UFOnut.com – Episode 003, Part 2: Stan Romanek Interview
UFOnut, Chuck Zukowski, sits down with prominent abductee, Stan Romanek to discuss recent events involving Stan and MUFON.
UFOnut, Chuck Zukowski, sits down with prominent abductee, Stan Romanek to discuss recent events involving Stan and MUFON.
UFOnut, Chuck Zukowski, sits down with prominent abductee, Stan Romanek to discuss their appearance on ABCs Primetime: The Outsiders as well as other recent events involving Stan.
Is this an individual who purposely tries to debunk a UFO sighting by lying, or an individual who believes that the possibility of life visiting this planet is ridiculous?
This animal was last seen on Friday afternoon March 20th 2009.
The story you’re about to read was an actual occurrence which I was involved with back in the ’90s; Unless you’re a federal agent in which I will deny everything in this post including the existence of Carrot Top himself.
In 1999 the media exploited the (lie) that January 1st, 2000 was the start of the New Millennium.