years earlier.